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The Renaissance Period
1400s – 1600s A.D.
General Information
• Wars, plagues, and turmoil in the
Catholic Church shook people’s faith in
government, religion, and their fellow
man. In this dark period Europeans
sought a new start, a cultural rebirth.
• The Renaissance began as a cultural
revival after the death and oppression
of the Middle and Dark ages
• Location: Europe
• Mostly Florence and Rome, Italy
• Italy’s cities were along the
Mediterranean, and thus, a prime
location for trade and commerce
Visual Characteristics
• Proportions are more realistic and
accurate than they were in the
Middle Ages
• Foreshortening was used to create
• Color palette was relatively muted
• Themes were often religious, but
artists also explored concepts
related to math, science, and
Middle Ages
Visual Characteristics
• Art and architecture
influenced by ancient Greek
and Roman art
• Linear perspective invented
by architect Brunelleschi
• Artists created Frescos on
the ceilings of cathedrals
Famous Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
• Italian painter, engineer, inventor, etc. regarded by many historians as the
“Renaissance Man”
• Became an apprentice painter at 15
• Spent time all over Italy
• Thought of hundreds of inventions
• Enjoyed studying anatomy
The Last Supper, 1495-98; Tempera
Vitruvian Man, c.1490; Ink
Famous Artist: Michelangelo
• Italian sculptor and painter
• His distinctive style became “a
muscular precision and reality
combined with an almost
lyrical beauty”
• Commissioned by the church to
do paintings and frescos
• His fresco, “Last Judgment”
was called to be destroyed
after an outcry about nudes
• Achieved fame before death.
Lived to see two published
biographies about him
The Statue of David,
Carrara Marble
Sistine Chapel Ceiling,
1508-12; Gold, Plaster
My Thoughts
• I’m interested in architecture and
math, so I chose to research this
• The discoveries and inventions from
this movement are some of the
most important of the 20th century.
I appreciate this movement
immensely. Aesthetically, it’s not
quite my style, but I appreciate the
attempts at realism.
• I could incorporate the neoclassical
revival of Greek and Roman
architecture into my dream room by
adding columns or a domed ceiling.