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History of Biotechnology
Proving bread with leaven
Alcoholic drinks from fermented juices
Vinegar from fermented juices
Beer making in Egypt
Vinegar manufacturing
Discovery of fermentation of yeast by Erxleben
Lactic acid fermentation by Pasteur
Detection of fermentation enzymes in yeast
Discovery of penicillin by Fleming
Discovery of many other antibiotics
Funds for human Genome Project approved by US
Dolly the sheep cloned by Scottish scientists
Human genome sequence draft produced
3rd century BC
14th century
from 1945
Biotechnology is a new term used to define
old practices
a) Examples of biotechnology within
your surroundings? Any food
consumed based on biotechnology?
b) Can improvements be made?
c) How to do it?
d) Why do we need to do it?
Why Biotechnology Important?
Biotechnology: Definitions?
● Integrated use of microbiology, biochemistry,
& engineering in order to achieve applications
of microorganisms, animal or plant cells in industry,
agriculture, health care, and environmental processes.
● Using living organisms, or the products of living
organisms for human benefit or to benefit human
● manipulation of biological processes and / or
organisms for the benefit of mankind
Making Nature work for You
Organisms involved:
● microorganisms
● animal or plant cells
● Using living organisms, or the products
of living organisms
● biological processes and/or organisms
Goals of Biotechnology:
● to achieve applications in industry,
agriculture, health care, and
environmental processes.
● for human benefit
● to benefit human surroundings.
Tools of Biotechnology:
● Integrated use of microbiology, biochemistry,
and engineering etc
● Any tools can be used as long as it can
upgrade productions
● The need to use technology such as chemical
engineering processes etc.
Traditional biotech:
follows nature’s way and work on whole organism
New biotech:
manipulate nature’s work by the use of genetic
engineering and recombinant DNA to produce organisms
capable of making useful products.
New biotechnology is expected to expand tremendously
in future. It improves:
• quality
• quantity
• health
So what is the difference between old and new
Techniques used then were:
•isolation of organism of interest
•improvement of fermentation conditions
•process usually requires lengthy time and using trial and
error process
The processes nowadays are:
•isolation of gene coding for a protein of interest
•cloning of this gene into an appropriate production host,
known as recombinant DNA
•Can be mass produced much faster than the classical
Areas of Biotechnology
1) Industrial Biotech:
production of chemicals (solvents), enzymes,
food additives, pharmaceuticals, biopolymers
(Production of primary & secondary metabolites)
2) Environmental Biotech:
Sewage , industrial wastewater treatment,
metal recovery, bioremediation.
2) Animal Biotechnology:
Livestock with enhanced genetic attributes
3) Plant Biotech- Improve crop yield, disease
4) Medical Biotechnology
More accurate disease diagnosis and treatment
6) Forensic Biotechnology
7) Marine Biotechnology
Biotechnology is multidisciplinary in nature.
Other applications of biotechnology
A. Cloning of whole organisms
1. Amphibians, mice, sheep,
cows, monkeys, humans(?)
Potential Social Concerns and
Consequences of Biotechnology
•Organisms harmful to other organisms or
•Organisms reduce natural genetic diversity
•Genetic engineering of humans?
•Genetic privacy issues
•Limited availability to poorer nations
•Undermine traditional agricultural practices
•Quest for profit undermines free exchange of
Summary: Goals of biotechnology
• 1. To understand more about the processes of
inheritance and gene expression
• 2. To provide better understanding and
treatment of various diseases, particularly
genetic disorders
• 3. To generate economic benefits, including
improved plants and animals for agriculture and
efficient production of valuable biological
Now you should be able to:
•Define biotechnology and understand the many scientific
disciplines that contribute to biotechnology. How can a
chemist contribute to biotechnology sector?
•Provide examples of historic and current applications
of biotechnology
•Describe different types of biotechnology and their