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Lumbar plexus.
Lumbosacral trunk.
Sacral plexus.
Femoral nerve
Innervate all muscles in anterior compartment
of thigh.
Give rise to branches that innervate iliacus and
Innervate skin over anterior aspect of thigh,
anteromedial side of knee, medial side of leg,
and medial side of foot.
Obturator nerve
Innervate all muscles in medial compartment of
thigh, except part of adductor magnus and
Innervate obturator externus.
Innervate skin on medial side of upper thigh.
Sciatic nerve
Terminal branches:
Common fibular (peroneal) nerve.
Tibial nerve.
Sciatic nerve innervates:
All muscles in posterior compartment of thigh.
Part of adductor magnus.
All muscles in leg and foot.
Skin on lateral side of leg and lateral side and sole of
Gluteal nerves
Superior gluteal nerve:
Innervate gluteus medius and minimus.
Innervate tensor fasciae latae.
Inferior gluteal nerve:
Ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves
Ilioinguinal nerve:
Genitofemoral nerve:
Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
Nerve to quadratus femoris and nerve
to obturator internus
Nerve to obturator internus:
Supply gemellus superior and obturator internus.
Nerve to quadratus femoris:
Supply gemellus inferior and quadratus femoris.
Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
Innervate skin over posterior aspect of thigh
into upper leg.
Innervate skin over gluteal fold, over upper
medial part of thigh, and adjacent regions of
Perforating cutaneous nerve
Femoral artery
Superior and inferior gluteal arteries and the
obturator artery
Superior and inferior gluteal arteries:
Obturator artery:
Femoral vein.
Superficial veins:
Great saphenous vein.
Small saphenous vein.
Superficial inguinal nodes
External iliac nodes.
Deep inguinal nodes
Popliteal nodes
Varicose veins
Deep vein thrombosis
Deep fascia and the saphenous opening
Fascia lata
Iliotibial tract
Superior and anterior aspect:
tensor fasciae latae.
Posterior aspect:
gluteus maximus.
Saphenous opening
Femoral triangle
Base: inguinal ligament.
Medial border: medial margin of adductor longus.
Lateral border: medial margin of sartorius.
Medially: pectineus and adductor longus.
Laterally: iliopsoas.
Apex: points inferiorly.
Adductor canal.
From lateral to
Femoral nerve.
Femoral artery.
Femoral vein.
Lymphatic vessels.
Femoral sheath
Femoral canal.