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a literary approach – reading into the work (author, genre, character, motivation
plot …)
anthropology and cultural location
historical and social context
archaeology and a sensitivity to materiality
a comparative perspective –
not (necessarily) the assertion of identity
but frictions generating insight
and one that uses the work as a resource in exploring the cultural imaginary
located bodies – three
the performing/performed body
the performance of everyday life
the metaphor of performance
performance – some concepts
staging and mis-en-scène
props and costume
habitus – habit, custom, acquired abilities and faculties
techniques of the body
the performing body
what is its location, its place?
– a designed and dynamic ‘staging’, saturated with significances
– a continuity through architecture, environment, material goods and physical bodies
performativity and identity
identity (for example gender) is not something inherent or intrinsic to a person
identity is what emerges from reiterated action
with action conceived as the performance of selfhood
a notion of performativity and gender associated with Judith Butler