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Test Review: South Asia Test
Due Thursday, 4/3 WORTH 5 BONUS POINTS
1. Define the following terms:
a. Dharma: The teaching of natural law
b. Nirvana: a peaceful, detached state of mind (THE MAIN GOAL OF
c. Ahimsa: non-violence – is the hallmark of this spiritual discipline
d. Reincarnation: belief that after death you will be reborn
e. Karma: good deeds rewarded with good deeds, bad deeds rewarded
with bad deeds
2. Identify the major beliefs of the following religions. Note: major similarities &
a. Hinduism (be sure to include beliefs on death):
i. Hindus believe that one God, Braman, takes many forms—it is
monotheistic AND polytheistic in nature
ii. 3 Gods: Brahma; Vishnu; Shiva
iii. Beliefs: Samsara or Reincarnation
iv. Karma: Good and bad deeds
v. Ultimate Goal: Moksha: Gain salvation when your soul merges
with god
vi. One is born a Hindu-you cannot convert
vii. Ahimsa - Belief in nonviolence; Forbids killing, even for food
viii. Sacred Sound “Om”
ix. Death: Cremation occurs followed by 12 days of prayer; The
deceased’s ashes are put into the Ganges River
b. Sikhism:
i. The 5 K’s
1. Do not cut hair (men & women) [Kesh]; Men wear
turbans to cover hair (Keshki)
2. Men have beard & mustache that are only trimmed
keep a comb to keep the hair clean & presentable
3. Steel bracelet worn on right wrist (Kara)
4. Wear white: Chastity until marriage, purity
5. Carry dagger as symbol to protect weak (Kirpan)
ii. Beliefs:
1. Belief in ONE God, shared by all religions
2. Name is “Truth!”
3. Equality in all human beings; rejects caste system
4. Karma & reincarnation
5. Rejects asceticism
6. No rituals, idols, or icons—simple, heartfelt devotion to
i. Rebirth (reincarnation) results from attachments (karma)
ii. Nirvana is a peaceful, detached state of mind (THE MAIN GOAL
iii. Achieving Nirvana means escape from the cycle of rebirth
iv. Once Gautama Buddha died, after 80 years of life in this world,
having achieved Nirvana and teaching multitudes his way of
life, he ceased to exist as a distinct being
v. Buddhism is non-theistic: Buddha is not the Buddhist God – he
is just a revered teacher
i. Buddhism rejects…
1. Authority of the ancient Vedic texts
2. The Vedic caste system
3. The Vedic and Hindu deities
4. The efficacy of Vedic worship and ritual
5. The concept of Brahman
i. ALL living things contain soul & are considered JIVA (soul
trapped in matter)
ii. humans, plants, animals, water, fire, air beings
iv. How to achieve moksha
v. Non-violence (ahimsa) to any & all life forms
vi. Non-attachment
vii. Non-hatred
viii. Asceticism
ix. Many gods & humans (gods as self-realized humans??)
The 5 Vows
i. Strict non-violence (ahimsa!)
ii. Truthfulness
iii. No stealing
iv. Chastity & Celibacy
v. Ascetic Lifestyle (living in poverty—no worldly goods!)
3. When is South Asia’s rainy season? July-September
4. What percentage of India’s population lacks access to clean water? 80% of
Indians have NO access to clean water
5. Who was Mohandas Gandhi? What were his contributions to India? Inspired
India to seek self-rule with non-violent resistance to British rule – boycotting
British goods and peaceful demonstrations; earned name Mahatma meaning
‘Great Soul’ after enduring prison and hunger strikes during his efforts
6. How did the Himalaya Mountains form? India plate collided with Asia plate
 Himalayas!
7. What is the city of Hyderabad known for? “India’s Silicon Valley”
8. Why has tourism declined in Sri Lanka? religious and political violence is
causing a drop in tourism
9. What is the largest religious group in India? Hindus
10. What river is sacred to Hinduism? Ganges River
11. Which type of farming do most people in South Asia practice? Subsistence
12. What major city is located in the Indus Valley? Harrapa
13. Why are the rivers in South Asia so important?
 Major inland waterway, travel from bay 800 miles
 Provides 50% of hydroelectricity to Bangladesh
14. The Eastern and Western Ghats block rainfall to what landform? Deccan
15. Describe winter monsoon winds.
 At the beginning of winter, the subcontinent cools rapidly while the
Indian Ocean is still warm (water takes longer to change
 Warm water heats the air over the oceans, forcing the air to rise.
 As the air rises, the cool air from the Himalaya mountains blows in the
direction of the ocean, bringing the cool air over the Indian
 Result: Cool, sunny, dry weather.
16. What landform protected Nepal and Bhutan from outside influence?
Himalayan Mtns.
17. Describe the importance of Indus River.
 Mainly thru Pakistan, empties into Arabian Sea
 Waters orchards, transportation route
 One of earliest civilization sites
18. What climate region is located along the northern edge of South Asia?
Highland Climates
19. What does South Asia depend on for energy? Water – Hydroelectric power
20. What did British imperialism contribute to India?
 Brought English language
 New educational system
 Built RRs
 Civil/public services
21. Which economic sector contributes most to India’s GDP? Services
22. Describe the Ganges Plain.
 AKA- North Indian River plain
 River creates world’s longest fertile, alluvial plain
 Over 1/7 of world population lives here
 Grasslands/forest cleared for crops (rice, sesame, sugarcane, jute)
23. Why do most tourists visit South Asia?
 Come to hike, hunt in Himalayas
 See India’s temples & festivals (millions of ppl per year)
24. Which group of people is responsible for bringing Hinduism to South Asia?
Hinduism came from the practices of the Aryans
25. What is the Green Revolution?
 Since 1960s: want to increase and diversify crops
o Diversify crops, monitor irrigation, introduction of new
 India can now store and export grains
 Monsoons, though, interrupt cycles & modernization
costs $$$
26. What are some pros & cons to the Green Revolution? Pro: Diversify crops,
monitor irrigation, introduction of new fertilizers. Con: Monsoons, though,
interrupt cycles & modernization costs $$$
27. Why are companies outsourcing their businesses to India?
 Lower labor & energy costs
 Efficient land use
 Foundations for global expansion
28. Which group of people has used the Khyber Pass in recent times? Used by
NATO forces now, Taliban attempts to blow up passes/bridges
29. Which type of farming is practiced in Sri Lanka? Which crops are grown
here? Terracing; tea/rubber/coconut plantations
30. Know the empires in order and their significant achievements