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Science 3 – Module 6 – Study Guide
For the Oral Exam:
 You should be able to confidently and comfortably talk to your
instructor about the topics and ideas you learned in the module.
 Your answers should be conversational – meaning you would tell your instructor what
you know, like you were telling them about a movie you just watched.
Module 6 Focus/Review Items
6.01 Energy Flow in Ecosystems
 Can you define ecosystem?
 What is the primary source of energy in an ecosystem?
 Can you identify and describe the main components of an ecosystem?
 Can you explain how producers produce food?
 What is the difference between a primary consumer and a secondary consumer?
 What is the Law of Energy Conservation? (Hint: You learned this in Module 5.06 Laws
of Conservation of Mass and Energy)
 When one organism eats another organism, how much of the energy from the organism
consumed is actually available to the consumer?
 Are you a producer or a consumer?
 Can you diagram the path that energy takes in an ecosystem?
6.02 Pyramid of Energy and Numbers
 Can you describe how energy flows through an ecosystem by using a pyramid of energy
and numbers?
 What is the Law of Conservation of Mass? (Hint: You learned this in Module 5.06 Laws
of Conservation of Mass and Energy)
 What is a trophic level?
 What is a pyramid level?
 Can you show that energy flow in ecosystems follows the Law of Conservation of Energy
and the Law of Conservation of Mass?
 When one organism eats another organism, how much of the energy from the organism
consumed is actually available to the consumer? What percent? (Hint: Look at
Assignment 06.02 Pyramid of Energy and Numbers Instructions)
6.03 Photosynthesis and Primary Production
 Can you describe the process of photosynthesis?
 What 3 things must be present for photosynthesis to occur?
What are the 2 products of photosynthesis?
Can you explain how photosynthesis follows the law of conservation of mass and law of
conservation energy?
How do plants store glucose for later use?
6.04 Cellular Respiration
 Can you describe how cellular respiration breaks down food to provide energy and
release carbon dioxide.
 Can you identify the reactants and products of cellular respiration?
 What is the basic function of cellular respiration?
 Can you explain what mitochondria are?
 Where are mitochondria found?
 What is anaerobic respiration?
 What is another name for anaerobic respiration?
 Which produces more energy? Aerobic or anaerobic respiration?
6.05 Carbon Cycle
 Can you identify the 4th most abundant element in the universe?
 Why are we called carbon based life forms?
 Are you organic or inorganic?
 Can you give examples of carbon in our nonliving environment?
 Can you give examples of carbon in our living environment?
 Can you give examples of carbon returns to our atmosphere and water?
 Can you explain diffusion?
 Can you explain how matter and energy are continuously transferred between organisms
and their physical environment?
 Can you identify all of the components of the carbon cycle? Can you teach the carbon
o How does photosynthesis move carbon in the carbon cycle?
o How does cellular respiration move carbon in the carbon cycle?
o How do decomposers move carbon in the carbon cycle?
o How does burning fuel move carbon in the carbon cycle?
o How does deforestation move carbon in the carbon cycle?
o How does diffusion move carbon in the carbon cycle?
o How do plants and sea life carbon in the carbon cycle?
o How is sediment a part of the carbon cycle?
o How are sea shells a part of the carbon cycle?
o How does circulation in the ocean move carbon in the carbon cycle?
6.06 Collaborative Project
First- You must go to the discussion board and post a request for a partner. Please post your
name and the date. Look for posts that have been requested in the last 7 days and email these
Second- Now that you have a partner, you will begin.
Collaborative Project
For your project you will complete a research project on Acid Rain. This project will include:
A definition and description to include:
 What is an acid?
 What is acid rain?
 Why does acid rain form?
 What is the chemical composition of acid rain?
 What are some pollutants that cause acid rain?
An overview of areas in the world that have problems with acid rain:
 What areas have problems?
 Why do they have acid rain?
 Three problems it can cause.
Five suggestions for what we can do to prevent acid rain and the damage it causes.
A specific example of an area that experiences acid rain to include:
 An exact location
 A description of the area
 A description of what problems the acid rain causes in this area
 A description of why this area receives acid rain
 A suggestion of ways to reduce acid rain in this area
Your project plan, which must include:
 The names of both partners and a project completion date.
 A written timeline of what was completed when.
 A written description from each partner about their contribution to the project.
A reflective statement from each partner about what they learned about cooperation and working
together with others during this project.
You may submit this project in your choice of formats. The formats could include:
 A word document
 A Web page
 A PowerPoint presentation
 A story book
 A movie
REMEMBER -- Incorporate the different ideas of everyone on your team, share the workload,
and check each other’s work to ensure that your project is of the highest quality. Most
importantly, have fun!
Honors Students Only
6.04 Advanced: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
 Can you identify the reactants and products of photosynthesis?
 Can you identify the reactants and products of cellular respiration?
 Can you explain and describe the relationships between photosynthesis and cellular