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Mrs. Stevenson
The Nervous system
Central Nervous System:
 Made up of _________________ and __________________________.
 Acts as body’s ___________________________, coordinates body’s activities
 Impulses travel through the _____________ in your body to reach the ____________.
Peripheral Nervous System
 Made up of all the nerves that _______________________ to and from the
 Similar to telephone wires that connect all of our houses in the community
 ________________________ and _____________________________ work together to
make rapid changes in your body in response to ___________________.
 Somatic Nervous System
o Relay information between _________, skeletal muscles and central nervous
o You ________________________ control this pathway by deciding whether or
not to move muscles (except reflexes)
o Reflexes: ________________________ response to stimulus
 Autonomic Nervous System
o Relay information from central nervous system to __________________
o Involuntary: You do not consciously control these
o Sympathetic Nervous System: controls in times of stress, such as the
o Parasympathetic Nervous System: controls body in times of rest
 Neurons
o The basic unit of structure and function in ______________________________
o Cells that conduct _________________________.
o Made up of ___________________, ___________________ and an _________.
o _____________________________: branch-like extensions that receive impulses
and carry them toward cell body.
o Axon: single extension of the neuron that carries impulses
o The axon branches out at ending to _______________________ to many
different _______________. Dendrites receive impulses from many other axons.
Mrs. Stevenson
 3 types of neurons
o Sensory Neurons: carry impulses from inside and outside the body to ________
and _______________________________.
o Interneurons: found within brain and spinal cord, process ___________________
and pass them on to ______________________________.
o Motor Neurons: carry impulses __________ from the _________ and spinal cord.
 Example- So how do these neurons work if someone taps you on the shoulder . . .
1. ___________________ in the skin sense touch or other ______________.
2. Sensory neurons __________________ the touch message.
3. Information is _____________ and __________________in the brain. A response
in determined by _____________________________.
4. ______________________ transmit a response message to the shoulder muscles.
5. The shoulder muscles are activated, causing the head to turn.
 How is an impulse transmitted?
1. _________________excites sensory neuron.
2. Depolarization (a change in charge due to sodium ions) creates a wave of
changing charges down the ______________.
3. Impulse moves across _________________ (tiny space between one neuron’s
axon and another’s dendrites) with the help of ___________________________.
 The Brain
o _______________ main sections
 2 ______________________________
 Controls ______________, _________________, ________________
2. Cerebellum
 Controls balance, posture and ___________________
 Controls ____________________________________ such as breathing
1. The Cerebrum
o Controls ____________ activities, intelligence, memory, language, muscles.
Mrs. Stevenson
o Wrinkled with countless folds and grooves and covered with an outer layer
of __________________ called the ____________________________.
o Divided into 4 ______________
2. The Cerebellum
o ______________________________ is developed here as well as the
memory of physical skills.
o If the cerebellum is injured, your movements become ______________.
o When you see an amazing athlete perform, you are watching a well-trained
_________________ at work.
3. The Brainstem
o Made up of the ________________________________, pons and midbrain.
 Medulla oblongata controls ____________________ activities such as heart
rate and breathing
 ___________ and _____________________ act as pathways connecting
various part of the brain with each other.
o Sometimes called the reptilian brain, because it resembles the entire brain of a
Additional Notes:
Mrs. Stevenson