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COST Action 634
On- and Off-site Environmental Impacts
of Runoff and Erosion
prepared by A.-V. Auzet, J. Boardman, K. Helming, M. Kirkby,
J. Poesen, J. Rejman, P. Withers and others
build on expertise of COST 623 « Soil Erosion & Global Change » and
COST 832 « Quantifying the Agricultural Contribution to Eutrophication »
COST 623 & COST832: what did we learn ?
wide range of situations in the 20 participating countries
 similarities in group of regions (same trends in
climate/geomorphology and land use)
 high variability of patterns of surface characteristics due to
interactions between climate, land use, land management,
socio-economic factors and policy
 need for land use & climate change scenarios from
representative areas / landscapes
 agricultural contribution to eutrophication
 scale issues in processes (surface degradation, roughness and
connectivity…) and scale issues in socio-economic drivers…
 need for appropriate and cost-effective control measures
knowledge on processes of runoff and erosion:
application to soil protection ?
• The translation of scientific achievements into
innovation and optimisation of soil protection and
land management remains very limited
• Large gaps exist between knowledge and application
at different scales from farm to small regions
• Main drivers include socio-economy and policies
• soil protection strategies suitable for implementation
in practice requires mutual co-operation of scientific
expertise, political interest, and practical experience
Main objectives
coordinate and synthesise European soil erosion research in the
contexts of land management and policy formulation that
encourage soil protection and reduction of on- and off-site
impacts of runoff and erosion
identify and analyse the barriers at all levels, (scientific, political,
administrative and management)
develop tools and methods to support decision making in the
sustainable management of erosion-sensitive areas at the farm
level including the implementation of soil protection measures.
develop an integrated understanding of on- and off-site impacts at
the catchment scale
Planned Working Groups
• WG1: Policy issues in the implementation of
sustainable land use
• WG2: Sustainable Farm-Scale Management
• WG3: Catchment integration of On- and Off-site
Policy issues in the implementation
of sustainable land use
• co-ordinate European research efforts on policies
that encourage soil conservation and reduction of offsite impacts of runoff and erosion (incl. impacts of
phosphates and herbicides assoc. with soil)
• policies that lead to best practice
• methods include the collation and analysis of existing
data, and the analysis and evaluation of successes
and failures
Sustainable Farm-Scale Management
• research on tools and methods to support decision making in
the sustainable management of erosion-sensitive areas at the
farm level
• identify suitable indicators for assessing the sustainability of
different management practices with special emphasis on runoff,
soil erosion, loss of organic matter and phosphorus transport,
• catalogue of regionally adapted best management and soil
conservation practices, develop adequate management
• tools to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of agricultural
management and soil conservation practices, delivering data like
gross margin and potential water erosion risk,
• integrated analysis of available data to check interrelated effects
with other economic and environmental targets at farm level.
Catchment integration
of On- and Off-site effects
• Runoff generation and accumulation for catchment areas
• Soil erosion, transport and deposition on hillsides and downstream / offsite
• Transport of non-point source nutrients and pollutants associated with
• Transport of Soil Organic Matter and associated nutrients
• Modelling, including particular attention to up-scaling and to the
representation of field to farm-scale heterogeneity at the catchment scale;
adaptation of existing Models in a format usable by all range of potential
• Monitoring, including collation and analysis of existing data
• Field experiments to evaluate water, sediment and nutrient/ pollutant
Key cross-cutting issues
Policy issues
Farm scale
Catchment scale
Soil Fertility
Soil physical properties
Muddy floods
water course sediment
water course Phosphorus
 Submitted in January 2003
Revised version in May 03, after comments from TCE March 03,
 TCE June 03: transmission for approval to the CSO,
approved 3 October 2003 (COST 634)
 Proposal available on
since January 2004
 First MC Meeting : 19th April
 14 countries already signed up, 5 started the procedure
Belgium, Czech Rep., Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania,
Portugal, Slovakia, Swiss, Turkey, UK
Organizational structure
Steering Committee
Chair & vice-chair person
WGs coordinators (2 for each)
end-user representative
MC Committee
(representatives appointed by
the signatories of the MoU)
Policy issues in the
implementation of
sustainable land use
Sustainable Farm-scale
Catchment integration
of On- and Off-site effects
Working plans & methods
• To achieve the objectives
 1st common meeting for the 3 WGs, contribution of EU Soil
Protection group
 Meetings of WGs (interactions between WGs)
 STSM (short term scientific missions, 5 days to 1 month)
 Regular Informations through the web site
• MC work
Active contribution to WGs
Information in the different countries
Discuss the proposals for meetings
Select the STSM (delegate to an assessment panel)
Timetable COST 634
Inaugural MC Meeting
(election of Chairperson, ViceChairperson and WG leaders)
1st annual workshop
Overview available, content of the website
Exploration of participation from policy maker and administration
Planning and Start of WGs activities
MC Meeting
Analyses of modelling and monitoring existing
Planning demonstration workshops
Workshop with policy makers and administration
MC Meeting
Intermediate Progress
MC Meeting
Manuals of best practices and soil
protection measures adapted to
regional specific problems
2 MC Meetings
MC meeting
Proposed pannel
• Chair & vice chair:
A.-Véronique Auzet & Katharina Helming
• WGs co-chairs:
 WG1 (Policy issues): John Boardman (UK) &
 WG2 (Catchment integration): Victor Jetten (NL) & Mike Kirkby
 WG3 (Farm scale): Katharina Helming (D) & Preben Olsen (DK)
• Introductory meeting (autumn 2004)
• Quantifying the delivery of sediment and sediment bound P to
surface and groundwaters (Lancaster, UK, J. Quinton)
• Modelling & monitoring (jan 2005, Belfast, D.Favis Mortlock & V.
• Soil protection strategy for farm & catchment scale,
policies to support best practices (N-W. France, A. Matthieu &
• Environmental impacts of runoff and erosion in ….. (Poland, J.
• Counting & cutting the cost of erosion: challenges for research,
management and policy (Exeter, UK, June 2006, N. Kuhn)
•Introductory meeting
•Quantifying the delivery of sediment
and sediment bound P to surface and
•Counting & cutting the cost of erosion:
challenges for research, management and policy