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Ch. 2-Anatomy and Physiology
of Body Systems
2.1 Anatomical Terminology
The terms of position include
Anatomical position —The victim is standing erect, arms down to the
sides, palms facing forward. “Right” and “left” refer to the victim’s right
and left.
Supine position —The victim is lying face up (on the back)
Prone position —The victim is lying face down (on the stomach)
Lateral recumbent position —The victim is lying on the left or right
side with the lower arm in front of the body, head dependent with no
excess pressure on the chest. This is also known as the recovery, or
coma, position.
Modified HAINES recovery position – if the victim has a suspected
injury to the spine, is unresponsive, and has a possible airway
compromise due to a large amount of blood, vomit or secretions, place
the victim in a modified HAINES recovery position. Extend the victim’s
arm above the head, logroll him onto his side so his head rests on the
extended arm. Bend the knees to stabilize
his body.
Supine Position
Right lateral recumbent position
(recovery/coma position)
Left lateral recumbent position
(recovery/coma position)
Prone Position
Modified HAINES
3 position
Terms of Direction and Location
Superior—above, or higher
than a point of reference (e.g.,
The knee is superior to the
Inferior—below, or lower
than a point of reference (e.g.,
The wrist is inferior to the
Anterior—toward the front
Posterior—toward the back
Medial—toward the midline or
center of the body
Lateral—to the right or left of
the midline; away from the
Superficial—near the surface
Deep—remote from the
1. A victim lying on his or her back is in the ____________
position. (supine/prone/lateral)
2. A victim lying on her or his stomach is in the ____________
position. (supine/prone/lateral)
3. ____________ means above a point of reference.
4. ____________ means below a point of reference.
5. A wound near the surface is a ____________ wound.
2.2 The Body’s Framework
Spinal Column
Lower Extremities
Upper Extremities
Joint Movements
The Muscular System
1. Skeletal muscle, or voluntary muscle, is under
a person’s conscious control.
2. Smooth muscle, or involuntary muscle, is muscle
over which a person has little or no conscious control.
3. Cardiac muscle forms the walls of the heart and
is made up of a cellular mesh.
articulate- To fit into each other
fracture- A break in the bone
skeletal (voluntary) muscle- Muscle that is under
direct voluntary control of the brain
smooth muscle- The muscles found in the walls of
the internal organs and blood vessels, generally not
under voluntary control
involuntary muscle- Smooth muscle over which a
person has no voluntary or conscious control
cardiac muscle- The muscle that makes up the heart
1. The largest bone in the body is the __________.
2. Dislocation will occur at _________________.
(muscle attachments/joints/tendons)
3. Deliberate acts, such as walking and talking, depend on
____________ muscle. (skeletal/smooth/cardiac)
4. The movement of the intestines depends on ____________
muscle. (skeletal/smooth/cardiac)
2.3 The Body’s Organ Systems
The Circulatory System
Blood Vessels
The Respiratory System
ventilation The mechanical process of
moving (breathing) air into and out of the
inhalation The act of breathing in
(inspiration), or the drawing of air or other
gases into the lungs
inspiration The act of breathing in
The Digestive System
Ingest and carry food
Digest food
Absorb nutrients
Eliminate wastes
The Endocrine System
endocrine glands The ductless glands that
regulate the body by secreting hormones
1. The circulatory system has two major fluid
systems: the cardiovascular and the ____________.
2. The mechanical process of moving air into and out
of the lungs is called ____________.
3. The urinary system filters and ____________ body
wastes. (breaks down/metabolizes/eliminates)
4. Endocrine glands, which have no ducts, secrete
____________ directly into the bloodstream.
2.4 The Nerves and Skin
The nervous system
 Enables the person to be aware of the
 Enables the person to react to the
 Coordinates responses of the body to stimuli
 Keeps body systems working together
Nervous System
central nervous system The part of the nervous system that consists
of the brain and the spinal cord
peripheral nervous system Structures of the nervous system
(especially nerve endings) that lie outside the brain and spinal cord
Functional divisions:
 voluntary nervous system is responsible for voluntary movements
throughout the body
 autonomic nervous system influences the involuntary function of
muscles, glands and organs.
 sympathetic nervous system
 parasympathetic nervous system
The Skin
Protects internal organs from injury
Prevents dehydration
Protects against invasion by microorganisms
Regulates body temperature
Aids in elimination of water and various salts
Acts as the receptor organ for touch, pain, heat,
and cold
Epidermis- the outermost layer
Dermis- the inner layer, contains a vast
network of blood vessels
Body Cavities
cranial cavity —contains the brain
spinal cavity —contains the spinal cord
thoracic cavity —contains the heart, trachea, lungs, large
vessels, and esophagus
pericardial cavity —the tough fibrous covering that
contains the heart
abdominal cavity —contains the liver, spleen, gallbladder,
small and large intestine, pancreas, appendix, and stomach
pelvic cavity —contains the reproductive organs,
urinary bladder, urethra, rectum
1. The nervous system has two main functions: communication and
____________. (sensation/control/reaction)
2. The brain and spinal cord make up the ____________.
(autonomic nervous system/central nervous system/voluntary nervous
3. The peripheral nervous system is nerves located outside the
____________. (brain/spinal cord/brain and spinal cord)
4. The “fight-or-flight” syndrome is regulated by the ____________.
(parasympathetic nervous system/sympathetic nervous system/ central
nervous system)
5. The outer layer of the skin is called the ____________.
6. The cavity that contains the urinary bladder is the ____________.