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AP Government
Practice Multiple-Choice Questions
History and Theory
Which is a linking institution?
The bureaucracy
The Congress
The executive department
The government
The media
Media (also elections, political parties, and special interest groups) = linkage institutions.
Linkage institution is means by which individuals can express preferences regarding the
development of public policy. Connects people to government.
All of the following are characteristics of
politics EXCEPT:
• Individuals with similar ideas banding
together to form political parties
• The means through which individuals and
groups get involved
• Who gets what, when, how, and why
• The passing of laws that serve to further
minority rights
• The interrelationship of individuals and
All are characteristics except D, the passing of laws, which is an outcome of
Which of the following institutions
established in the Constitution make public
• The Senate, the presidency, and political
• The Congress, the presidency, and the
• The Congress, the courts, and the military
• The Congress, the presidency, and the
• The Congress, the presidency, and the
B, other stuff not given the power in Constitution
Which of the following best defines a set of
institutions linking government, politics, and
public policy?
An educational system
A political system
A social system
An economic system
A socioeconomic system
Which of the following are considered
linkage institutions?
I. Congress II. Political parties
III. Media IV. Courts
I only
I and II only
II and III only
I, II, and III only
I, II, III and IV
Which of the following principles describes a
philosophy of the Federalist Party?
• Federalists believed in a loose construction of
the Constitution
• Federalists believed in a strict interpretation of
the Constitution
• Federalists believed in a conservative
interpretation of the Constitution
• Federalists believed that Congress should be
the main cog of government
• Federalists believed that the interests of the
common man should be reflected in government
All of the following characteristics reflect
the reasons why political parties are formed
• People band together because of similar needs
• People band together because of similar values
• People band together because they have similar
• People band together because of similar beliefs
• People band together because they have similar
Which of the following groups examines a
candidate’s record only on specific issues?
Single-interest groups
Elite groups
Plurality groups
All of the following are basic principles of
our democracy today EXCEPT a belief in
The worth and dignity of the individual
The need for political equality
Universal healthcare
The guarantee of individual freedoms
The need for a balance between freedom
and order
Which of the following institutions is
commonly called the fourth branch of
The bureaucracy
Special interest groups
The executive branch
The Congress
The Supreme Court
Which of the following principles is most
fundamental to democratic theory?
Free elections and universal suffrage
Minority rule
Universal public education
Political parties
A written constitution
All of the following factors contribute to an
enlightened understanding of the electorate
Interest groups
The media
The right to property
Political parties
The internet
Which of the following groups believes that
bargaining and compromise are essential to a
B. Pluralism: different groups vying for control of policy – have to compromise and
move toward centrism. Elite and class theory says economic elite controls policy.
Hyperpluralism is pluralism gone amuck: so many interest groups the government
can’t effectively compromise.
Which of the following theories contends
that our society is divided along class lines
and that a narrow upper-class strata rules
regardless of the formal organization of
Which of the following theories claims that
too many competing groups cripple
government’s ability to govern?
Hyperpluralist theory
Pluralist theory
Elite theory
Democratic theory
Class-based theory
Which of the following theories stress that
the public interest is rarely translated into
public policy?
Elitist and pluralist
Pluralist and hyperpluralist
Elitist and hyperpluralist
Democrats and Republicans
Liberals and conservatives
Which statement(s) best reflects what the
United States Constitution represents?
• I. The Constitution is a set of basic laws
for the government
• II. The Constitution is an explanation fo
the way government operates, assigning
separate powers to each branch and
guaranteeing their rights
• III. The Constitution is the supreme law of
the land
All of them
John Locke’s Second Treatise of Civil
Government advocates
Divine monarchy
Rights for the minority
Majority rights
Natural rights
Democratic rule
Which statement(s) best reflects the political
philosophy established after the colonists
achieved their independence?
• Former colonists eliminated property
criterion for political office
• Former colonists recognized the need for
a strong executive
• Former colonists believed that the states
should become the dominant political and
social force
When the Articles of Confederation were
adopted, the nation’s major concern was
dominated by:
Religious freedom
Equality for women
Political dominance by the central
• Economic issues
Which of the following documents represents
the first adopted Constitution for the U.S.?
Declaration of Independence
Bill of Rights
Articles of Confederation
Virginia Plan
Connecticut Plan
Which of the following statements best
describes the Articles of Confederation?
• Domination of the government by the
• A national congress with one house and
no executive
• No national court system
• No ability of the central government to
enforce the collection of taxes
Which of the following statements in the
Federalist Papers referred to “the most
common and durable source of faction”?
• A new and emerging middle class
• The absence of a strong national
• The unequal distribution of property
• The abuse of minority rights
• The powers given to the president
Madison believed that in order to prevent a
“tyranny of the majority” the new
government should include all of the
following EXCEPT:
• Creating political institutions that could
function with the consent of a majority
• Limiting the president’s term of office
• Creating different branches of government
with distinctive and separate powers
• Creating a system of checks and balances
• Limiting the ability of the electorate to vote
directly for government officials except
members of the House
Even though the representatives to the
Constitutional Convention came from
different parts of the country and had
differing economic status, they were able to
agree to:
• A series of political compromises
• A Republican government for each state
• The method to count slaves for
representation purposes
Which statement reflects James Madison’s
point of view in the Federalist Papers
regarding the consequences of unequal
distribution of wealth?
• I. The formation of factions
• II. The probability of minority discontent
• III. The development of political parties
Which of the following documents created a
compromise that led to the formation of a
bicameral legislature?
Articles of Confederation
Connecticut Compromise
New Jersey Plan
Virginia Plan
3/5 Compromise
B, the Connecticut Compromise
becomes the Great Compromise
The Federalists believed that a nation
dominated by factions would lead to:
• A tyranny of the majority
• Protection of minority rights
• A recognition that factions would be in the
best interests of the country
• Another revolution
• Favorable economic growth
Constitutional Order
Which of the following illustrates the effects
that the system of checks and balances and
separation of powers had on the legislative
• I It does not favor the party in power
• II it can create gridlock
• III It usually makes change easy to come
• IV It can encourage political compromise
II and IV
The Constitution’s writers carefully drafted
a document that would create:
• Strong states and a weak central gov’t
• Weakened power in the state and national
• The ability to adapt to changing times
• A dominant national government with no
active participation from the states
• A totally equal distribution of power
between the states and national
Which of the following governmental bodies
is most directly responsible to the electorate?
House of Representatives
Executive branch
Supreme Court
The bureaucracy
The question of the constitutionality of a term
limit for legislators imposed by a state
constitution is based on which of the following
• The state’s ability to set time and manner of
elections for state office
• The fact that the Constitution sets the
qualifications for congressmen
• The ability of people to vote directly for senators
and representatives
• The ability of voters to create term limits for state
office holders
• The fact that the Congress is scheduled to vote B
for a term limits amendment to the Constitution
The practice of judicial review was first
established by which action?
• The Constitution gives life terms to Supreme
Court justices
• Justices serve as long as they maintain good
• The Supreme Court exercises judicial precedent
• He Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction
• The Supreme Court can declare a congressional
act unconstitutional
E: Marbury v. Madison
All of the following are enumerated powers
of the Congress EXCEPT:
• Coining money
• Establishing inferior courts in addition to
the Supreme Court
• Setting up the first national Bank of the US
• Establishing uniform immigration laws
• Regulating commerce among the several
In addition to the stated constitutional
powers of the president, which of the
following roles does he take on?
Acting as title or head of his political party
Granting pardons
Making treaties
Giving a State of the Union address
Signing or vetoing legislation
Which of the following is the only stated
constitutional responsibility of the vice
• Attending funerals of foreign dignitaries
• Taking on special tasks assigned by the
• Presiding over the Senate
• Filling in for the president when he is out
of the country
• Presiding over the House of
Which of the following represents a major
reason why the electoral college was created?
• It would encourage 3rd party candidates
• It would enable a select group of electors to cast
the final vote for president and vice president
• It would encourage greater voter turnout
• It would give more power to the Congress in
determining the outcome of presidential
• It would give all the states an equal say in
electing the president
All the following represent examples of the
use of checks and balances EXCEPT:
• the 35 successful vetoes made by President
Bush (senior)
• The Senate rejection of the 1999
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
• The Supreme Court ruling the Flag Desecration
Act unconstitutional
• Congress passing the Crime Bill after a
conference committee made changes
• Congress invoking the provisions of the War
Powers Act
Which of the following actions increases the
power of the president?
• A greater reliance on the states to solve
• A greater reliance on the federal government to
solve problems
• The president having to work with a majority
party in Congress different from his own
• An increased investigative role by the media
• The downsizing of the federal bureaucracy
The appointment of Supreme Court justices
in the 1980s was characterized by:
• Quick approval by the Senate of nominees
• Rejection of the majority of appointees
• Limited background checks of the
• Limited input from elgal associations and
special interest groups
• Bitter confirmation battles over personal
and philosophical positions of the
Which of the following represents the
theoretical definition of federalism?
• Division of power between federal government and state
• Strict separation of power between the federal
government and state governments
• A division of power between the federal government and
state governments where the power emanates from the
• A singular relationship that is characterized by control
emanating one way from a central government
• An equally shared power relationship among the
branches of government
Advocates of a strong federal system (with a
strong federal government) believe in all the
following EXCEPT:
• State and local governments do not have all the
resources necessary to deal with the problems
facing the country
• Local politicians are provincial in their point of
• State and local governments cannot support the
vast programs necessary to support citizens
• Local leaders are more suited to solve problems
than national leaders
• An elitist group would be more likely to gain
control in a country dominated by local interests
According to the Federalist papers, which of
the following reflects a major reason for the
support of a federal system?
• Local governments are best suited to meet the needs of
the majority interests of the country
• Local governments will maintain their authority and will
be able to care for their citizens
• The central government is best suited to recognize the
needs and interests of local governments
• There will be a constant clashing of opinions between
the interests of the local and federal governments
• Factions would be strengthened by the formation of a
federal system of government
The Constitutional provision used in the
Supreme Court case McCulloch v. Maryland
• I. The “necessary and proper” clause
• II. The supremacy clause
• III. The interstate commerce clause
I and II; interstate commerce was invoked in
Gibbons v. Ogden
The Constitutional basis of dual federalism
can be found in:
The necessary and proper clause
The 10th amendment
The elastic clause
The implied power provision
The enumerated powers
Which general area of policy is generally left
up to the states?
Foreign policy
Military policy
Relations among the several states
Health and welfare
Which general area of policy is generally left
up to the central govt?
Interstate commerce
Voting requirements
Rights and Liberties
Which of the following Supreme Court
decisions dealt with the issue of prior
New York Times v. Sullivan
United States v. Nixon
New York Times v. United States
Miller v. California
Near v. Minnesota
C: Pentagon Papers case
The recent trend of the courts with respect to
the rights of criminal defendants can be best
described by which of the following?
• Police and prosecutors have greater flexibility in
collecting evidence
• Courts are reluctant to grant warrants because
of police corruption
• The police are permitted to ignore the Fourth
• The use of confidential informants by the police
is unconstitutional
• Individuals placed under arrest no longer have
to be given the Miranda warning
A, consider the good faith exception, the automobile
exception, and inevitable discovery
In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Court found
a constitutionally protected right of privacy
in all of these EXCEPT:
3RD Amendment
9th Amendment
4th Amendment
5th Amendment
10th Amendment
10th, has to do with rights of states, not
Under the exclusionary rule,
• Evidence seized illegally cannot be used in court
• The police must have a search warrant before
collecting evidence
• A search is legal only if there is probable cause
• Evidence collected by federal authorities cannot
be used in state courts
• The only evidence that cannot be used is a
forced confession
The Supreme Court opposed a state law
requiring display of 10 Commandments in
school classrooms because:
• It might offend atheists
• It represented an unnecessary state
involvement with public education
• The law had no secular purpose
• It violated the free exercise clause
• The cost was a burden on school districts
C, failed the Lemon Test
Which of the following statements about a
pornographic magazine is valid?
• The state can prevents its publication
• The publishers can be prosecuted for
violating state law after publication
• The content of the magazine must contain
violent photographs
• Even obscene materials are protected
under the 1st Amendment
• Obscenity is judged by national standards
B; can’t be prevented (no prior restraint). Roth v. U.S. says
obscenity can be restricted. Standards are local.
The main concern of the Supreme Court with
the death penalty is that:
• The death penalty must be applied equitably
without regard to income or race
• Methods of execution other than lethal injection
are “cruel and unusual punishment”
• The death penalty itself is a violation of the 8th
• A defense attorney in a death penalty case must
have previous experience in a capital case
• States cannot drop the death penalty without the
approval of Congress
A; Inequality prompted court to strike down Georgia’s death
penalty in Furman v. Georgia
Recent Supreme Court decisions on abortion
• Expanded the rights granted women under Roe
v. Wade
• Allowed the states to impose restrictions on
• Outlawed abortions for minors or the mentally ill
• Required federal funding for abortions for
women on Medicare
• Allowed the procedure only in cases of rape or
B; parental consent, waiting period, fetal viability tests
are all allowed
Which one of the following forms of expression is
NOT protected under the 1st Amendment?
• A newspaper ad that makes inaccurate
statements about a product
• A statement by a member of Congress against
the president
• Defacing an American flag during a political
• Pornographic photographs published in an adult
• A speech by a religious leader urging opposition
to war
D; Obscenity is not protected, but pornography is not necessarily
obscene (according to the Court, not me) – maybe it’ll pass the
All of the following statements about the
Bill of Rights are accurate EXCEPT:
• The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution
after ratification
• The protections provided by the Bill of Rights are
not absolute
• The Bill of Rights recognizes that there may be
additional rights than those mentioned
• The first eight amendments are applicable to the
states through the 14th Amendment
• Most of the Bill of Rights relate to the rights of
suspects and criminal defendants
D; Not incorporated: 2nd & 3rd Amendments, indictment by grand
jury, jury trial in civil cases, and excessive bail don’t apply to
The Miranda Warning that police are
required to give a person placed under arrest
is based on:
• The probable cause requirement for a search
• Freedom of speech protection in the 1st
• Protection against self-incrimination in the 5th
• The right to be represented by an attorney at
• The right to know the charges brought against
Celebrities and other public figures who
bring libel actions against publications:
• Have a higher burden of proof than the average
• Usually win the law suit without great difficulty
• Only have to show that what was written was
• Almost never win because judges decide the
• Look to settle quickly because they are afraid of
the publicity
A; have to show it was false the publishers knew that in advance
and printed it anyway
In practice, the scope and extent of the civil
liberties Americans enjoy under the
Constitution are determined by:
• Laws enacted by Congress
• The President, who has the authority to
see that laws are faithfully executed
• The Supreme Court through its decisions
• The Bill of Rights
• The Justice Department
C, for better or for worse!
Under Regents of the University of
California v. Bakke, colleges can consider
race a factor in admissions because:
• Reverse discrimination is constitutional
• It is a remedy for contemporary
• A diverse student body is a legitimate
educational goal
• Such students are economically
disadvantaged as well
• Numerical quotas are acceptable in certain
The abolition of the poll tax was
accomplished through the:
• Voting Rights Act of 1965
• 1964 executive order issued by President
• Supreme Court decision in Smith v.
• Civil Rights Act of 1964
• 24th Amendment
Until the 1970s, claims of gender
discrimination were routinely rejected by the
Supreme Court because:
• Women were not citizens within the
meaning of the Constitution
• The Court had no female members
• Limitations on women’s rights were usually
considered “reasonable”
• The women’s movement was not well
• The justices did not believe that the 14th
Amendment applied to women
The status of gays and lesbians is best
described by which of the following
• Same sex marriages are widely recognized
throughout the United States
• The Supreme Court has struck down laws
criminalizing homosexual behavior
• Openly homosexual men and women can serve
in the armed services
• Gays and lesbians have not yet organized to
push their civil rights claims
• Neither Congress nor the courts are willing to
extend civil rights protections on the basis of
sexual orientation
B; Lawrence v. Texas
All of the following statements about the
civil rights movement in the South between
1955-1965 are true EXCEPT:
• Boycotts and sit-ins were effective techniques of
achieving goals
• The federal government took a hands off policy
throughout the period
• Blacks and whites marched and demonstrated
• Desegregation and voter registration were key
• Violence against civil rights demonstrators
increased public support for the movement
The ability of the federal government to
prohibit discrimination in private businesses
such as motels and restaurants derives from:
• The equal protection clause of the 5th
• Its implied powers under the elastic clause
• Privileges and immunities
• The supremacy clause
• Its power to regulate interstate commerce
The most important consequence of the
Voting Rights Act of 1965 was:
• Extending the right to vote to Native
• A shift in African American voting patterns
to the Democratic Party
• An increase in black voter registration in
the South
• An increasing liberal bent in Southern
• The use of race in legislative redistricting
In Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857), the
Supreme Court held that African Americans
were not citizens of the U.S. This was
effectively overturned by the:
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
16th Amendment
17th Amendment
Which of the following statements about
women’s suffrage is valid?
• Women were not allowed to vote in the U.S. until
• The key factor in the ratification of the 19th
Amendment was the work and service of women
during WWI
• Granting women the right to vote dramatically
canged American politics in the 1920s
• The Equal Rights Amendment was not proposed
until the ’70s
• Women were united in seeking other rights once
they won the right to vote
The official who is an intermediary between
the party leadership and the rank and file
members of Congress is the:
Speaker of the House
Majority leader
Majority whip
President pro tempore
Clerk of the House
Which of the following activities that
members of Congress routinely perform is
most important to their constituents?
• Attending the meeting of the party caucus
• Going to a fundraiser sponsored by a political
action committee
• Giving an interview on national defense issues
• Drafting an amendment to the Department of
Transportation appropriation bill
• Contacting the Social Security Administration
regarding a claim for benefits
Incumbent senators face greater competition
when they run for reelection than members of the
House for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
• A state is more diverse than a congressional
district, providing a greater base for opposition
• Senators have less contact with the constituents
• Voters are less likely to know the issue positions
of their senators
• Senators tend to have better known opponents
• To overcome their advantage, Senate
challengers outspend incumbents
When courts examine the legislative history
of a bill, they give most weight to which type
of evidence?
Committee hearings
Committee reports
The mark-up bill
Floor debate in The Congressional Record
The bill as introduced
Responsibility for reconciling the House and
Senate versions of a bill falls to a:
Conference committee
Standing committee
Select committee
Oversight committee
Joint committee
Which of the following provisions of a
defense appropriations bill is considered a
• Funding for a new missile defense system
• Increase in benefits for military
• Price support for dairy farmers in New
• Construction of family housing units at a
naval air station
• Research and development funding for
anti-terrorism tactics
C. Rider: provision added to bill which has nothing to
do with it. Vehicle for pork.
Those who oppose term limits for members of
Congress argue that:
• I. A tremendous amount of legislative
experience will be lost if term limits are
• II. The people have the right to vote for
whomever they want
• III. The Supreme Court will never allow
term limits
• IV. A less experienced Congress will lead
the country into war
I and II
All of the following statements about the
legislative process are true EXCEPT:
• Only a small percentage of bills introduced
become law
• Anyone can write a bill, but only a member of
Congress can introduce it
• A majority of the House does not have to be
present to debate a bill on the floor
• A cloture vote cuts off debate on a bill
immediately, and the Senate must vote
• Identical bills can be introduced in both the
House and the Senate
Which of the following is the only nonlegislative function the House of
Representatives has under the Constitution?
• To impeach federal officials
• To approve appoints to federal courts
• To “advise and consent” on treaties
negotiated by the president
• To try cases of impeachment
• To debate all revenue bills
A bill or a provision of a bill that provides
clear benefits to the district of a member of
Congress is an example of:
A Christmas tree
A public bill
Private bill
Pork barrel legislation
Political action committees make larger total
contributions to House races than Senate
races because:
• House members are more likely to vote the way
the PAC wants
• House members have more influence on
legislation than the Senate
• The entire house is up for election every two
• Senators are much wealthier than
• Senators cannot take PAC money under the
Senate rules
In the process of enacting legislation, the
House Rules Committee is responsible for:
• Establishing the procedures Congress
• Appointing members of standing
• Setting the limits of debate on the floor
• Holding hearings on all revenue bills
• Assigning bills to the proper committees
C; remember, no Senate counterpart
All of the following are examples of Congress
exercising its oversight function EXCEPT:
• Holding floor debate on a bill to reduce eligibility
requirements for Medicare
• Hearing a Department of Defense official testify
on B-1 bomber cost overruns
• Submitting data to a committee on complaints
against the Internal Revenue Service
• Holding committee hearings on regulations
issued by the Federal Communications
• Cutting the budget of a federal agency that
consistently fails to meet its goals
A newly elected member of Congress that
represents a district with a large number of
aerospace companies would prefer to serve on
which of the following committees?
Banking and Financial Services
Ways and Means
International Relations
Armed Services
Which of the following statements about the
Speaker of the House are valid?
• I. The Speaker is elected by only the
members of the majority party
• II. The Speaker is next in line for
succession after the vice-president
• III. The Speaker presides over the House
• IV. The Speaker assigns bills to
II, III, and IV
The Presidency
The period immediately after a new president
is inaugurated is known as the honeymoon
• Other nations do not challenge the US
• The president’s popularity is at its highest
• There is no in-fighting between the
president’s staff
• The president has not vetoed any
• Partisanship in Congress is high
All of the following are powers granted to
the president under the Constitution
Negotiate treaties with other nations
Nominate justices to the Supreme Court
Present legislation to Congress
Serve as the leader of a political party
Call Congress into special session
Examples of Congress delegating additional
powers to the president include the
I legislative veto
II line item veto
III War Powers Act
IV Budgeting and Accounting Act
II and IV: Budgeting and Accounting Act allows pres to
set budgets for fed. agencies
The responsibilities of the vice president in
an administration are determined by:
• The provisions of the Constitution
• The relationship between the president
and vice president
• Polls indicating the popularity of the vice
• Size of the election victory
• Whether the president’s party also controls
Which of the following agencies are NOT
part of the Executive Office of the
Office of Management and Budget
National Security Council
Council of Economic Advisers
Office of Personnel Management
Environmental Protection Agency
E: the EPA is an independent executive agency. While the
EPA administrator does have cabinet rank, the agency itself
is not part of the Executive office of the President
The only presidential appointment on which
the House of Representatives votes is:
Chief justice of the Supreme Court
US Ambassador to the United Nations
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Vice president, if the position is vacant
Director of the CIA
D, 25th Amdmt
In mid-term elections, the president’s party
• Loses seats in both houses of Congress
• Loses seats in the Senate but increases
its support in the House
• Loses seats in the House but increases its
support in the Senate
• Gains seats in both houses of Congress
• No patterns of gains or losses is
Which of the following statements about the
use of the veto is valid?
• The use of the veto has become more common
all the time
• A veto override is more likely when the president
and Congress are from the same party
• Pocket vetoes are less successful than regular
• Once a bill is vetoed, it is not likely to be passed
• Democratic presidents use the veto more often
than Republicans
The strongest basis for withholding
information from Congress under a claim of
executive privilege is:
• The need for secrecy in military planning and
• To protect the president from embarrassment
• To ensure the president does not turn over
incriminating evidence
• The powers granted to the president under the
• Legislation that recognizes that Congress
cannot subpoena the president
A; National Security is best
The president can take action without the
approval of Congress through:
I executive orders
II recess appointments
III judicial appointments
IV executive agreements
I, II, and IV
An important function of the White House
staff is to:
• Prepare the administration’s budget for
• Assume responsibility for executive
• Supervise campaign fundraising activities
• Liason with Congress on the bills of
interest to the administration
• Communicate the administration’s views
on matters before the Supreme Court
D; rest is done by others
Which of the following statements about the
Cabinet is NOT valid?
• The Cabinet is too large to be an effective
policy-making body
• The president can give officials other than the
heads of departments cabinet rank
• The cabinet is made up of close associates of
the president who were involved with the
• Recent presidents have made cabinet
appointments with an eye toward diversity
• Cabinet members are primarily responsible for
managing their own departments
C; Applies more to White House staff than Cabinet.
Which of the following would be affected if
Congress invoked the War Powers Act?
• The closing of an army base in California
• A cost of living increase for enlisted navy
• The commitment of American ground
forces to monitor a Middle East peace
• A defense treaty between the US and the
Russian Federation
• Implementation of a missile defense
system in Alaska
The term “presidential coattails” refers to:
• The ability of a president to get legislation
through Congress
• A president’s success in getting nominees
confirmed by the Senate
• The election of candidates from the
president’s party when he is on the ticket
• The president’s apointment of campaign
workers to government jobs
• Public support for a president’s program
C; this effect has diminished over time, however
All of the following are correct statements
about a pocket veto EXCEPT:
• It can only be used within 10 days before
the end of a Congress’ term
• It is not overridden by a 2/3 vote of both
• The president does not sign a pocket veto
• A bill that receives a pocket veto can be
introduced in the next session
• The bill automatically becomes law in the
next session
The Executive
Which of the following statements best
describes the federal civilian work force?
• Political factors play no role in making civil
service appointments
• Employees must pass competitive examinations
to be hired and promoted
• Half of the employees in the executive branch
are appointed by the president
• Federal employees face no limitations on their
participation in the political process
• Once hired, a federal employee can never lose
his/her job
The growth of the federal bureaucracy can be
attributed to all of the following EXCEPT:
• The need to regulate business
• Responsibility of the government for the
welfare of the people
• Administrators who push for larger
budgets and staff
• Supreme Court decisions on federal-state
• The creation of new agencies to give
policy issues a high profile
An important difference between an independent
executive agency and an independent regulatory
agency is that:
• Executive agences are funded through
executive departments
• The head of an executive agency holds cabinet
• Presidential appointments to a regulatory
agency serve for a fixed term
• Executive agencies do not engage in rule
• Actions by regulatory agencies must be
approved by Congress
An iron triangle refers to the close
relationship between:
• The White house press corps, the press
secretary, major networks
• Congressional committees, interest groups, and
federal agencies
• The national security advisor, Secretary of
Defense, Secretary of State
• Congressional campaign committees, PACs,
party national committees
• Defense contractors, Department of Defense,
Joint Chiefs of Staff
A common criticism of the federal
bureaucracy is that:
• Too many civil servants are political appointees
• There are no controls over federal agencies
• The public is unaware of how federal agencies
make decisions
• Overlapping jurisdiction contribute to wasteful
• It is constantly growing in responsibilities and
labor force
Which of the following is NOT a
government corporation?
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Tennessee Valley Authority
US Postal Service
National Endowment for the Arts
E; National Endowment for the Arts
is part of the National Foundation
for the Arts and Humanities, an
independent executive agency
Which of the following is NOT part of the
rule-making process?
• Publication of proposed rules in the
Federal Register
• Review of proposed rules by the Office of
Management and Budget
• Comment period on proposed rules
• Publication of final rules in the Federal
• Review of final rules by congressional
oversight committees
Critics of government regulation of business
argue that:
• I regulation leads to higher prices for
• II regulation adds to corporate profits
• III regulation ultimately harms the
• IV regulation makes the United States less
competitive in world markets
I and IV
With regard to the federal bureaucracy,
recent presidents have tried to:
• Reduce the size of the work force and
reorganize the structure
• Increase spending for all federal agencies
• Get Congress to approve additional
staffing levels for executive departments
• Eliminate the Department of Labor
• Limit congressional oversight of
independent regulatory agencies
A regulatory agency that selects from a range
of policy options is said to exercise its:
Rule-making authority
Administrative discretion
Oversight responsibility
Mandate power
Administrative routine
All of the following are included in the standard
definition of bureaucracy EXCEPT:
Hierarchical organization
Standard operating procedures
Specialized tasks
Formal rules
Which of the following tools at the disposal of a
president is LEAST likely to impact the bureaucracy?
• The appointment of people to government
positions that are committed to his policy goals
• The use of executive orders to direct
bureaucracy to take a particular action
• The appointment of federal judges who support
the principle of judicial activism
• Either reducing or increasing funding for an
agency in the administration’s budget
• The ability of the president to speak directly to
agency heads about the administration’s C
The purpose of the Pendleton Act was to:
• Ensure that federal workers were paid the same
as workers in the private sector
• Give federal workers the right to form labor
• Develop a professional civil service system
based on merit
• Reduce corruption by substantially increasing
the salaries of federal employees
• Allow the president to appoint the higher levels
of the federal civil service
The means Congress has at its disposal to
control the bureaucracy include all of the
following EXCEPT:
Issue networks
Power of the purse
Confirmation of presidential appointments
Agency/program authorization
Oversight hearings
The Judiciary
The tradition of senatorial courtesy is
criticized because:
• It effectively allows a senator to nominate a
federal judge
• It gives too much power to the Senate to
investigate judicial nominees
• It gives the President Pro Tempore
responsibilities not provided for in the
• It allows the Senate Judiciary Committee to
delay hearings on a judicial appointment
• It allows the Senate Judiciary Committee alone
rather than the full Senate the power to reject a
nominee to the federal bench
Which of the following courts has only
original jurisdiction?
• US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit
• California Supreme Court
• US District Court of the Southern District
of NY
• New York State Court of Appeals
• US Supreme Court
In making nominations to the federal courts,
recent Democratic presidents have
• Selected more women and minorities than
• Not taken party affiliation into account
• Required that candidates have previous
judicial experience
• Relied heavily on recommendations from
large corporations
• Looked for candidates who were pro-life
The Supreme Court will agree to hear a case
• The Chief Justice orders it
• A majority of the justices agree
• A single justice insists a case be put on
the docket
• There is unanimous agreement among the
• Four justices agree
The authority to determine how many justices sit
on the Supreme Court is in the hands of:
The Supreme Court itself
The President
The Judicial Conference of the United
• The House Judiciary Committee
A Supreme Court justice who agrees with the
decision but not with the legal reasoning is
likely to write a:
Majority opinion
Per curiam opinion
Concurring opinion
Dissenting opinion
Plurality opinion
Which of the following cases is LEAST
likely to reach the Supreme Court?
• A dispute between Oregon and Washington over
coastal fishing
• A case on the rights of students to publish a
newspaper without supervision by the
• A case involving the constitutionality of a state
law limiting abortion
• A case that challenges the president’s right to
establish military tribunals to try suspected
• A case involving the murder of a police officer
during a drug arrest
All of the following statements about the
judicial branch are true EXCEPT:
• The overwhelming majority of criminal cases are
handled by state courts
• Only judges hear cases in the federal courts
• The only court specifically established in the
Constitution is the Supreme Court
• Most judges that sit on state or municipal courts
are elected
• Most cases come to the supreme Court on
appeal from the lower federal courts
Supreme Court Justice William Douglas
said, “I don’t follow precedents. I make
‘em.” This statement reflects:
Judicial conservatism
Judicial activism
Strict constructionism
Judicial restraint
Stare decisis
Which of the following statements about
amicus curiae briefs is NOT valid?
• Amicus briefs are an opportunity for third parties
to provide information to the Court
• Most amicus briefs are filed by individuals who
want the Court to consider their case
• Amicus briefs are filed in connection with
petitions for a writ of certiorari
• With the exception of the solicitor general,
attorneys who submit amicus briefs cannot
participate in oral argument
• Amicus briefs are a factor in the decision of the
Court to hear a case
A ruling made by a court of appeals is:
• Valid only within the states that make up
the circuit of that court
• Automatically brought to the Supreme
• Most likely the result of a decision of all
the judges in the circuit
• Based on the factual evidence introduced
at trial
• Made on the basis of oral argument alone
When President Jackson said, “John
Marshall has made his decision, now let him
enforce it!” This raises the issue of:
Judicial nationalism
Judicial federalism
Judicial implementation
Judicial review
Judicial jurisdiction
In establishing the Judicial branch, Article
III of the Constitution provided for all of
the following EXCEPT:
Original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
The scope of appellate jurisdiction
The definition of treason
Trial by jury
Office of the Attorney General
Public Opinion
A poll conducted over the Internet is of
questionable accuracy b/c:
• The participants were not randomly
• The margin of error is over +/- 3%
• The sample is biased in favor of the more
• The sample is too large
• Questions are typically not worded clearly
A; no random selection = no sample, no scientific
poll. It is biased in favor of more affluent, but
In light of the “graying of America,” which
issues are likely to get attention from elected
Deregulation of the energy industry
Missile defense programs
Term limits for members of Congress
Patient’s Bill of Rights
Gun control
Which of the following statements about
political ideology in the US are accurate?
• I political movements on the extreme right
and left have had little support
• II people who identify themselves as
conservatives always oppose laws
restricting abortions
• III most Americans consider themselves
• IV consistency is not essential to political
I and III
Political socialization refers to:
• Why a person identifies with a political
• How an individual’s political views are
• The measure of the public’s attitude on
national issues
• A person’s position on social questions
such as abortion
• The role of government in promoting
national identity
Data collected on the political attitudes of
ethnic/racial groups shows that:
• All minorities tend to take liberal positions on
major policy questions
• African Americans are shifting back to the
Republican Party
• The views of African Americans are not
significantly affected by income
• Asian American support for the Democratic
Party is strong
• Hispanic Americans are the most consistently
liberal group
C; Dem. Across the board
A month before a primary election, a poll shows
the following breakdown in a 3 candidate race:
Candidate A 45%; Candidate B 32%; Candidate
C 23%. Margin of error +/- 3%.
• Candidate A will get a majority of votes
• Candidate C will drop out of race b/c of
limited support
• The election is too close to predict b/c of
margin of error
• No conclusion can be drawn b/c election is
a month away
• There will be a runoff between A and B
Women are more likely than men to favor:
Capital punishment
Gun control legislation
No increases in federal minimum wage
Less spending on public housing
Libertarians support all of the following
• An end to tax breaks for large corporations
• A prescription drug plan for seniors paid
for by the federal government
• The repeal of laws restricting gun
• The legalization of marijuana and similar
• Full exercise of freedom of speech,
including materials considered “obscene”
Which of the following statements best describes
the relationship between an individual’s income
and attitudes toward federal spending?
• Lower income groups support spending for
social programs
• There is no correlation between income and
views on federal spending
• Economic self-interest requires wealthy
Americans to back more government spending
for jobs
• Minorities approve of higher defense spending
• Higher income Americans tend to support the
Democratic Party
Despite migration from the Rust Belt to the
Sun Belt, the South:
• I is a more conservative region than the
• II is a stronghold for the religious right
• III remains committed to the Democratic
I and II
The political party an individual identifies
with is largely determined by:
Mass media
A politician who advocates raising the
minimum wage, cutting spending on
weapons systems, and increasing the budget
for the Environmental Protection Agency is:
Polls taken during an election campaign
focus on:
• Which candidate is ahead
• The views of the candidates on the issues
• The amount of money each candidate has
• The character of the candidates
• The candidates’ position on foreign policy
In recent years, occupation has become less
significant to determining political attitudes
• Few Americans are blue collar workers
• Americans are more mobile than in the
• Education is a more important factor
• Political parties do not frame issues in
terms of class
• Workers adopt the views of their unions
C; and more Ams finishing high school and going to
Which of the following is NOT a
conservative position?
• Support for prayer in the public schools
• Support for voucher plans for private
• Support for increases in corporate and
income taxes
• Support for deregulation of business
• Support for limits on affirmative action
Political Parties
Voting a straight ticket reflects:
Voter apathy
Party loyalty
Weak party structure
Influence of campaign advertising
Support for the Democratic Party
When the Republican Party emerged in the
1850s, it replaced which of the following?
Whig party
Populist party
Labor Reform Party
The party platform is developed:
• By the nominee’s campaign staff
• By the chair of the national committee
• At the national convention by the platform
• Through questionnaires sent to registered
members for the party
• By members of the party’s Senate and
House campaign committees
The Democrats’ New Deal Coalition relied
on support from all of the following groups
Labor union members
Catholics and Jews
African Americans
Business leaders
The boss, who was a fixture in local party
politics in many American cities, kept power
Rigging elections
Support for primary elections
Constituent services
I, II, and IV
Party realignment occurs when:
• A majority of the voters register as
• There is a shift in voter support from one
party to another
• There is a change in which party controls
one or both houses of Congress
• The president is from one party but the
Congress is in the hands of another
• A third party determines the outcome of
the election
Which of the following is NOT a function of
a political party?
To select candidates for office
To inform voters about issues
To run political campaigns
To raise money for candidates
To determine qualifications for office
The most successful third parties:
• Represent a particular region of the
• Have strong ties to an ideological position
• Break off from one of the two major parties
• Focus on a single issue
• Support a particular groups
Which statement best characterizes the relative
strengths of the Democratic and Republican
parties in the period between 1968 and 2000?
• Republican presidents always faced a Congress
controlled by Democrats
• The Democrats controlled the House from 19681994
• Democrats were more successful than
Republicans in presidential elections
• Divided government was the rule under
Democratic presidents
• The Republicans had a majority of the seats in
the Senate as a result of the 2000 election
Reforms in the Democratic Party after the
1968 election resulted in:
• More power given to party professionals and
• The creation of the Democratic Leadership
• A substantial increase in the amount of money
raised for presidential campaigns
• Greater participation of historically
underrepresented groups at the convention
• A decline in the number of presidential parties
Those who argue that political parties are
declining in importance point to:
I a decline in voter turnout
II candidate-run campaigns
III increase in ticket splitting
IV increase in the cost of running for office
II and III
During the campaign and during his first term,
Republican George W. Bush adopted which
issue that was usually considered Democatic?
Tax cuts
Missile defense systems
Campaign finance reform
Support for gays in the military
Greater federal support for education
Voting and Elections
The National Voter Registration Act
encouraged voting by:
• Requiring states to allow election day
• Declaring election day a federal holiday
• Allowing voter registration at DMV offices
• Eliminating residency requirements for
• Imposing fines on eligible voters who do
not register C; it was nicknamed the “motor voter act”
Which of the following statements about
voter turnout is valid?
• I Income and education levels have no
effect on minority voting
• II the gender gap refers to the fact that
women are more likely to vote than men
• III the lowest voter turnout is among
college-age Americans
• IV the most common reason given by
Americans for not voting in that they were
too busy
III and IV
One of the effects of winner-take-all
primaries is that:
• Candidates can get a majority of the
delegates quickly
• The cost of the campaign is higher
• The media focuses on who is ahead
• Candidates stay in the race longer
• More candidates decide to enter the
Today, the most important function of a
party’s national convention is to:
• Select the electors for the electoral college
• Develop the strategy for the general
• Formally nominate the president and vice
• Choose the party’s leaders for the House
and the Senate
• Name a new chair for the national
An amendment to the Constitution that did
NOT extend the right to vote to a particular
group was the:
D; that one abolished the poll tax
A primary election in which a registered
Democrat can ask for a Republican ballot is a:
Presidential primary
Open primary
Closed primary
Blanket primary
Proportional representation primary
Supreme Court ruled in Buckley v. Valeo
(1976) ruled that:
• Limits on a candidate’s use of personal money
was unconstitutional
• Limits on individual contributions violated the 1st
• Labor union contributions were protected under
the right of association
• Federal matching funds had to be made
available for state races
• Contributions to political parties for voter
registration drives were valid
Lower voter turnout in the US can be
explained by all of the following EXCEPT:
Weak political parties
An aging electorate
Difficulty in registering
Difficulty in voting
Frequency of voting
In recent years, the efforts at campaign
finance reform have focused on:
• Reducing the influence of political action
• Curbing spending on negative advertising
• Decreasing the cost of presidential
• Prohibiting the use of union dues for
political campaigns
• Eliminating soft money available to
political parties
Over the last 30 years, most successful
candidates for the presidency have served:
In the Cabinet
As senators
As business executives
As govenors
In the House of Representatives
During the general election, a candidate is
likely to do which of the following?
• I Moderate positions taken during the
primaries to appeal to the electorate as a
• II Campaign vigorously in all 50 states
• III Participate in a series of televised
debates with the other major party
• IV Continue to actively raise money
I and III
Above all else, the results of the 2000
presidential election showed that:
• The “solid South” remains a fact of
American politics
• The winner of the popular vote always
wins the electoral vote
• The vote of every person is important
• A balanced ticket is the key to victory
• The party that spends the most will win the
A candidate who qualifies for federal
matching funds:
• Loses the money if contributions over $250 are
• Must accept spending limits during the primaries
• Needs to finish in the top four in each primary
• Does not have to report contributions less than
$250 to the FEC
• Receives a check from the Treasury for the total
amount raised during the campaign
The campaign staff a presidential candidate
puts together includes all of the following
A pollster
A media specialist
A foreign policy consultant
A domestic policy advisor
A political action committee chair
In comparing congressional and presidential
elections, which of the following statements
are NOT valid?
• I the power of incumbency is stronger in
congressional races
• II Congressional candidates get no federal
matching funds
• III Presidential campaigns are
considerably longer
• IV The money spent on congressional and
presidential campaigns remained stable
In covering a political campaign, the media
is best described as a:
Under the Federal Communications Commission’s
equal access rules, broadcasters must:
• Give free airtime to all candidates for public
• Assure that both sides on a controversial subject
like abortion get equal time
• Air debates for candidates running for office in
their market
• Provide the same opportunity for all political
candidates to present their views
• Take the diversity of their market into account in
deciding news coverage
Which of the following contemporary news
outlets is similar to the yellow journalism of
the late nineteenth century?
Network news programs
Radio talk shows
Newspapers like USA Today
All news cable stations
Tabloid press
The fact that election campaigns are often
reduced to sound bites suggests that:
• Television provides superficial coverage of
• Politicians are not very dynamic speakers
• Voters turn to newspapers and magazines
to understand the issues
• Network news shows are too long
• Editors need to take more responsibility for
Cross-ownership refers to:
• A company owning radio and television stations
in different parts of the country
• Companies like Gannett that own numerous
• A company owning a newspaper and television
station in the same market
• Entertainment giants like the Walt Disney
Company that own television networks
• Cable companies that are the sole service
providers in a community
All of the following work against a liberal
bias in the media EXCEPT:
• Most news about government and politics comes
from official sources
• Journalists are trained to be objective and
present both sides of a story
• Editors and publishers are more conservative
than reporters
• Broadcast and print journalists as a group tend
to support the Democratic Party
• Major media outlets are owned by larger
corporations whose primary business is not
The Supreme Court made it more difficult for
public officials falsely attacked in the media
to sue for libel in:
New York Times v. Sullivan
New York Times v. US
Red Lion Broadcasting v. FCC
Engel v. Vitale
Bucley v. Valeo
News coverage of Congress:
• Is devoted to scandals like the
impeachment of President Clinton
• Is primarily the responsibility of C-SPAN
• Focuses on the leadership in the House
and the Senate
• Is influenced by the White House press
• Is more thorough on network television
than in the press
Which of the following newspaper headlines
suggests investigative reporting?
• “Abuse of patients in nursing homes in the
state uncovered”
• “Fire guts office structure; arson suspected”
• “President to hold summit with Chinese
• “Stock prices drop as corporate
brankruptcies rise”
• “Attorney General to rule on Special
The media plays a key role in politics by:
• Determining who gets elected to state and
federal offices
• Helping to set the issues that political
leaders need to address
• Presenting elected officials in the best
possible light to the public
• Reinforcing values such as patriotism and
• Paying candidates for exclusive stories
Interest Groups
When a political action committee makes a
contribution to an elected official, the
expectation is:
• The elected official will vote the way the interest
group wants
• The interest group will have access to the
elected official
• The elected official will provide jobs for members
of the interest group
• The elected official will make sure the interest
group is not audited by the IRS
• The elected official will kick back a portion of the
contribution to lobbyists
All of the following are examples of
economic interest groups EXCEPT:
American Farm Bureau Federation
Consumer Union of the US
Service Employees International Union
American Bankers Association
American Federation of Teachers
B; that’s a public interest grp
In order to contribute to the campaign of a
presidential candidate, an interest group:
• Can make the donation directly to the
• Must earmark money for voter education
• Can only give the money to the national
• Must create a political action committee to
raise and distribute money
• Must approve ads bought with its money
The free-rider problem refers to:
• Candidates for office who face no primary
• A candidate with great personal wealth
who does not need PAC money
• Members of Congress who take gifts from
• Non-germane amendments added to a bill
• A person who benefits from an interest
group but does not join
Lobbyists try to influence public policy by all
of the following EXCEPT:
• Mobilizing grass roots support
• Testifying before congressional
• Meeting with federal district judges
• Speaking with heads of federal agencies
• Providing research data to government
C: such meetings really not allowed
A lobbyist for the NRA is most likely to get
the support of:
A Republican who voted for the Brady Bill
An incumbent facing a difficult reelection
A liberal Democrat
A newly elected Senator
A conservative Republican
Interest groups participate in electoral
politics by:
I endorsing candidates
II urging members to vote for a candidate
III running candidates for office
IV lobbying for term limits for Congress
I and II
The people attracted to interest groups are
most likely:
Social conservatives
Committed independent voters
Liberal activists
Racial/ethnic minorities
Which one of the following statements
about lobbyists is NOT true?
• Lobbyists are often former government officials
• Lobbyists must register with the House and the
• Lobbyists cannot represent foreign countries
• Many interest groups have their own lobbyists
on staff
• Strong interpersonal skills are important to a
lobbyist’s success
C; i.e. Israeli Lobby
A former under secretary in the Department
of Energy becomes a consultant for the
American Petroleum Institute and testifies
before Congress on the regulation of offshore
oil drilling. This is:
An iron triangle
Influence peddling
An issue network
The revolving door
Effective lobbying
Which of the following statements about
interest groups is valid?
• Interest groups only try to influence policymaking
at the federal level
• Interest groups are only composed of individual
• The potential membership of an interest group is
almost always greater than its actual
• Interest groups get all of their funding from
membership dues
• Interest groups are most effective when they
deal with multiple issues
Lobbyists must file reports of their activities,
including information about their clients, with:
The Federal Election Commission
The Justice Department
The Securities and Exchange Commission
The House of Representatives and the
• Office of Management and Budget