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Earth Science Mid-Term Review
Chapter 1
Introduction to Earth Science
1. What is earth science?
2. What are the four branches of earth science?
3. What are the steps of the scientific method?
Chapter 2
The Earth in Space
1.What are the different zones of the earth?
2. How did seismic waves help scientists determine what the interior of the earth was
3. What are shadow zones?
4. What is the magnetosphere? What is the source of it?
5. How does gravity affect weight and mass?
6. Revolution and rotation?
7. Perihelion and Aphelion?
8. What is the cause of the seasons?
9. Summer solstice? What is it? When does it occur? Where do the sun’s rays strike?
10. Winter solstice? What is it? When does it occur? Where do the sun’s rays strike?
11. Autumnal equinox? (See above)
12. Vernal equinox? (See above)
13. What are the two types of orbits?
Chapter 3
Models of Earth
1. Latitude? AKA? What do they measure? How do they run?
2. Longitude? AKA? What do they measure? How do they run?
3. What is a great circle?
4. What is meant by true north?
5. What is magnetic declination?
6. Cartography?
7. What are the pros and cons of the three types of map projections?
8. Legend? Scale?
9. Topography?
10. Elevation?
11. Contour lines? How can you tell a flat area or steep area on a topo map?
12. Contour interval?
13. Relief?
14. Know the map symbols on page 52.
15. Index contour?
16. Depression contours?
Chapter 4
Plate Tectonics
1. Continental drift?
2. Alfred Wegener?
3. Pangea? Panthalassa?
4. What evidence was found by Wegener to support his hypothesis?
5. Seafloor spreading? Where does this occur?
6. Harry Hess?
7. Robert Dietz?
8. What is paleomagnetism?
9. Theory of plate tectonics?
10. What are the two types of earth’s crust?
11. Lithosphere? Asthenosphere?
12. What happens at a divergent boundary?
13. Rift valley?
14. What happens at a convergent boundary?
15. Subduction zone? Deep ocean trench?
16. Transform boundary?
17. What causes plate motion?
Chapters 6 & 7
Earthquakes and Volcanoes
1. Seismic Waves- Names, speeds and characteristics of
2. What can they travel through?
3. Epicenter / Focus?
4. Richter scale/ Mercalli scale?
5. Tsunamis... What are they and how do they occur?
6. Earthquake safety?
7. What are hot spots?
8. Parts of a volcano?
9. Where are volcanoes and earthquakes usually found?
Chapters 27 & 28
Stars and Galaxies
1. List some characteristics of stars.
2. What are the two kinds of motion associated with stars?
3. How is the distance to stars measured? What units are used?
4. How are absolute and apparent magnitudes different?
5. On the HR diagram, how are stars plotted? X vs. Y
6. What is the sequence of events for stellar evolution?
7. What are constellations?
8. What are the 4 types of galaxies?
9. How does hydrogen fusion work?
Chapter 29
The Solar System
Know the astronomers from section 1.