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Moray Eels
Ricky Mendez,
Cynthia Palacios,
Johnny Tirado
What Are Moray Eels?
A Moray Eel is a type of fish.
 A Moray Eel is a sea creature that is
shaped like the body of a snake
How Do Moray Eels Eat?
Moray eels are
sometimes fed by a
marine biologist that
knocks on the rocks to
call them
 The eels hide and wait
for small fish so the eels
could eat the fish
Where Do Moray Eels Live?
Moray eels live in the ocean under the
rocky shore
How do moray eels travel?
Some Eels travel except Moray Eels.
What do Moray Eels do for fun?
Moray eels eat for fun
 Moray eels sleep for fun
Where do Moray Eels live ?
Moray Eels live under the the rocks in
the ocean.
 Moray Eels live in salty, cold water.
What kind of sea eels are
Moray eels and electric eels are the
most dangerous predators
What do Moray Eels eat?
Moray Eels eat anchovies
What Kills Moray Eels
 sharks
We give thanks to:
Ms. Olson
 Ms. Cox
 Lynn Whitley
 Mr. Gonzalez
 Ms. Stine
 Ms. Trochez
 Mr. Brown-Hiegel
 Judy Doino
Mr. Klubock
Nancy Duran