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Dr. Ruxandra Vișan MORPHOLOGY/TENSE, ASPECT, MOOD (T.A.M) INTRODUCTORY COURSE What is morphology? The term “morphology” is a Greek based word from the word morphe (=form/structure) and logie (=account/study). Morphology can apply to any domain of human activity that is concerned with the structure or form of something. In linguistics, morphology is the sub-discipline that accounts for the internal structure of words. Nowadays morphology is regarded as a synchronic discipline focusing on the study of word structure rather than on the evolution of words. (synchronic/diachronic) The structure of language can be analysed in terms of levels of representation. For any utterance there are: - a phonological level – strings of phonemes a morphological level – morphemes and words a syntactic level- phrases and sentences a semantic level – objects, things, processes, activities - a pragmatic level –meaning is seen as action Language as an object of study has been approached from different perspectives: traditional, structuralist, generative (language is a body of rules by means of which all the sentences can be obtained) Morphology deals with the internal structure of words. There are two types of complexity of word-structure: one is due to the presence of inflections and another due to the presence of derivational elements. Inflectional morphology vs Derivational morphology Morpehme (a structuralist notion) The smallest meaningful element in a language. Types of morphemes Morpheme distinction A free morphemes (-morphemes that can stand on their own) bound morphemes (roots typ- (typical, un-, able, ness-) (i) (ii) A salient characteristic of English – a respect in which English differs from many other languages – is that a high proportion of complex words are like helpfulness and un-Clintonish in that they have a free morpheme (like help and Clinton) at their core (Carstairs 19) Morphemes and their allomorphs Many morphemes have two or more different pronunciations, called allomorphs, the choice between them being determined by the context. - - The plural morpheme for nouns: -s when the preceding sound is a sibilant (the kind of ‘hissing’ or ‘hushing’ sound heard at the end of horse, rose, bush, church and judge), the [ɪz] allomorph occurs otherwise, when the preceding sound is voiceless, i.e. produced with no vibration of the vocal folds in the larynx (as in cat, rock, cup or cliff ), the [s] allomorph occurs - otherwise (i.e. after a vowel or a voiced consonant, as in dog or day), the [z] allomorph occurs. (i) (ii) Inflection versus Derivation (1) This pianist performs in the local hall every week. (2) Mary told us that this pianist performed in the local hall every week. (3) The performance last week was particularly impressive. All these words contain a suffix: perform-s, perform-ed, and perform-ance. However, the suffixes -s and -ed are dependent on the grammatical context in a way that the suffix -ance is not. (Carstairs 28) performs and performed = ‘grammatically conditioned variants’ or ‘inflected forms’ of ‘the verb perform’. Lexeme (abstract kind of word) performs, performed and perform are all inflected forms of the lexme PERFORM, a. third person singular present tense: performs b. past tense: performed c. progressive participle: performing d. perfect or passive participle: performed e. basic form (used everywhere else): perform Word/vs/lexeme Cat and cats are different words, but forms of the same Iexeme. The idea is that they are the same as far as the dictionary is concerned: the difference is purely grammatical. They are covered under a single dictionary entry, and in most dictionaries there is no explicit mention of cats. The difference between the various forms of a lexeme is a matter of inflection. Cat and cats, then, are different inflectional forms of the same Iexeme - the singular and plural forms respectively (Huddleston and Pullum 15) Morpheme distinction B lexical morpehmes or lexemes (that denote objects or states of affairs) inflectional morpehmes that express grammatical relations in sentences Inflection encompasses the grammatical markers for number, gender, case, person, tense, aspect, mood, comparison and is defined as “a change in the form of a word to express its relation to other words in the sentence”. Inflectional operations do not change the category they operate on. They are formal markers that help us delimit the lexical category of a word. Derivation refers to word formation processes such as affixation, compounding and conversion. Derivational processes typically do induce a change in the lexical category of the item they operate on and even introduce new meanings. The notion of lexical category; identification of parts of speech LEXICAL CATEGORIES The traditional term 'parts of speech' applies to what we call categories of words and lexemes. The term lexical category stands for what traditional grammarians called parts of speech. The term itself is built on analogy with the term lexical item and it indicates the part of speech – noun, verb, adjective, adverb etc. – to which a lexical item belongs. Traditional grammars identified parts of speech on the basis of several criteria: meaning, inflectional variation, syntactic function in sentence. However, they arrived at different classifications. In traditional grammars, parts of speech are identified on the basis of their meaning as well as on the basis of the inflectional endings that characterise them. To these we also add the criterion of syntactic function. The last two criteria are formal. The belief that each part of speech was to be defined by characteristic concepts rested on the assumption that language mirrored the structure of the universe. However, this is wrong (for example, we say the verb expresses an action and the adjective a quality, but we can express a quality or an action as a thing as well, i.e. by means of a noun: the height of a building, the fall of an apple). Besides, language does not convey information about the real world, it conveys information about the projected world (i.e. the experienced or phenomenal world). Parts of speech as categories (the generative framework). Returning to the identification of lexical categories, each lexical category has a corresponding syntactic phrase - N → NP. In other words, syntactic phrases are projections of lexical categories. Categories are described categorially (functionally) and thematically (in terms of properties/features, which may be phonological, semantic or syntactic). First, all parts of speech system sanction the opposition verbal / nominal: NP AP N A [+N] [0N] [0V] [0V] VP V [+V] [-N] PP P [0V] [-N] The connection between syntax and morphology: a category is the head of a syntactic phrase. Clause, word, phrase, head The most basic kind of clause consists of a subject followed by a predicate. In the simplest case, the subject (Subj ) is a noun and the predicate (Pred) is a verb: People complain. //They left. More often, the subject and/or the predicate consist of more than one word while still having a noun and verb as their most important component: All things change. //Kim left early. // Some people complained about it. “Expressions such as all things and some people are called noun phrases - phrases with a noun as their head. The head of a phrase is, roughly, the most important element in the phrase, the one that defines what sort of phrase it is. The other elements are dependents. Similarly, left early and complained about it are verb phrases, phrases with a verb as head. Again, early and about it are dependents of the verb. Traditional grammars and dictionaries define a phrase as containing more than one word. But it's actually more convenient to drop this requirement, and generalise the category 'noun phrase' so that it covers things, Kim and people in [2], as well as all things and some people in [3] . There are lots of places besides the subject position where all these expressions can occur: compare We need clients and We need some clients or This is good for clients and This is good for some clients, and so on. It would be tedious to have to talk about 'nouns or noun phrases' in all such cases. So we prefer to say that a noun phrase (henceforth NP) normally consists of a noun with or without various dependents. (In other words, the head is accompanied by ZERO OR MORE dependents.) It's much the same with other categories of phrase, e.g., verb phrases. Complained in [2] , just like complained about it in [3], can be regarded as a verb phrase (VP). And the same general point will hold for the rest of the categories we introduce below: although they C A N contain more, they sometimes contain just a head and nothing else.” (Huddleston and Pullum 13) VP read a book the head – i.e. read. Also in the NP destruction of the city the head is destruction. As a rule the Head is the only obligatory element in a constituent. Functions and categories In our example Some people complained about it we have said that some people is subject and that it is an NP. These are two quite different kinds of concept. Subject is a function, while NP is a category. Function is a relational concept: when we say that some people is subject we are describing the relation between it and complained, or between it and the whole clause. It is THE SUBJECT OF THE CLAUSE, not simply a subject. A category, by contrast, is a class of expressions which are grammatically alike. An NP is (setting aside a narrow range of exceptions) simply a phrase with a noun as head (it's not the NP of anything, it's just an NP). The class of NPs thus includes an indefinitely large set of expressions like the following (where underlining marks the head noun): some people, all things, Kim, people (as used in People complained), the people next door, the way home, and so on. The reason we need to distinguish so carefully between functions and categories is that the correspondence between them is often subtle and complex. Even though there are clear tendencies (like that the subject of a clause is very often an NP), a single function may be filled b y expressions belonging to different categories, and expressions belonging to a single category may occur in different functions. We can see this in the following examples : His guilt was obvious. // That he was guilty was obvious. (one function, different categories) Some customers complained.// Kim offended some customers (one category, different functions) (Huddleston and Pullum 14-15) FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES A second opposition, which is universally acknowledged, is that between lexical and functional categories. This opposition is in part the same as the structural distinction between open classes (N, V, A etc.) and closed classes (Determiner, Inflection, Complementiser etc) of items. The open classes are defined as classes containing indefinitely many items and which allow conscious coining, borrowing etc. On the other hand, functional categories form a closed set of items which I 0N +V - D +N -V Deg 0N 0V C +N 0V never occur alone, have a unique Complement, lack descriptive semantic content, act as operators placing the Complement in time, in the world, are heads of lexical categories. Inflectional variation Some words (lexemes) have more than one word form, depending on the grammatical context or on choices that grammar forces us to make (for example, in nouns, between singular and plural). This kind of word-formation is called ‘inflectional’. In so far as grammar affects all words alike, the existence of inflected word forms does not have to be noted in the dictionary; however, the word forms themselves must be listed if they are irregular. Inflection affects nouns, verbs, adjectives and a few adverbs, as well as some of the functional categories (the closed classes). (Carstairs 42) Nouns are characterised by the functional categories of case, number, gender, and determination. Verbs are characterised by the functional categories of tense, aspect, mood, number and person. Pronouns are characterised by the functional categories of person, number and – some – gender. Adjectives and adverbs are characterised by the functional category of comparison. Inherent vs. contextual categories Several categories overlap, characterising more than one part of speech. However, there are differences between them. For instance: They are running in the field now. He is running home now. They – 3rd person plural – information contained in the lexical meaning of they. Hence – inherent. Are running vs. is running is contextual information provided by the context in which the verb is used and triggered by the presence of an agreement between the subject and the verb. Gender for nouns is inherent. E.g. queen. Case for nouns is contextual (triggered by the type of verb – double transitive as in ask somebody a question or a verb with dative and accusative as in lend money to someone). Inherent: Number with nouns and pronouns Person for pronouns Gender in nouns Contextual: Number in verbs Person in verbs Case in nouns COURSE BIBLIOGRAPHY (Selections) Lectures Avram, L. 2007. TAM. Course. Baciu, I. 1999. English Morphology. Course. Drăgan, R. 2005. English Morphology, Course. Books Baciu, I. 2004. Functional Categories in English. Bucharest University Press Baciu, I. 1998, English Morphology: Word Formation. Bucharest University Press Carstairs-McCarthy , A. 2002, An Introduction to English Morphology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Drăgan, Ruxandra. 2005. English Morphology. București: Credis. Huddleston, Rodney, Pullum, Geoffrey. 2002. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Huddleston, Rodney, Pullum, Geoffrey. 2005. A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar, Kortman, B., Traugott, E. C. 2006. The Grammar of the English Verb Phrase, vol. 1, Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Cornilescu, A. 1995, Concepts of Modern Grammar. Bucharest University Press Matthews, P. 1991, Morphology. 2nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Stefanescu, I. 1987, Lectures in English Morphology, Bucharest University Press Stefanescu, I. 1984, English Morphology. Word Structure, Bucharest University Press Vișan, R., Daria Protopopescu, Nadina Vișan. 2014. New Perspectives on English Grammar. Iași: Institutul European. Vișan, Nadina, Vișan, Ruxandra. 2013. English for Advanced Learners – A Text-Based Approach, Iași: Editura Polirom