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Hinduism and Buddhism
World CIvilizations
What are the 5 major religions?
 Has no single founder, but originated
from the mixing of Harappan and
Aryan cultures in ancient India around
1500 BCE
Hindus believe in one unifying spirit, Brahman
Brahman can manifest in many, polytheistic, forms or in
one, monotheistic
 The Caste System
 Was outlawed in 1948
 Was/is an important part of Hinduism
 You are born into a certain caste, and if you live
a good life, when you die you will be born again
and be born into the next caste up
 If you have lived a good life in the Vaishya caste,
in your next life you will be born into the Kshatryia
 Caste determine occupation
 You cannot marry outside of your caste
 You cannot share food with someone of a different caste
 Hinduism is based on the reincarnation system
 Your soul moves up and down the caste system when you die
 A person gets closer to the top of the caste system by following the
Law of Karma
 Good deeds involve following your Dharma, or duties dependent
on your position, gender, and occupation
 If you’re really bad, you can even be reincarnated into animals
 Hindu’s have sacred texts, including Vedas and Upanishads
 The Ramayana is a Hindu story of creation
 3 main gods:
1. Brahma – the source of all things and is all things
2. Shiva – the destroyer
3. Vishnu – the preserver
All other gods are manifestations of Brahma
All Hindu’s have 4 goals:
I. Dharma – righteousness
II. Artha – success/prosperity
III. Kama – satisfaction of desires
IV. Moksha – release from “samsara,” the life cycle
 Atman – “soul”, every living thing has one
 The body is mortal, but the soul is immortal
 Reincarnation – soul is reborn in another form
 Dharma – your record
 Karma – law of consequences
 Samsara – transmigration & reincarnation
 Ultimate goal – moksha or nirvana
 Your atman blends with Brahman and becomes part of it
 Started as a philosophy, not a religion
 It is a “nontheistic” religion
 Founder: Siddhartha Gautama
 Born 563 B.C. – Died 487 B.C.
 “The Buddha” means “awakened” or “enlightened”
 Gautama was born into a wealthy
Hindu family along the Nepal/India
 His father was a raja (king)
 “Seers” or astrologers predicted he
was someone great but would reject
his legacy
 So…his father kept him sheltered in the
 He gets married, and has a son
 Finally leaves the palace, and renounces his faith to seek spiritual
 After meeting a holy man, he decides to try to find the meaning of
 Renounces his title, all material belongings, and his wife and kids
 Wanders around, experiences enlightenment and becomes “the
 Shares his teachings = Buddhism
 Buddhism spread to eastern Asia,
including China, Thailand, Korea, and
 In other areas, Buddhism was adapted
and took on new forms
 The Four Noble Truths:
Life is subject to sorrow
II. Sorrow is caused by our cravings or desires, which come from being ignorant
III. Sorrow can be eliminated by eliminating the cravings/desires
IV. The way to eliminate cravings/desires is to follow the Eightfold Path or
“Middle Way”
 Eightfold Path
1. Rights views
2. Right intentions
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right livelihood
6. Right effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration
 By following the Eightfold Path,
the ultimate goal is to eliminate
sorrow and achieve “nirvana”
or true enlightenment
Buddha did not record his
teachings, but after he died,
his followers collected them
into the Tripitaka
Today’s Tibetan Buddhists are
led by the Dalai Lama, who
advocates for freedom from
 Hinduism starts at 0:52
 Buddhism starts at 5:18