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3 E.Q. T.
What is Africa’s longest river?
a The Mississippi
b the Nile River
c the Sahara River
d the Congo River
Sunni Ali was the leader of which of the
a Morocco
c Mali
b Ghana
d Songhai
What changed the nature of slavery in Africa?
a Bantu raids of neighboring villages
B. a severe drought
c the Emancipation Proclamation
d the arrival of Europeans
What is the earliest African art form known?
a bronze statues
c cave paintings
b carved wooden
face masks
d epic poetry
What is a plateau?
a an area of high flat
c a hill
b an area of low flat
d a valley
How were children educated in medieval
West Africa?
a boarding
c universities
b small
d oral histories
and proverbs
What nickname was given to camels which
were used in trade caravans across the desert?
a “ships of the
c “sand gods”
b “desert
d “caravan heroes”
What king of Mali rewarded loyal citizens with
gold, land, and horses?
a Muhammad Ture c Sunni Ali
b Ibn Battuta
d Mansa Musa
What people’s migrations helped spread
culture across medieval Africa?
a Yorba
c Bantu
b Portuguese
d Ndongo
Which of the following is a term for a storyteller?
a caliph
c Bantu
b crier
d griot
What is the term used to describe the
practice of tracing descent through the
mother’s side of the family?
a matrimony
c macaroni
b matrilineal
d mosque
Which term describes families made
up of several generations?
a clan
c immediate
b tribe
d extended family
Which kingdom was ruled by Sunni Ali?
a Morocco
c Mali
b Ghana
d Songhai
Which of the following is an area of high flat land?
a griot
c Plateau
b steppe
d Clan
Which term describes families made
up of several generations?
a clan
c immediate
b tribe
d extended family
Who could be citizens of the
Greek city-states?
Free, native-born, landowning men
2. What is the difference between a
direct democracy and a
representative democracy?
•direct-all people decide the
government; representative-the
people elect representatives
3. Define the type of rule that took
power in 600 B.C.?
•a tyrant who takes control by force
and rules with total authority
4. How did Sparta control its
•the military
What was the Age of Pericles
known for?
•creativity, learning, and the
building of the Parthenon
What was the Age of Pericles
known for?
•creativity, learning, and the
building of the Parthenon
11. Define oligarchy.
• a government where few hold power
11. Define oligarchy.
• a government where few hold power
10. Define polis.
•a Greek city-state
15. Define helot.
• a Spartan captive worker
8. Who fought in the Peloponnesian
•Sparta joined with other city-states
against Athens
Compare life for boys in Athens
and Sparta.
•Athens-boys went to school;
Spartan- boys served in the military
18. Who was Homer?
• He wrote the Odyssey, about a king’s
travels, and the Iliad, about the Trojan war.
19. What two types of drama were
performed by the Greeks in open air
comedy and tragedy
20. Define a Greek myth.
• a tale about the Greek god’s and goddesses
22. What language was used for conducting
business during the Hellenistic period?
• Greek
23. Who was Alexander the Great and how
far did his empire reach?
• He became king of Macedonia at the age of
20 and his empire reached to India.
24. Why did Alexander’s empire fall after his
• his generals fought one another
25. What was Alexander’s legacy?
• the spread of Greek culture, which became
known as the Hellenistic period
26. What culture did Alexander’s father,
Philip II, love and want to spread to Persia?
• Greek
26. What culture did Alexander’s father,
Philip II, love and want to spread to Persia?
• Greek
28. What were the Twelve Tables?
• Rome’s first written laws
29. Who was Caesar and how did he die?
• An emperor who implemented many
reforms in Rome, including the 12-month
calendar; he was killed by his enemies on
March 15, 44 B.C.
30. What helped Rome’s trade?
• currency
31. Describe the shape of Italy and tell how’s
geography differed from Greece. How did its
geography help it to prosper?
• a peninsula, shaped like a boot; it had less
rugged mountains; the location being in the
center of the Mediterranean Sea
32. Who was Cincinnatus ?
• The best known dictator of the Roman
Republic who only served 16 days
33. Who did Rome fight in the Punic Wars for
control of the Mediterranean Sea?
35. Define plebeians.
• the artisans, shopkeepers, and owners of
small farms in Roman society
38. Which civilization most influenced the
Latins who settled in Rome?
• the Etruscans
39. What mountain range runs the length of
• Apennines
41. Define dictator.
• a ruler who has complete control over a
43. What was Hadrian’s Wall?
• A wall built for defense in Britain
44. What was the era called that was period
of 200 years of Roman Peace?
• Pax Romana
What reform of Caesar’s do we still
use today?
• The 12 month calendar
45. Define aqueduct.
• a human-made channel for carrying water
long distances
40. Which form of government do citizens
vote for their leaders?
• republic
36. What does the Latin term “I forbid”
• veto
Who led the army of the
• Hannibal
42. Who took power after Julius Caesar?
• Octavian; he took the title Augustus
34. Define legion.
• a method of fighting used by the Romans,
which divides warriors into units of 6000
Who benefited from the Roman
Empire’s prosperity?
• Merchants and skilled workers
47. What was the difference between
Roman statutes and Greek statues?
• Roman statues were more realistic.
48. How did Roman’s honor their gods and
• praying and offering food
49. Define vault.
• a row of arches to form curved ceiling
50. Define forum.
• An open space that served as a Roman
marketplace and public square
• 51. What contributed to the fall of the
Roman Empire?
• Poor leadership, attacks by invaders, and a
declining economy
• 52. Define satire.
• literature that pokes fun at human
• 54. Define mosaic.
• bits of colored stone and glass to create
53. Define gladiator.
• men who fought animals and other people
for public amusement
What is a plague?
• A disease that spreads rapidly and kills
many people
What is rhetoric?
• The art of public speaking
• 56. What was the significance of Odoacer
taking control of Rome?
• This is when historians date the fall of
• 57. Define barter.
• the exchange goods without money
58. Define inflation.
Rapidly increasing prices
• 59. What happened when Roman coins
lost value?
• people began to barter
• 60. Define rhetoric.
• The art of public speaking
What reform was Justinian known
• His code of laws
What important church was built
during the Byzantine Empire?
• The Hagia Sophia
• 80. Where was the capital of the Byzantine
• Constantinople
• 85. What religion was spread to Eastern
Europe during the Byzantine Empire?
• Christianity
• 83. What did the Byzantines believe about
their emperor?
• He represented Jesus Christ on earth and he
controlled the church.
• 79. How long did the Byzantine Empire
• about 1,000 years