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Construction of Information (Inspiration map, PowerPoint, or outline notes) on
Law, Empire, Government, and Society (L.E.G.S.)
Secondary Source: Our World
1. In Our World, read pages 60 and 61. Answer the following questions. Record the information
of your answers in an Inspiration Idea Map. Label each information secton as Law, Empire,
Government, or Society.
*Carefully read page 56 in Our World. List the jobs mentioned on this page. Then, think, what
specialized laborers or workers must have
been in Mesopotamian society if they domesticated cattle, sheep, and pigs? Who works with
each animal type? What is done with such
animals? In other words, what specialized jobs might have been necessary for Mesopotamian
society to have if we know that such animals were raised? Record your answers.
*Carefully read page 59 in Our World. What job was involved with writing cuneiform? What is
the name of that job title? What were the
responsibilities of these workers? Record your answers.
*Carefully--very, very carefully--examine the color photograph of the "Peace" side of the
Standard of Ur on pages 58 and 59 of Our World.
List all of the different jobs you see from the top left all the way to the bottom right. Be unafraid
to make educated guesses or inferences
about the different jobs in Mesopotamian society. Record your answers.
*Slowly and carefully read pages 60 and 61 in Our World. For each section that you read, think
to yourself, "What jobs must have existed for this to happen? If they city walls, what jobs must
have there been? Use your "intellination" (intelligence + imagination = intellination). Walls?
Canals? Temples? Be sure to list the jobs mentioned on page 61!
*On page 62, record information about slaves and their jobs (and where they came from), and
what a typical Sumeran family wal like.
Who was the head of the house? Were there differences between the jobs and responsibilties of
men and women?
The life in
sumer depended on city-states. A city state is a self governing and governs
nearby villages.
*What was the geographic/political unit of organization in Sumer? (p. 60)
King Sargon ruled the
city-states. He was in charge. He had his own palace.
*Who was the ruler of Sumer's government? (p. 60)
In 2300bc, Sargon was the
first one to who created the first great empire in history.
*Who was the creator of the world's first empire? (p. 61)
*What is an empire? (p. 61)An empire is a group of people and lands ruled by one
The emipre stretched over 900 miles or
about the same distance from LA, to Portland, Oregon.
*How large was this empire? (p. 61)
2. In Our World, read pages 67- 69. Answer the following questions. Record the information of
your answers
in an Inspiration Idea Map. Label each information secton as Law, Empire, Government, or
*What was the name of the powerful king who ruled Babylonia? (p. 67)
The king
*By what date had he seized control of all of Mesopotamia? (p. 67)
In 1750bc,
Hummurabi controlled all Mesopatamia.
*Name five city-states under Babylonian control (p. 67 map) He had control over Ashur,
Nineveh, Nimrud, Babylon, Ur.
3. Our World, read pages 68 and 69. Answer the following questions. Record the information of
your answers in an Inspiration Idea Map. Label each information secton as Law, Empire,
Government, or Society.
*List four jobs of Hammurabi (p. 68)
King, building or repairs of canals, judge,
*On what was Hammurabi's Code (of laws) carved? (p. 68)
The code of law was carved on a marble stone.
*What is a code of laws? (p. 68)
A code of law was written collection of laws that apply to people ruled by one
*Read the excerpt from the Code of Hammurabi (about 1800 B.C) on page 68. In general, in
Hammurabi's Code, what was the relation between a crime and a punishment? In other words,
how might a punishment be arrived at?
If you kill someone or commit a crime you
will be sentenced to death.
*Which empire conquered the Babylonians, and by c. [about] 650 B.C. had ruled most of what
we call Egypt, the Middle East and Mesopotamia? (p. 69) Assyria than began wars to
conquer the Fertile Crescent. Assyria Empire stretched from Egypt to Persian
Gulf and the north into the area that is modern turkey.
*Name two warfare inventions of the Assyrians. (p. 68)