Chapter 25-America & World War II 1941-1945
... weapon available to save American lives. • The Allies threatened Japan with “utter destruction,” but received no response. • On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, one of Japan’s important industrial cities. • Tens of thousands of people died instantly, and thousands more ...
... weapon available to save American lives. • The Allies threatened Japan with “utter destruction,” but received no response. • On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, one of Japan’s important industrial cities. • Tens of thousands of people died instantly, and thousands more ...
... to settle the dispute by returning Shikotan and Habomai to Japan. In the final round of the talks the Japanese side accepted the weakness of its claim to Etorofu and Kunashiri and agreed to settle for return of Shikotan and the Habomais, in exchange for a peace treaty. However, the Americans interve ...
... to settle the dispute by returning Shikotan and Habomai to Japan. In the final round of the talks the Japanese side accepted the weakness of its claim to Etorofu and Kunashiri and agreed to settle for return of Shikotan and the Habomais, in exchange for a peace treaty. However, the Americans interve ...
III.B - Cloudfront.net
... There were several reasons why the mighty Axis powers fell to the Allies. ...
... There were several reasons why the mighty Axis powers fell to the Allies. ...
Beware the Tomb of the Known Soldier
... Nanjing Massacre. Class-A crimes were a new category, “crimes against peace.” The Tokyo trials that set down these verdicts were, and remain, highly fraught in Japan. Many people view them as puppet trials carrying out victor’s justice, point to their rampant procedural flaws and rail against the hy ...
... Nanjing Massacre. Class-A crimes were a new category, “crimes against peace.” The Tokyo trials that set down these verdicts were, and remain, highly fraught in Japan. Many people view them as puppet trials carrying out victor’s justice, point to their rampant procedural flaws and rail against the hy ...
WWII Map Project
... 8. Use passage from Memoirs of Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson (1947) to answer the questions that follow it. (1 pt each question) The principal political, social, and military objective of the United States in the summer of 1945 was the prompt and complete surrender of Japan. Only the complete de ...
... 8. Use passage from Memoirs of Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson (1947) to answer the questions that follow it. (1 pt each question) The principal political, social, and military objective of the United States in the summer of 1945 was the prompt and complete surrender of Japan. Only the complete de ...
Time for Japan to apologize
... This year we will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, the greatest war in human history. When representatives of Imperial Japan surrendered to General Douglas MacArthur on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945, it not only brought that war to an end. It also bro ...
... This year we will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, the greatest war in human history. When representatives of Imperial Japan surrendered to General Douglas MacArthur on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945, it not only brought that war to an end. It also bro ...
Historical Notes Japan
... By the time Japan entered the Second World War in December 1941, with its surprise attack on the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, it had become one of the world’s most industrialised nations. At the beginning of the twentieth century, after centuries of self-imposed isolation from the rest of the w ...
... By the time Japan entered the Second World War in December 1941, with its surprise attack on the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, it had become one of the world’s most industrialised nations. At the beginning of the twentieth century, after centuries of self-imposed isolation from the rest of the w ...
Standard VUS.11
... American and Allied troops under the command of General Eisenhower began the Normandy landings (D-Day) in German-occupied France on June 6, 1944. Despite intense German opposition and heavy American casualties, the landings succeeded and the __________________ of western Europe from Hitler had begun ...
... American and Allied troops under the command of General Eisenhower began the Normandy landings (D-Day) in German-occupied France on June 6, 1944. Despite intense German opposition and heavy American casualties, the landings succeeded and the __________________ of western Europe from Hitler had begun ...
World War II
... Revisionist history of World War I Early 1930’s widely accepted view was that WWI was a poor choice that only served greed of bankers and manufacturers. ...
... Revisionist history of World War I Early 1930’s widely accepted view was that WWI was a poor choice that only served greed of bankers and manufacturers. ...
... the major cities like Tôkyô, Nagoya, Osaka and Kôbe already will largely be reduced to ashes by the slower process of ordinary aerial bombing. Certain and perhaps important tactical results undoubtedly can be achieved, but we nevertheless think that the question of the use of the very first availabl ...
... the major cities like Tôkyô, Nagoya, Osaka and Kôbe already will largely be reduced to ashes by the slower process of ordinary aerial bombing. Certain and perhaps important tactical results undoubtedly can be achieved, but we nevertheless think that the question of the use of the very first availabl ...
Unit VIII Reading Assignment
... Describe the impact of World War I on postwar Europe. Identify the problems faced by the Weimar Republic. Trace the events that led to the financial collapse of the U.S. economy. Analyze the worldwide effects of the Great Depression. Describe Mussolini’s creation of a Fascist state in Italy. Discuss ...
... Describe the impact of World War I on postwar Europe. Identify the problems faced by the Weimar Republic. Trace the events that led to the financial collapse of the U.S. economy. Analyze the worldwide effects of the Great Depression. Describe Mussolini’s creation of a Fascist state in Italy. Discuss ...
World War II Data Based Question
... It was Japan that had attacked the United States, and it was Japan on which the anger of the American people had focused. . . . Had it not been for Midway, Roosevelt could not have persevered with a Europefirst policy. Public opinion would not have allowed it. . . . Through an extraordinary combinat ...
... It was Japan that had attacked the United States, and it was Japan on which the anger of the American people had focused. . . . Had it not been for Midway, Roosevelt could not have persevered with a Europefirst policy. Public opinion would not have allowed it. . . . Through an extraordinary combinat ...
Interactive Timeline Causes of WWII guide
... Barbaric invasion is sign of Germany’s attempt at world conquest ...
... Barbaric invasion is sign of Germany’s attempt at world conquest ...
... 1. Japan would be occupied until the declaration was signed. 2. The Japanese army would be allowed to return home. 3. Once the declaration was met, allied troops would be withdrawn. 4. “Japan shall be permitted to maintain such industries as will sustain her economy and permit the exaction of just r ...
... 1. Japan would be occupied until the declaration was signed. 2. The Japanese army would be allowed to return home. 3. Once the declaration was met, allied troops would be withdrawn. 4. “Japan shall be permitted to maintain such industries as will sustain her economy and permit the exaction of just r ...
World War II on the Home Front
... (b) US citizens could travel on belligerent vessels or into war zones at their own risk. (c) First used in Oct 1935 when Italy attacked Ethiopia. Second Neutrality Act - Feb 1936 - 1 May 1937 - extended the first act (a) It added a prohibition against extending loans or credit to belligerents (b) US ...
... (b) US citizens could travel on belligerent vessels or into war zones at their own risk. (c) First used in Oct 1935 when Italy attacked Ethiopia. Second Neutrality Act - Feb 1936 - 1 May 1937 - extended the first act (a) It added a prohibition against extending loans or credit to belligerents (b) US ...
The Strategic Impact of the Battle of Midway
... significantly influenced global events, not merely the Pacific War. This strategy originated in American fears that Japan would attack the Soviet Far East. President Roosevelt sought to prevent such an attack from June to December 1941 through economic sanctions and the reinforcement of the Philippi ...
... significantly influenced global events, not merely the Pacific War. This strategy originated in American fears that Japan would attack the Soviet Far East. President Roosevelt sought to prevent such an attack from June to December 1941 through economic sanctions and the reinforcement of the Philippi ...
Chapter 39 - tomernotes
... million women got jobs, half of which didn't have jobs before. Many were mothers, so the government set up 3,000 day-care centers. Even after the war, many women continued working. Therefore, the war permanently contributed to the role of women in society. Reality on Women. The number 216,000 was no ...
... million women got jobs, half of which didn't have jobs before. Many were mothers, so the government set up 3,000 day-care centers. Even after the war, many women continued working. Therefore, the war permanently contributed to the role of women in society. Reality on Women. The number 216,000 was no ...
Dropping of the Atomic Bomb - Mr Portwood`s History Class
... Well before Hiroshima and Nagasaki, these principles had been swept aside as the concept of "total war" had become the Allies' guiding principle. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, by the magnitude and the instantaneous nature of the destruction, raised the question of ethical legitimacy in the starkest possib ...
... Well before Hiroshima and Nagasaki, these principles had been swept aside as the concept of "total war" had become the Allies' guiding principle. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, by the magnitude and the instantaneous nature of the destruction, raised the question of ethical legitimacy in the starkest possib ...
20th Century Name: Shen The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb
... compounded by illness (50-60%). Since then, more have died from leukemia and cancer attributed to exposure to radiation released by the bombs. Survivors of the bombings are called “hibakusha,” a Japanese word that literally means “explosion affected people.” As of March 2009, 235,569 hibakusha were ...
... compounded by illness (50-60%). Since then, more have died from leukemia and cancer attributed to exposure to radiation released by the bombs. Survivors of the bombings are called “hibakusha,” a Japanese word that literally means “explosion affected people.” As of March 2009, 235,569 hibakusha were ...
The Atlantic Charter
... Fourth, they will endeavor, with due respect for their existing obligations, to further the enjoyment by all States, great or small, victor or vanquished, of access, on equal terms, to the trade and to the raw materials of the world which are needed for their economic prosperity ...
... Fourth, they will endeavor, with due respect for their existing obligations, to further the enjoyment by all States, great or small, victor or vanquished, of access, on equal terms, to the trade and to the raw materials of the world which are needed for their economic prosperity ...
Chapter 27 Study Guide
... out of the Great Depression? • How did the war spur an African-American ...
... out of the Great Depression? • How did the war spur an African-American ...
Ch. 17 World War II Sec. 3
... Met at Yalta – Southern Crimea Peninsula on the Black Sea Discuss Postwar Issues At this time the outcome in Europe was predictable, but the war in the Pacific was very questionable ...
... Met at Yalta – Southern Crimea Peninsula on the Black Sea Discuss Postwar Issues At this time the outcome in Europe was predictable, but the war in the Pacific was very questionable ...
World War II on the Home Front
... – Formed by Sears executive Gen. Robert Wood, peaked at 800,000 members including Henry Ford, Alice Roosevelt Longsworth and Charles Lindbergh . – Lindbergh made several speeches for the committee which stressed: (1) Impossibility of a German attack across the Atlantic; (2) Wealth of nations like Br ...
... – Formed by Sears executive Gen. Robert Wood, peaked at 800,000 members including Henry Ford, Alice Roosevelt Longsworth and Charles Lindbergh . – Lindbergh made several speeches for the committee which stressed: (1) Impossibility of a German attack across the Atlantic; (2) Wealth of nations like Br ...
Empire of Japan
The Empire of Japan (大日本帝国/大日本帝國, Dai Nippon Teikoku, literally ""Greater Japanese Empire"") was the historical Japanese nation-state that existed from the Meiji Restoration on January 3, 1868 to the enactment of the 1947 constitution of modern Japan.Imperial Japan's rapid industrialization and militarization under the slogan Fukoku Kyōhei (富国強兵, ""Enrich the Country, Strengthen the Armed forces"") led to its emergence as a world power and the establishment of a colonial empire. Economic and political turmoil in the 1920s led to the rise of militarism, eventually culminating in Japan's membership in the Axis alliance and the conquest of a large part of the Asia-Pacific region. At the height of its power in 1942, the Empire of Japan ruled over a land area spanning 7,400,000 square kilometres (2,857,000 sq mi), making it one of the largest maritime empires in history.After several large-scale military successes during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) and the Pacific War, the Empire of Japan also gained notoriety for its war crimes against the peoples of the countries it conquered. After suffering many defeats and following the Soviet Union's declaration of war against Japan and invasion of Manchuria, and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, however, the Empire of Japan surrendered to the Allies on August 15, 1945. A period of occupation by the Allies followed the surrender, and a new constitution was created with American involvement. The constitution came into force on May 3, 1947, officially dissolving the Empire. American occupation and Japan's reconstruction of the country continued well into the 1950s, eventually forming the current nation-state whose full title is the ""State of Japan"" (Nippon-koku) simply rendered ""Japan"" in English.The Emperors during this time, which spanned the entire Meiji and Taishō, and the lesser part of the Shōwa eras, are now known in Japan by their posthumous names, which coincide with those era names: Emperor Meiji (Mutsuhito), Emperor Taishō (Yoshihito), and Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito).