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Beginnings of the French
and Indian War
Team Tropical
Mr. Monroe
7th Grade Humanities
What You Will Learn About the
French and Indian War
Realize that key American figures such as Benjamin
Franklin and George Washington began to emerge as
Understand the significance of the War in terms of
American history.
How the French and Indian War was fought.
Key people, places, and events that occurred during
the War.
Understand that the French and Indian War set the
stage for the Revolutionary War!!!
Encroachment- going somewhere you should
not be.
Converted- The act of changing one’s beliefs.
Innovative- Modern ahead of the times.
Reluctantly- You really don’t want to, but you
do it anyway; you know that it could end up
Britain vs. France
•Britain and France had long since had many
disputes between one another. Each trying to
gain domination of Europe.
•The French and Indian War would become
the first time the two nations had a prolonged
conflict in the New World.
Britain controlled the
eastern coast of America
The French controlled
the land west of the
Appalachian Mountains
known as the Ohio River
Valley and the southern
portion of Canada.
French wanted to
control the Ohio River
Valley and the British
colonists wanted to
settle there. NOT
The Fur Trade
Furs were an extremely
important part of New
France’s economy.
Furs were retrieved from
various animals: raccoon,
fox, and the most important
Back in Europe furs were
considered luxurious
garments, demand was high
for them, making the fur
traders RICH!!!
British Encroachment
As the population of British
Colonials increased (1.5
Million) they wanted to
move further west.
As they moved west they
found out that the fur trade
was very profitable.
Instances such as Fort
Pickawillany became
Lead Plates???
In addition to attacking British
posts, the French used lead plates
as a way to claim their lands.
The French would place these
plates at important areas along
rivers and valleys in hopes of
keeping the British away!!!
Do you think this would have
prevented the British from moving
into French territory?
Why would they place them along
Various Native American Tribes
Native Americans
Relations With French
Relations With British
French Relations with the Indians
French were on good terms with most Native American tribes.
Traded frequently with the Indians.
Had many Indian Allies
Did not want to take the Natives’ lands.
Assimilated many of the Indians’ customs.
Also many Native Americans converted to Catholicism after meeting the French.
Does this painting reflect the relations between the French and Indians?
British Relations with the Indians
The British were not as nice to the Native Americans as the French
British wanted to take over their lands.
Drove many Indians away from their homelands when colonizing the east.
Indians did like trading with the British because they maintained the newest
most innovative weapons that they could trade for in order to battle rival tribes.
Iroquois Confederacy (Six Nations)
Consisted of the Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and
Iroquois Confederacy dominated a great portion of the eastern Indian
Played both sides very well in order to get what they wanted economically.
Eventually, they reluctantly sided with the British in order to maintain
control of the Miami Indians (also located in the Ohio River Valley).
British would receive Iroquois support against the French
Iroquois would receive guns, ammunition, food, and various other bartering items.
Iroquois would use these items as bribes in order to control the Miami and other smaller
Indian nations.
Both European powers knew that the Iroquois Confederacy was extremely
powerful and could greatly influence the outcome of a conflict if war broke
British were fortunate to get their support
Review and Assignment
How did the Fur trade influence the economy?
What land area was being disputed?
How did the French try to keep the British out of the
What was the Iroquois Confederacy?
Complete the Mind Map
Each bubble will contain a fact related to how the Native
Americans and the Europeans interacted with one
Use your books (pgs. 105-106) and remember the