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Mr. Young
3rd Period
The president can check Congress by this
power, meaning to reject its legislation.
a. judicial review c.
b. override
Article II (2) of the Constitution is important
because it helps to setup and
a. describe the executive branch.
b. describe the legislative branch.
c. describe expressed powers.
The Constitutional principle of
_________________ determines that each
branch of the government has its own
responsibilities that they will fulfill.
a. Separation of Powers
b. Judicial Review
c. Popular Sovereignty
Article 1 of the Constitution created what the
founders thought was to be the most important
of the three branches of government.
a. Supreme Court
c.Executive Branch
b. Legislative Branch
These amendments are known collectively as
the Civil War Amendments
a. 17-20
none of the above
b. 13-15
Powers directly given to Congress in the
Constitution and itemized 1-18 are known as
a. Concurrent Powers
b. Enumerated/Expressed Powers
_____________________, or rule by the people,
is the cornerstone of the Constitution.
a. Expressed Power
b. Popular Sovereignty
A proposed Constitutional amendment can be
ratified by
a. 3/4 of State conventions
A or B
b. 3/4 of state legislatures
False speech intended to hurt another is known
a. slander.
c.prior restraint.
b. due process of law.
This final enumerated power gives Congress
the right to make all "necessary and proper"
laws to help carry out the powers expressed in
the other parts of Article 1, sometimes making
Congress stretch its powers beyond what it
was actually given.
a. elastic clause
c.expressed powers
b. jurisdiction
This action between the President and the head
of a foreign government does NOT require
congressional approval.
a. executive agreement c.
poll tax
b. impeachment
The First Amendment allows the American
press to not be subject to _______________, or
government censorship of information before it
is published or broadact.
a. Change of Venuec.
b. Prior Restraint
The Constitution is a short document.
Approximately how many words make up the
a. 17,000
b. 5,000
The Amendment process, which is started at
the national level and then sent to the state
level, shows which major principal of the
Constitution in action?
a. Checks and Balances c.
b. Judicial Review
Supreme Court case that lent support to a
broad interpretation of the Constitution by
upholding Congress’s use of the Necessary and
Proper Clause.
a. McCulloch v. Maryland
b. Roe v. Wade
c.Marbury v. Madison
Article 6 of the Constitution contains the
___________________, establishing that the
Constitution and the laws passed by Congress
are the supreme law of the land.
a. Supremacy Clause
b. Congressional Clause
c. Hierarchy Clause
When an amendment is proposed to Congress,
it takes this fraction from each house in order
for the proposed amendment to be sent to the
states for ratification?
a. 1/2
b. ¾
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution
are called the
a. Bill of Rights.
b. Civil War Amendments
The President’s power to veto legislation
passed by Congress is an example of
a. Judicial Review
c.executive agreement
b. Checks and balances
This branch of government is the final
authority on the Constitution because it can
interrupt its meaning.
a. executive
b. legislative
In this part of the Constitution, there are a total
of 7 that help to create and setup our
government, including the three branches of
a. Supremacy Clause
b. Preamble
Also another name for the 20th Amendment,
this means when Congressional leaders either
retire or are removed from office, and during
their remaining time accomplish nothing or
have little to no influence.
a. Spotted Duck
b. Wounded Duck
The Fifth Amendment states that the
government may not deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property without
________________, which means the
government must follow constitutional
procedures when holding and conducting trials
or actions.
a. Prior Restraint c.
Change of Venue
b. Due Process of Law
Supreme Court case that helped to establish the
principle of judicial review.
a. McCulloch v. Maryland
Roe v. Wade
b. Marbury v. Madison
Ratification of an amendment must come
within this time limit.
a. six months years
b. the president's term
What Amendment to the Constitution has been
the only Amendment to ever be repealed?
a. 16th
b. 18th
This section of the Constitution, which begins
the document, states why it was written, using
phrases such as, “We the People,” and “to
establish justice.”
a. Preamble
b. Bill of Rights
The Constitution set up a federal system of
government (federalism) by
a. giving the President the power to veto an act
of Congress
b. Providing a formal amendment process
c. dividing power between the National
Government and the States
According to Amendment 4, officers must have
___________________, or reasonable doubt,
before they can search for or arrest someone
linked to a crime.
a. Permission from the person
b. Probable Cause
This elevated the Supreme Court to a higher
status, balancing the powers of the other
branches, establishing that the Supreme Court
could declare laws invalid or unconstitutional.
a. judicial review
c.judicial activism
b. Constitutional amendment
The ______________ brings about and starts the
impeachment process, however, it is the
_________________ job to determine the
accused person’s guilt or innocence.
a. Senate; House
c.House; Senate
b. House; Supreme Court
When a federal official is accused of
committing crimes, it is known as a(n)
a. impeachment
b. appeal
Supreme Court decisions can only be
overturned by the Court itself or by
a. Constitutional amendment.
b. order of the president.
c. judicial activism.
The Constitution called for the creation of a
Supreme Court in this Article
a. 2
b. 1
The Supreme Court, outlined in Article 3, has
the __________________, or authority, to rule
on all federal or national cases.
a. Power
b. Jurisdiction