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The Rise
of Rome
The Roman
The Roman
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Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Rome’s
Rome is located in what country?
$100 Answer from Rome’s
Rome is located in Italy.
$200 Question from Rome’s
This river flows through Rome and made the
Roman civilization possible.
$200 Answer from Rome’s
The Tiber River flows through Rome and
made its civilization possible.
$300 Question from Rome’s
Rome is a peninsula that juts out into
this body of water.
$300 Answer from Rome’s
Rome juts out into the Mediterranean Sea.
$400 Question from Rome’s
Italy is shaped like this, sticking out into the
$400 Answer from Rome’s
Italy looks like a high-heeled boot,
sticking out into the sea.
$500 Question from Rome’s
Name one of the two major mountain ranges
that can be found on a map of Italy.
$500 Answer from Rome’s
The two major mountain ranges that can be found
on a map of Italy are the Alps and the Apennines.
$100 Question from The Rise of
These twins were thought to have been the
founders of Rome.
$100 Answer from The Rise of
Romulus and Remus were twins thought to have
founded Rome.
$200 Question from The Rise of
Romulus and Remus were thought to
have been raised by what and adopted
by a what?
$200 Answer from The Rise of
Romulus and Remus were thought to have
been raised by wolves and later adopted
by a shepherd.
$300 Question from The Rise of
As Rome grew, its army was constantly at war.
These leaders were given absolute power for
just six months and were expected to win wars.
$300 Answer from The Rise of
Dictators were given absolute power for
just six months and were expected to win
$400 Question from The Rise of
Roman society was made up of these two
social groups.
$400 Answer from The Rise of
Roman society was made up of
Patricians and Plebeians.
$500 Question from The Rise of
George Washington is known as the American
this because he gave someone else a chance to
lead even though everyone wanted him to
continue ruling.
$500 Answer from The Rise of
George Washington is known as the American
$100 Question from The Roman
This is the type of government where officials
are elected to represent citizens.
$100 Answer from The Roman
The type of government where people are
elected to represent citizens is known as a
republic. The Romans adopted this type of
government to appease the common people.
$200 Question from The Roman
A tripartite government is a government with
this many parts.
$200 Answer from The Roman
A tripartite government has three parts.
$300 Question from The Roman
This branch of the tripartite was set up to advise
magistrates. They originally had the job of advising
$300 Answer from The Roman
The senate existed to advise kings, originally.
After kings no longer ruled Rome, they had the
job of advising magistrates.
$400 Question from The Roman
Name the three parts of the Roman tripartite.
$400 Answer from The Roman
The three parts of the Roman tripartite are the
Magistrates, the Senate, and the Assemblies and
$500 Question from The Roman
Name the two parts of the tripartite set up
to protect the common people.
$500 Answer from The Roman
The tribunes and assemblies were the two parts
of the tripartite that had the job of protecting
common people.
$100 Question from Vocabulary
This word means “I forbid” in Latin.
$100 Answer from Vocabulary
Veto means “I forbid” in Latin.
$200 Question from Vocabulary
The ancient Romans used this number system.
$200 Answer from Vocabulary
The Romans used Roman numerals as
their number system.
$300 Question from Vocabulary
These were the two most powerful of the
magistrates from the Roman Republic.
$300 Answer from Vocabulary
The consuls were the two most powerful
magistrates during the Roman Republic.
$400 Question from Vocabulary
Who was Spartacus?
$400 Answer from Vocabulary
Spartacus was a Roman slave turned gladiator
who led a slave revolt.
$500 Question from Vocabulary
This system keeps one branch of government from
becoming too powerful. We have this system today
as well, and it requires each branch to “check” with
the other branches of government to make sure their
decision to act is OK.
$500 Answer from Vocabulary
The system that keeps any one branch of
government from becoming too strong is
the system of checks and balances.
$100 Question from The Roman
Who died on the Ides of March, or March 15th,
and was married to Cleopatra at one point?
$100 Answer from The Roman
Julius Caesar died on the Ides of March,
or March 15th.
$200 Question from The Roman
Who was Rome’s first emperor?
Hint: His name meant “revered one.”
$200 Answer from The Roman
Rome’s first emperor was known
as Augustus. Octavian is also an acceptable
$300 Question from The Roman
After Rome’s first emperor took over,
a period of peace that lasted for 200 years
occurred in Rome. This period of peace is
called what by historians?
$300 Answer from The Roman
This period of peace is called Pax Romana by
$400 Question from The Roman
Marc Antony, despite being married to
Octavian’s sister, set his eyes on this woman
and later married her.
$400 Answer from The Roman
Marc Antony divorced Octavia for
$500 Question from The Roman
The Senate feared Caesar wanted to hold
this position in Rome.
$500 Answer from The Roman
The Senate feared Caesar wanted to
be king of Rome.
Final Jeopardy
20. By writing the numbers 1-6 on
the lines, complete
the narrative by placing the
following events in
chronological order. (6 points)
_____a. Octavian and Antony defeat Caesar’s killers.
_____b. Antony marries Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt.
_____c. Octavian defeats Antony.
_____d. Caesar is murdered by the Senate.
_____e. Julius Caesar adopts Octavian and Antony.
_____f. Augustus is the name taken by Octavian when he
becomes Rome’s first emperor.
Final Jeopardy Answer