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Proof Paragraphs: Chapter Six, Lord of the Flies
There are two parts to this chapter:
1. Choose an archetype and a theme. Put them together to form a thesis ( introductory
paragraph) for Chapter Six Lord of the Flies. Remember to include the author, chapter, and
name of the book in your opening.
2. Write a proof paragraph to follow your thesis (introductory) paragraph.
This task is an evaluation item; students should carefully edit their work in reference to the proof
paragraph template and the rubric, which follows. Please see me if you have any questions or concerns.
Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the archetypal and moral approaches
while, at the same time, exhibit application of formal writing skills and the proof paragraph formula.
Please hand in your Ch. Six Reader’s Notes, rough draft(s), and a final, double-spaced, typed, good
copy with this sheet.
Due Date:
Evaluation Rubric: Ch. 6 Moral and Archetypal Approaches
Knowledge & Understanding: insight into text
Level: 4 3 2 1 R
student demonstrates acquired understanding of Reader’s Notes and proof paragraph template
choice of references and explanations in paragraph show exceptional quality of supporting detail viz-a-viz both ‘barrels’
Thinking & Inquiry: logic and unity in development Level: 4 3 2 1 R
Reader’s Notes indicate insight into characterization and the relevant psychological allegory
paragraph shows logical development of ideas and complete unity of topic/thesis
Communication: expression and style
Level: 4 3 2 1 R
voice/tone in paragraph shows confidence, correct point of view, and awareness of purpose
diction and expressions in paragraph are sophisticated, meaningful and precise
Application: attention to detail
Level: 4 3 2 1 R
application of language conventions in paragraph, including consistent usage of present verb tense and those that govern the
integration of quotes and citations show mastery
mechanical errors in writing, e.g., spelling, grammar, pronoun usage, punctuation, sentence structure, are few
4 = thorough; 3 = considerable; 2 = sometimes; 1 = limited; R = insufficient or not done