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Our Solar System
By: Levi, Jaycie,
& Jackie
The Sun
The sun is 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit
and 15,000,000 degrees Celsius. It is the
most prominent feature in our solar
system. The corona is the outer part of the
sun atmosphere. It is in the region that
prominences appear, prominences are
immense clouds of growing gas that erupt
from the upper chromospheres. Solar
energy is created deep within the core of
the sun.
• I Rotation: 58.6461
• Mass: 5% of Earth
• Volume: 5% of Earth
• Distance from sun: 57 million kilometers
Mercury is a planet of extremes. Because it is so
close to the sun , a visitor could easily cook to
death. However, because Mercury spins so
slowly it gets very cold in the night time, which
means a visitor could also freeze to death. It
looks a lot like our moon because it has craters
and basins. Mercury has no moons.
• 1 Rotation: 243.16 Days
• 1 Orbit of sun: 224.16 Days
• Mass: 81% of Earth
• Volume: 86% of Earth
In many ways Venus is similar to Earth. It has
active volcanoes, venusquakes, mountains, and
valleys. The major difference is that Venus’s
atmosphere makes the planet far too hot for life.
It rotates in the opposite direction of other
planets in our solar system. It has no moons.
Earth is the third planet from the sun. It is 93
million miles away in diameter. It is the 5th
largest planet from the 9 planets. It has only
one moon. The moon does not have a name.
Earth’s atmosphere is 77% nitrogen and 21%
oxygen. 71% of earths surface is covered in
water. Earth is the only planet in which water
Can exist in liquid form on its surface. It
takes 365 days to orbit around the sun. When
it spins it takes 23 hours and 56 minutes.
Earth’s Moon
• Luna is a beautiful world that lies 384,400
kilometers from Earth. It is littered with
mountains, valleys, old volcano sites and
many bowl like holes called craters. Luna
is a neat world to explore because you can
see it without any telescope or binoculars.
You can only see one side of Luna from
Earth. I know you have seen it, in fact you
may even see it tonight because Luna is
our moon.
Rotation: 24 Hours 37 Min.
Mass: 10% of Earth
Volume: 15% of Earth
Distance from Sun: 229 Kilometers
Mars excites scientists because its mild
temperament is more like Earth’s than any
other planet. Evidence suggests that Mars
once had rivers, streams, lakes and even an
ocean. Mars has 2 moons named Deimos and
Asteroids are chunks of rock and metal that
orbit the sun. Scientists think that they are
loose material that never formed in to
planets. The main asteroid belt is located
between mars and Jupiter. The largest
asteroid is Ceres. It is 914 Km across, and
contains about 25% of the mass of all the
asteroids combined.
• Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun by for the
largest planet of all 9 planets. It's 318 times
larger than Earth. The most weirdest thing is
that the “great red spot” is an oval about 12,000
kilometers by 25,000 kilometers- big enough to
make 2 Earths! WOW! The temperature is – 153
degrees Celsius and – 244 degrees Fahrenheit.
It takes 4,332.59 days to orbit the sun and 9
hours and 55 minutes to rotate by itself. It is 777
million kilometers and 480 million miles from the
• Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun. It is
the 2nd largest planet from the other
planets. It takes 10,759.2 days to orbit the
sun and 10 hours and 13 minutes to
rotate. The temperature is -184 degrees
Celsius and -300 degrees Fahrenheit. It is
1,479 million miles and 888 million miles
away from the sun.
• Uranus is a giant gas planet which is
made up of mostly rock and various ices.
Uranus spins differently from most planets.
It seems to be tilted sideways instead of
right-side up.
• 1 Orbit of sun-30,684 Days
• 1 Rotation-17.2 Hours
• Average temp.- 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Neptune is a giant gas planet which is
most likely made up of various “ices” and
rock. Neptune has been visited by only
spacecraft, voyagers on Aug. 25, 1989.
• Almost everything we know about Neptune
comes from this one visit.
Pluto is a small icy “dwarf planet”.
Scientists are still unsure as to exactly
what it’s made of. Pluto has not yet been
visited by a spacecraft. Pluto has one
moon. It’s called Charon. Pluto is smaller
than 7 of the moons in the solar system.
Because it is so small many scientists
don’t consider it a planet at all.
• We used all the websites provided in
Space Unit in