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HDF 190:
Erin Bohan
[email protected]
Opening Statement
Section 1: Self Leadership
Section 2: Leadership Theories
Section 3: Inclusive Leadership
Section 4: Critical Thinking
Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership
Signature Strengths
Values in Action Strengths
Capacity to love & be loved
Honesty, authenticity & genuineness
Perspective (wisdom)
Social Intelligence
Before I took FLITE, I thought I would learn the way to be
the perfect leader. Now that I have finished this course, I
have learned there are many different ways to be a leader.
Leadership is not about molding yourself to be a specific
type of person; it is about acknowledging and enhancing
the strengths you possess and using them to guide others.
#15: Student will describe personal leadership style and/or personality style including strengths and
weaknesses and examples of application (Sources = Leadership style inventories, the L.P.I.,
StrengthsQuest, Type Focus (MBTI), LAMP, and other career inventories, etc.)
Target Class: HDF 190
Additional Experiences: Leadership Institute, URI 101
Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice: In FLITE, we took two questionnaires: The
StrengthsQuest and the VIA. I learned that my top strength is Communication. This allows me to lead a
group effectively by getting my message and goal across relatively easily. My second strength is
empathy. This enables me to understand why and how people are who they are. It allows me to interact
with them and put myself in their shoes, without necessarily having sympathy for them. My third
strength, Woo, shows that I can pump-up my group and make everyone excited to be involved. As an
activator, I can put ideas into action and can use my adaptability to stay on track even when things don’t
go as planned. The VIA test showed me that my exceptional strength in this case was the Capacity to
Love and Be Loved. This shows that I value respect and emotion while being a strong leader at the
same time. The MBTI test that I took in URI 101 showed that I am an extrovert and I see this in my every
day life through my outgoing and “leader-like” personality.
Leadership Theory and Models
#34: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the “4 V’s” theory of leadership by Grace (Center for
Ethical Leadership)
Target Class: HDF 190
Additional Experience: Life, Leadership Institute, Goals, Shepherd Program in high school
Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice: In FLITE we learned and studied the 4-V model of
Ethical Leadership. The 4 V’s stand for Values (an understanding and commitment to our individual core
values), Vision (the ability to frame our actions within a real picture of what ought to be), Voice
(articulating and communicating our vision to others in a convincing and motivating way), and Virtue
(striving to do what is right because we are what we practice). The 4 V’s are all connected. Service
connects Vision to Values. Polis connects Voice to Vision, and Renewal connects Values to Voice.
Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its application to leadership
#64: Student will show knowledge of effective leadership as it relates to change agency
Target Class: HDF 190
Additional Experience: High school – Junior/Senior Shepherds
Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice: On our Social Change Assessment in FLITE, the
second question was all about us being a social change agent. I took the issue of bullying and described
how I would address it as a social change agent. I related it to the Social Change model and said the
individual would need Consciousness of Self so they are aware of their personal values and beliefs.
They would also need Congruence to take their personal beliefs and make sure they “walk to talk” and
they would need Commitment and require those involved to be passionate and have a purposeful
investment toward taking action to have a positive social change against bullying. They would use all of
the eight c’s in their own way. They would use individual components first, then develop to improve the
group components and then aim to better the community as a whole and in this case- reduce bullying
because it is a serious issue.
Critical Thinking
#70: Student will demonstrate proficiency of critical thinking
Target Class: MTH 108
Additional Experience: Life
Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice: Last semester I took Math 108. My teacher
decided that she was going to make the focus of the semester on problem solving and critical thinking.
We honestly did not learn many math terms or new skills, we were just shown many different ways to
think critically and be able to solve large and complex word problems. Many times logic was used much
more than mathematics. Everyone found the class a bit challenging at first because it required so much
thinking. Although many struggle, I realized that I just needed to think critically and logically and that I
could solve the problems. I received the only 100 on the first test and realized I needed to keep up the
good work. I kept up my critical thinking and received an A in the course.
Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts and Skills
#106: Student will show knowledge of Intercultural communication considerations
Target Class: HDF 190
Additional Experiences: Life, Leadership Institute
Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice: The organization that Tayla, Connor, Antia, and I
came up with for our group project is based on the concept of intercultural communication. Diversity In
Motion, or DIM, is a group that aims to take away social ignorance in the URI community. We had made
a plan to have weekly meeting for those members of DIM and host a once a month dinner and show for
any interested members of the URI community to teach more about different cultures and hopefully
enhance and increase intercultural respect and communication.