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Identify the major anatomical landmarks of the thigh
The thigh is the region between the hip and knee joints bounded by:
o Inguinal ligament – supero-anteriorly
o Gluteus maximus – supero-posteriorly – continuous with the gluteal region here
The femoral triangle is a space between the muscles of the upper thigh below the inguinal ligament
o Adductor longus medially; sartorius laterally; iliopsoas, adductor longus and pectineus floor
o Femoral vessels pass through (artery, nerve, vein, lymphatics)
o Descends to become continuous with the adductor canal deep to sartorius
o Adductor canal ends at the adductor hiatus passing anteriorly through adductor magnus
Describe the main compartments of the thigh
The thigh is divided into three muscular compartments by intermuscular septa:
o Anterior – hip flexors and knee extensors – femoral nerve innervation (L2-L4)
 Iliopsoas – iliacus and psoas major insert onto the lesser trochanter; hip flexor
 Sartorius – crosses superficially from ASIS to medial proximal tibia; hip flexor
 Quadriceps femoris – three vastus muscles and rectus femoris; knee extensor
o Posterior – hip extensors and knee flexors (hamstrings) – sciatic nerve innervation (L4-S3)
 Biceps femoris – lateral descent onto fibular head
 Semitendinosus – superficial medial descent onto proximal tibia
 Semimembranosus – deep medial descent onto medial tibial condyle
o Medial – hip adductors – obturator nerve innervation (L2-L4)
 Pectineus – from pubic crest onto pectineal line
 Gracilis – medial descent from pubic ramus to proximal tibia
 Adductor magnus – deep medial descent from ischial tuberosity to adductor tubercle
Most of the structures of the thigh are supplied by the profunda femoris branch of the femoral artery