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2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide – Law and Justice 2015 - 2016
Students will analyze
Weeks 1 & 2
the five themes of
geography to help them
make sense of the use
and purpose of the
Students will explain
how geographers
organize our world
using the theme of
location and identify
specific map types.
Students will identify
and explain the internal
and external forces that
shape Earth.
Geographers Look HS1.GR.8 Spatial Views of the World Explain the
relationship between places, regions and their political,
at the World
cultural and economic dynamics using maps, satellite
images, photographs and other geographical
HS1.GR.9 Human-Environment Interaction Analyze
interactions of human and physical systems to explain
the corresponding influences among them.
Planet Earth
HS1.GR.11 Global Interconnections Analyze ways in
which environmental and cultural characteristics
influence patterns of trade and modify patterns of
land use in places or regions.
HS2.GR.8 Spatial Views of the World Utilize multiple
technologies to create maps on multiple scales to
interpret and depict spatial patterns of cultural and
environmental characteristics.
HS4.GR.8 Spatial Views of the World Create and use
geographical representations to investigate and
communicate knowledge that is personally and
socially useful and can be applied in making
decisions and solving problems.
Weeks 3 &4
Five Themes of
Geography, Hemisphere,
Absolute Location,
Relative Location,
Physical Geography,
Human Geography,
Atmosphere, Biosphere,
Ecosystem, Continental
Shelf, Mantle,
Continental Drift, Fault,
Weathering, Erosion,
Glacier, Water Cycle,
Groundwater, Aquifer
HS1.GR.8 Spatial Views of the World Explain the
relationship between places, regions and their political,
cultural and economic dynamics using maps, satellite
images, photographs and other geographical
Weeks 5 & 6
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Students will describe
Earth’s rotation and tilt
and analyze the effects
it has on weather
patterns and climate
Climates of the
HS2.GR.11 Global Interconnections Evaluate how
human-­­made or natural catastrophic events may
alter environmental and cultural characteristics of an
area, impacting trade, politics and human migration
on a global scale.
HS1.GR.8 Spatial Views of the World Explain the
Weather, Climate, Axis,
Revolution, Equinox,
Solstice, Global
Warming, Global
Warming, Prevailing
Winds, Coriolis Effect,
2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide – Law and Justice 2015 - 2016
Students will explain
how geographers study
population and culture
to identify important
trends and changes
over time.
Students will contrast
the economic and
government systems
found in developed and
developing countries.
The Human
relationship between places, regions and their political,
cultural and economic dynamics using maps, satellite
images, photographs and other geographical
Doldrums, El Nino,
Windward, Leeward,
Rain Shadow, Oasis,
Coniferous, Deciduous,
Permafrost, Smog
HS1.GR.8 Spatial Views of the World Explain the
relationship between places, regions and their political,
cultural and economic dynamics using maps, satellite
images, photographs and other geographical
Death Rate, Birthrate,
Natural Increase, Doubling
Time, Population
Distribution, Population,
Density, Migration, Culture,
Ethnic Group, Culture
Region, Cultural Diffusion,
Unitary System, Federal
System, Autocracy,
Democracy, Oligarchy,
Traditional Economy,
Market Economy, Mixed
Economy, Command
Economy, Natural
Resource, Developed
Country, Developing
Country, Industrialization
Free Trade, Pollution
HS1.GR.9 Human-Environment Interaction Analyze
interactions of human and physical systems to explain
the corresponding influences among them.
HS2.GR.9 Human-Environment Interaction Evaluate
how political and economic decisions influence cultural
and environmental characteristics of various places and
HS2.GR.10 Human Populations Spatial Patterns and
Movements Evaluate the impact of economic activities
on geographical arrangements in urban, suburban and
rural areas.
Students will describe
the physical, economic,
and political
characteristics of world
Weeks 9, 10, &
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The United States
and Canada
HS3.GR.10 Human Populations Spatial Patterns and
Movements Evaluate the impact of political decisions
on spatial patterns in urban, suburban and rural areas.
HS4.GR.8 Spatial Views of the World Create and use
geographical representations to investigate and
communicate knowledge that is personally and
socially useful and can be applied in making
decisions and solving problems.
HS4.GR.9 Human-Environment Interaction Synthesize
various types of data about human and physical
systems to determine the reciprocal influences of
people and places.
HS1.GR.10 Human Populations Spatial Patterns and
Movements Analyze how migration patterns and
human population distribution are influenced by and
influence historical events, ideas, technology and
cultural practices.
Divide, Headwaters,
Tributary, Fall Line,
Timberline, Chinook,
Prairie, Supercell,
Hurricane, Blizzard,
Immigration, Urbanization,
Metropolitan Area, Suburb,
Megalopolis, Republic, Dry
Farming, Dominion,
Bilingual, Socioeconomic
Status, Literacy Rate,
Market Economy, Postindustrial, Commodity,
Retooling, Monopoly, Trade
Deficit, Tariff, Trade
2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide – Law and Justice 2015 - 2016
HS2.GR.11 Global Interconnections Evaluate how
human-­­made or natural catastrophic events may
alter environmental and cultural characteristics of an
area, impacting trade, politics and human migration
on a global scale.
HS3.GR.11 Global Interconnections Evaluate how the
development of economic globalization and the
desire for access to scarce resources and markets
contribute to global conflict and cooperation.
HS1.GR.9 Human-Environment Interaction Analyze
interactions of human and physical systems to explain
the corresponding influences among them.
HS2.GR.9 Human-Environment Interaction Evaluate
how political and economic decisions influence cultural
and environmental characteristics of various places and
HS2.GR.10 Human Populations Spatial Patterns and
Movements Evaluate the impact of economic activities
on geographical arrangements in urban, suburban and
rural areas.
HS3.GR.10 Human Populations Spatial Patterns and
Movements Evaluate the impact of political decisions
on spatial patterns in urban, suburban and rural areas.
Students will describe
the physical, economic,
and political
characteristics of world
Weeks 12, 13,
& 14
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Latin America
HS4.GR.8 Spatial Views of the World Create and use
geographical representations to investigate and
communicate knowledge that is personally and
socially useful and can be applied in making
decisions and solving problems.
HS4.GR.9 Human-Environment Interaction Synthesize
various types of data about human and physical
systems to determine the reciprocal influences of
people and places.
HS1.GR.10 Human Populations Spatial Patterns and
Movements Analyze how migration patterns and
human population distribution are influenced by and
influence historical events, ideas, technology and
cultural practices.
HS2.GR.11 Global Interconnections Evaluate how
human-­­made or natural catastrophic events may
Cordillera, Altiplano,
Escarpment, Llano,
Pampas, Gaucho,
Hydroelectric Power,
Estuary, Canopy, Tierra
Caliente, Tierra Templada,
Tierra Fria, Indigenous,
Dialect, Patois,
Urbanization, Megacity,
Primate City, Glyph,
Chinampas, Quipu,
Conquistador, Viceroy,
Caudillo, Syncretism,
Mural, Mosaic, Extended
Family, Malnutrition,
Campesino, Latifundia,
Minifundia, Service
2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide – Law and Justice 2015 - 2016
alter environmental and cultural characteristics of an
area, impacting trade, politics and human migration
on a global scale.
HS3.GR.11 Global Interconnections Evaluate how the
development of economic globalization and the
desire for access to scarce resources and markets
contribute to global conflict and cooperation.
Industry, Maquiladora,
Sustainable Development,
Deforestation, Slash-andBurn, Reforestation
HS1.GR.9 Human-Environment Interaction Analyze
interactions of human and physical systems to explain
the corresponding influences among them.
HS2.GR.9 Human-Environment Interaction Evaluate
how political and economic decisions influence cultural
and environmental characteristics of various places and
HS2.GR.10 Human Populations Spatial Patterns and
Movements Evaluate the impact of economic activities
on geographical arrangements in urban, suburban and
rural areas.
HS3.GR.10 Human Populations Spatial Patterns and
Movements Evaluate the impact of political decisions
on spatial patterns in urban, suburban and rural areas.
Students will describe
the physical, economic,
and political
characteristics of world
Weeks 15, 16,
& 17
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HS4.GR.8 Spatial Views of the World Create and use
geographical representations to investigate and
communicate knowledge that is personally and
socially useful and can be applied in making
decisions and solving problems.
HS4.GR.9 Human-Environment Interaction Synthesize
various types of data about human and physical
systems to determine the reciprocal influences of
people and places.
HS1.GR.10 Human Populations Spatial Patterns and
Movements Analyze how migration patterns and
human population distribution are influenced by and
influence historical events, ideas, technology and
cultural practices.
HS2.GR.11 Global Interconnections Evaluate how
human-­­made or natural catastrophic events may
alter environmental and cultural characteristics of an
Dike, Polder, Glaciation,
Fjord, Loess, Foehn,
Avalanche, Mistral,
Sirocco, Ethnic Cleansing,
Refugee, City-State,
Feudalism, Crusades,
Renaissance, Reformation,
Enlightenment, Industrial
Capitalism, Communism,
Reparations, Holocaust,
Cold War, European Union,
Good Friday Peace
Agreement, Romanticism,
Realism, Impressionist,
Welfare State, Heavy
Industry, Light Industry,
Mixed Farming, Farming
Cooperative, Collective
2015-2016 Washington County School District Pacing Guide – Law and Justice 2015 - 2016
area, impacting trade, politics and human migration
on a global scale.
HS3.GR.11 Global Interconnections Evaluate how the
development of economic globalization and the
desire for access to scarce resources and markets
contribute to global conflict and cooperation.
Farm, State Farm, Organic
HS1.GR.9 Human-Environment Interaction Analyze
interactions of human and physical systems to explain
the corresponding influences among them.
HS2.GR.9 Human-Environment Interaction Evaluate
how political and economic decisions influence cultural
and environmental characteristics of various places and
HS2.GR.10 Human Populations Spatial Patterns and
Movements Evaluate the impact of economic activities
on geographical arrangements in urban, suburban and
rural areas.
HS3.GR.10 Human Populations Spatial Patterns and
Movements Evaluate the impact of political decisions
on spatial patterns in urban, suburban and rural areas.
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