Download Imperial Japan 1919-1941

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Rising Sun flag= military
flag/Imperial Japanese Army war
flag of Japan
Flag of Japan today
Photo of Emperor Meiji in the
• Japan forcibly opened to western trade by the U.S. navy in 1854
• Emperor Meiji decided to modernize and industrialize Japan
• Emperor was head of the Shinto religion (supposedly descended from
the sun goddess Amaterasu) as well as the political leader of Japan
Sun goddess- Amaterasu
Constitution required members of army and navy in government, had veto
Meiji married his 1st cousin and had an insane son, Taisho
Taisho reached the throne in 1912, amidst ritual suicides
Taisho was supposed to address the Diet (Japanese legislature) in 1913; he
instead rolled up his speech and looked at the Diet like it was a telescope
Military takes over government from incompetent Taisho in 1926
Taisho’s son Hirohito becomes emperor in 1926
Taisho (left)
& Emperor
Flag of the Qing
Japan has almost no natural
resources; Japan began attacking
her neighbors trying to obtain
their natural resources
First Sino-Japanese War took
place in1895; Japan beat China
and became the top
regional(local) power
Allied countries made Japan give
back most of the gains they took
from China which humiliated
First Sino- Japanese war map of battles
Painting of First Sino-Japanese War
Japanese started with a sneak
attack on Port Arthur (no
declaration of war)
Japanese use suicide sailors to
sink ships in front of harbor at
Port Arthur, crews sink vessels,
then come ashore and charge
Russian forts and die
Tsushima Straits 20 Russian
ships sunk, 5 captured, 5
Japanese lost 3 ships
Andreevsky flag
ensign of the
Russian Navy
Painting of Russo-Japanese War
Russo-Japanese War map
Black Dragon Society
Was founded as a criminal
Became interested in Japanese
expansion into Siberia and Manchuria,
opium traders, assassins of political
Supported Nationalists under Sun Yatsen (below left) and Chiang Kai-shek
(below right) to overthrow Manchu
dynasty, succeeded in 1911, Manchu’s
dynasty opposed drug trafficking
Made Korea colony in 1910
Fought on allied side in WWI,
limited fighting in German owned
islands in the Pacific
Allies refused to accept “Racial
Equality Clause” in Treaty of
Seemed to be on way to democracy
by the 1920’s
Manchu (Ding)
Dynasty flag
4 giant Zaibatsu (giant, powerful Japanese business conglomerates)
Mitsui (Finance), Yasuda (Finance), Sumitomo (Mining), Mitsubishi
(Military transport) dominated trade and industry, used by Japan to produce
goods for war
1924, U.S. pass Exclusion Act banning Japanese immigration
•Army ruled by samurai - military nobility
•Code of bushido “The Way of the Warrior”- code of conduct for Samurai,
includes honor until death – no surrender
• The Japanese believed if you died fighting for the emperor you would be rewarded
in heaven, or be re-incarnated to serve the emperor again under better circumstances
in your next life
Samurai sword
Kanji symbol
The seven
codes of
should be
followed by
the Samurai
every day
Japan began to see herself as the
rightful ruler of Asia, wanted to
replace western powers as
imperial power in Asia
Nationalist movement became
strong, opponents in politics were
Japanese policy led to China, first
Manchuria, iron, coal, steel
China was trying to modernize,
was ruled by warlords
Kenji Doihara
Japanese spymaster in Manchuria
Achieved position by selling his
young sister to a high Japanese
Operated brothels and opium dens
to entrap Chinese officials
Prostitutes paid 1 free pipe for each
one sold to Chinese, executed if
addicted Japanese
Proceeds used to fund Japanese
army in Manchuria
Assassinated warlord of Manchuria
by blowing up his train
Flag of
1922 & Kenji
Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek, his army is called the Kuomintang
Communists led by Mao Tse-tung (aka Zedong)
Spy Eastern Jewel hired Chinese gangs to burglarize Japanese merchants and
destroy homes in Shanghai, Japanese then invade until west opposes as obvious
like a man
Mukden Incident
•September 18, 1931, Japanese army acted
without orders
•Japanese fake an attempt to blow up their
railroad in Manchuria, place charge far from
tracks so not to blow up any of the rails, blamed
the Chinese and use it as excuse to take
Manchuria, attacked Chinese barracks without
Japanese experts inspect the scene of the 'railway
warning (Japan lost 2 soldiers, and won
sabotage' on South Manchurian Railway, leading to
the Mukden Incident and the Japanese occupation
of Manchuria
Japanese troops entering Shenyang during
the Mukden Incident
Japanese troops enter Chinese city after
Mukden Incident
Republic of
18th History
Museum") in
Japan set up a puppet state of Manchukuo, February 18, 1932, with former Chinese emperor
Henry Pu-Y in charge
The Japanese wanted to convince Pu-Yi to move to Mukden and take the throne, and then
authorize Japanese troops
Doihara sent Pu-Yi’s relative, Eastern Jewel, to seduce him, which failed
Eastern Jewel then “found” a poisonous snake in his bed
Eastern Jewel “found” a bomb in a gift fruit basket, bombs “identified” as coming from enemy
Crowds hired by Doihara protested the Pu-Yi dynasty , Doihara then sent the army to “fight them
to the death”
Doihara hired thugs to attack Pu-Yi’s bodyguards, finally accepted and became a prisoner of the
Japanese after he authorized their troops, tried and convicted for collaboration by Chinese after
Eastern Jewel got fat and suffered from numerous venereal diseases, beheaded by Chinese after
League of Nations asks Japan to leave Manchuria, Japan leaves the League in1933
Japan takes the rest of northern China by 1933
Mao and Chiang fight each other, did not work together until 1937
Henry Pu-Yi & Flag of Manchukuo
Japan broke Washington Naval Conference and began building a powerful
navy, created 2 of the largest battleships in world history, Yamato and
Musashi (a third was converted to a giant aircraft carrier, the Shinano)
Diagram of
Yamato battle
Picture of
Above: Musashi Below: IJN
Shinano aircraft carrier
Clash at Marco Polo Bridge:
• Fight between Japanese and Chinese troops on July
7, 1937
•Japanese enter Chinese territory claiming to search
for a “missing soldier”
• Chinese resisted and the Japanese army attacked and
invaded the rest of China
•President Roosevelt calls for quarantine of Germany,
Italy, and Japan
•The Marco Polo Bridge (Lugouqiao), a key access to
•The Double Seventh Incident (the 7th day of the 7th
month) signaled the beginning of the Japanese all-out
invasion of northern China
Marco Polo
Guardian lions decorate the
Marco Polo Bridge
1st: Marco Bridge; 2007 2nd: On July 7, 1937, Japanese troops launched bombarded (Marco
Polo Bridge) the Lugougiao Bridge 3rd: Chinese National Revolutionary Army Troops at the
Marco Polo Bridge in 1937
Damage from the Japanese shells on the
wall of Wanping Fortress is marked with
a memorial plaque now. The text on the
stone drums below summarizes the
history of the war that followed the
Above (left) Kanji symbols of Banzai
(Ten thousand years) in front of
Japan's national flag
Above (right): Japanese aggressor
cavalry troops passing through the
Marco Polo Bridge
Below (right): Soldiers of the Imperial
Japanese navy celebrating at the
Marco Polo Bridge by doing banzai
Rape of Nanking, winter (1937- 38), authorized slaughter of civilians, rape,
bayonet and grenade practice, set afire with gasoline
Above: Japanese soldier beheads
a prisoner at Nanking
Below: The Quintessential Photo
of Nanking a Wounded Child
Who has Lost His Parents
Field of Bones
Nanking Massacre:
(Japanese Troops) and
heads of beheaded
Japanese soldiers at Work in
Iris Chang would never be the same after researching
and writing the Rape of Nanking. Traumatized by what
she had learned and burdened by the weight of what she
had taken on, she killed herself on November 9th 2004.
Memorial Site for Victims of 1937 Nanking Massacre
Panay Incident:
• Japanese dive bomber pilot sinks USS Panay December 12, 1937, ship was on the
Yangtze River near Nanking to intimidate Japanese, 2 killed
• Japanese bombers and fighter planes bombed and strafed (attack by low-flying
aircraft) the ship, sank it, machine gunned the survivors in the water
Survivor’s of the Panay Incident
Newspaper Headline the day after the bombing
of the USS Panay
• A Japanese ship followed and machine gunned the survivors near the shore
• Japanese troops marched along the shore apparently hoping to capture the
• Japanese sailors boarded the ship just before it sank, perhaps in hopes of
finding secret papers, equipment, or codes
• Attack was partially filmed by news crews, but FDR ordered the film censored
to edit out Japanese pilots’ faces
• Japan claims it thought the ship was Chinese (even though it was clearly
marked with two large U.S. flags) apologizes and pays $2 million damages, but
awards pilot with a medal
• Japan not capable of completing conquest of China
Japan began to regulate
society more in 1937:
(Censorship, rationing, police
In 1938, Japan announces:
Greater East Asia CoProsperity Sphere
Japan plans to control resources in
her Southeast Asian Empire
Kempeitai (Imperial Japanese
Army Military Police), able to
use forced confessions in court,
used to make sure everyone was
loyal to the war, ran prisoner of
war camps, participated in human
The Kempeitai also provided,
“Comfort Women”, women
from territories occupied by
Japan forced into sex slavery by
the Japanese (Used for keeping
moral support high for Japanese
soldiers during WW2)
Japanese illustration of the “Cooperation” of
Asian countries in the Greater East Asia CoProsperity Sphere
Kingdom of Italy, Nazi Germany, and
Empire of Japan
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis (September
1940): military alliance between the three
•U.S. does not use trade sanctions against
Japan (Great Depression) until (1940-41)
•Embargo on war materials including oil,
aviation gasoline, scrap iron, steel
•U.S. had begun preparing for war in the
1930’s, buildings aircraft carriers
Pro-Axis German postcard
1st: Mussolini (Rome) 2nd: Hitler (Berlin) 3rd: Emperor
Hirohito (Toyko)
1. Hideki Tojo, (pictured left
with all the medals) was
Minister of War, soldier, and
became prime minister
October 1941-July 19, 1944
(resigned 10 days after fall of
Signing of the Tripartite
Pact on September 27,
1940 in Berlin. Seated on
the left starting with
Saburo Kurusu (Empire
of Japan), Galeazzo
Ciano (Kingdom of Italy)
and Adolf Hitler
(German Reich slumped
in chair).
Yosuke Matsuoka, Japan’s Foreign
Minister visits Adolf Hitler in Berlin on
March 1941
Mussolini, Hitler, and Hirohito
"Grotesque Italian, German, and Japanese
characters" artist unknown; possibly
September 1940