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Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016
1. Notes on Ancient Israel
2. Begin Group Project
6-1.4 Explain the origins, fundamental beliefs, and
spread of Eastern religions, including Hinduism (India),
Judaism (Mesopotamia), Buddhism (India), and
Confucianism and Taoism (China).
The Israelites
Vocabulary 3-1
• Monotheism- belief in one God.
• Tribe - a separate family group.
• Torah- a set of laws handed
down from God to the Israelites.
• Covenant- agreement
• Alphabet- a group of letters that
stand for sounds.
3-2 Vocabulary
• Prophet: one who claims to be
instructed by God to share
• Empire: nation that rules over
several other nations
• Tribute: money or slaves given
to a stronger ruler
• Proverb: wise saying
• Exile - forced life in a foreign
• Sabbath- weekly day of rest &
• Synagogue- Jewish house of
• Diaspora – time when Jews
were scattered outside Judaea.
• messiah - a deliverer sent by
• Rabbi - teacher of the Torah.
• Israelites believe they are descended from Abraham who lived near
• God told Abraham that he would give the land of Canaan to him and his
• Modern-day Canaan is occupied by Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan.
• Israelites are monotheistic; their religion is called Judaism.
• Wrote their beliefs down in the Hebrew Bible.
• Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, had 12 sons. These sons and their descendants
became the 12 tribes of Israel.
• Jacob’s name was changed to Israel, which means “one who struggles with
• Because of a drought, Israelites traveled to Egypt where they were enslaved
by the Pharaoh to build pyramids.
Israelite Leaders Activity
• Take out 4 sheets of paper.
• Write Abraham
• Skip ½ page
• Write Jacob
• Turn over on back
• Write Moses
• Skip ½ page
• Write, Joshua, Saul, David, and Solomon the same way
Israelite Leaders
Use the textbook (pgs. 80 - 92) to find ALL the information you can about your
group’s assigned Israelite leader. Make sure you research him/her thoroughly
in the textbook. You will then share your information with other students.
• GROUP 1: Abraham & Jacob
• GROUP 2: Moses
• GROUP 3: Joshua & Deborah
• GROUP 4: Saul
• GROUP 5: David
• GROUP 6: Solomon
Israel Timeline
• Create a timeline of the significant events in Israel’s history.
• Use your BWB pgs. 37 – 44
• 15 entries
• Leave plenty of space in between entries to fill in as you go
• Work with a partner
• A date may not be given for every important event, but include the
event anyway
Israelite timeline
• 1800 B.C. God gives land of Canaan to Abraham and his descendants.
• Israelites build a kingdom in Canaan.
• Israelites move to Egypt to survive famine and become slaves to the Pharaoh
• 1290 B.C. Moses leads Israelites out of Egypt
• 1125 B.C. Deborah defeats the Canaanites
• Moses receives the Torah on Mt. Sinai
• 1100 B.C. Israelites settle Canaan.
Israelite timeline 2
• 1020 B.C. Israelites ask the prophet Samuel to appoint a king - Samuel appoints
Saul as king.
• 1000 B.C. David becomes king
• Solomon, David’s son, becomes king
• 874 B.C. – 571 B.C. Time of the Prophets (Elijah, Amos, Hosea, etc)
• 722 B.C. Assyrians conquer Israel (lost tribes of Israel)
• 597 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar captures Jerusalem
• 586 B.C. Chaldeans destroy temple
Israelite Leaders
• Abraham
• Father of Israelite nation
• God told Abraham to move from Mesopotamia to Canaan.
• Abraham and his people should worship one God.
• Jacob
• Abraham’s grandson
• God changed Jacob’s name to Israel – “one who struggles with God.”
• 12 tribes of Israel are formed by Jacob’s sons (Judah, Benjamin, etc)
Israelite Leaders 2
• Moses
Raised as royalty on Pharaoh’s household
Led Israelites out of slavery in Egypt - Exodus
Received the Torah (10 Commandments) from God on Mt. Sinai
Israelite Leaders 3
• Joshua
• Took over when Moses died and led Israelites into Promised Land.
• Led Israel in the Battle of Jericho. Marched around the walls for 6 days
blowing their trumpets. On the seventh day the Israelites shouted and the
walls fell.
• Divided land among the 12 tribes
• Deborah
• One of the judges who led Israel before the kings
• Helped the Israelites defeat the Canaanite king Jabin
Israelite Leaders 4
• Saul
• Appointed by Samuel the prophet as the 1st king of Israel
• Defeated Israel’s enemies in many battles
• Displeased God by breaking His commands, so God chose another king
• David
• Reigned from 1000 – 970 B.C.
• Killed the Philistine giant Goliath
• Served very successfully in Saul’s army
Israelite Leaders 5
• David
• Refused to take the kingship from Saul because Saul was appointed by
God through Samuel
• Became king after Saul’s death in battle
• Author of many of the Psalms
• Solomon
• When David died, his son Solomon became king
• Solomon built the 1st temple in Jerusalem
Israelite Leaders 6
• Solomon
• Solomon wrote the book or Proverbs. He was known for his wisdom and
wise sayings.
• Solomon was not well liked by many people he ruled over.
• He made many young men in the north work the mines to increase
Israel’s wealth.
• After Solomon died, 10 of the 12 tribes set up their own country in the
north – Israel. The other two tribes in the south set up a kingdom called
• Judah’s capital was Jerusalem.
Israelite Leaders 7
• After the kingdoms were split (Israel and Judah), neighboring people wanted to
control the trade routes that ran through the kingdoms
• This made the Israelites and Judah nervous
• During this troubled time the Hebrew people began to forget about their God
and religion. Corruption became widespread.
• A series of prophets tried to lead the people back to God and following the law.
• Some of the prophets were Elijah, Amos, Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.
The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Dead Seas Scrolls
Jewish Holidays
• Passover: April, 8 days, celebrates God’s passing over of the Jews during the
final plagues in Egypt and Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Limited work,
some foods are not allowed to be eaten or owned
• Rosh Hashanah: September/October, 2 days, celebrate the Jewish New Year,
synagogue services, shofar (horn) is blown
• Yom Kippur: September/October: 25 hours, to make amends for sins of past year,
no work, pray/fast
• Hanukkah: December, 8 days, celebrate Maccabees victory and reclaiming of
temple in Jerusalem, light menorah, play games, give gifts
Using BWB pgs. 37-51, write two to three facts (in
complete thoughts) about the following topics:
• Abraham
King Herod
• Jacob
Chaldeans (Nebuchadnezzar)
• Moses
• Joshua
Jewish Family Life
• Deborah
Jewish Diet
• Saul
• Solomon
• David
• Judah