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Chapter 45: Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)1 is the cause of acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS).
Both HIV-1 and HIV-2 cause AIDS, but HIV-1 is found worldwide, whereas HIV-2
is found primarily in West Africa. This chapter refers to HIV-1 unless otherwise
Formerly known as human T-lymphotropic virus type 3 (HTLV-III),
lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV), and AIDS-related virus (ARV).
Important Properties
HIV is one of the two important human T-cell lymphotropic retroviruses (human
T-cell leukemia virus is the other). HIV preferentially infects and kills helper
(CD4) T lymphocytes, resulting in the loss of cell-mediated immunity and a
high probability that the host will develop opportunistic infections. Other cells
(e.g., macrophages and monocytes) that have CD4 proteins on their surfaces can
be infected also.
HIV belongs to the lentivirus subgroup of retroviruses, which cause "slow"
infections with long incubation periods (see Chapter 44). HIV has a bar-shaped
(type D) core surrounded by an envelope containing virus-specific glycoproteins
(gp120 and gp41) (see Color Plate 31) (Figure 45–1). The genome of HIV
consists of two identical molecules of single-stranded, positive-polarity RNA and
is said to be diploid. The HIV genome is the most complex of the known
retroviruses (Figure 45–2). In addition to the three typical retroviral genes gag,
pol, and env, which encode the structural proteins, the genome RNA has six
regulatory genes (Table 45–1). Two of these regulatory genes, tat and rev, are
required for replication, and the other four, nef, vif, vpr, and vpu, are not
required for replication and are termed "accessory" genes.
Color Plate 31
Human immunodeficiency virus—Electron micrograph. Long arrow points to a mature
virion of HIV that has just been released from the infected lymphocyte at the bottom of
the figure. Short arrow (in bottom left of image) points to several nascent virions in the
cytoplasm just prior to budding from the cell membrane. Provider: CDC/Dr. A. Harrison,
Dr. P. Feirino, and Dr. E. Palmer.
Figure 45–1.
Cross-section of HIV. In the interior, two molecules of viral RNA are shown associated with
reverse transcriptase. Surrounding those structures is a rectangular nucleocapsid
composed of p24 proteins. On the exterior are the two envelope proteins, gp120 and
gp41, which are embedded in the lipid bilayer derived from the cell membrane. (Green
WC: Mechanisms of Disease: The Molecular Biology of Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Type I Infection. NEJM 1991, Vol. 324, No. 5, p. 309. Copyright © 1991 Massachusetts
Medical Society. All rights reserved.)
Figure 45–2.
The genome of HIV. Above the line are the three genes for the main structural proteins:
(1) gag encodes the internal group-specific antigens, e.g., p24; (2) polencodes the
polymerase protein (reverse transcriptase), which has four enzymatic activities: protease
(PROT), polymerase (POL), RNase H (H), and integrase (INT); (3) env encodes the two
envelope glycoproteins, gp120 and gp41. Below the line are five regulatory genes: viral
infectivity factor (VIF), transactivating protein (TAT), viral protein U (VPU), regulator of
expression of virion protein (REV), and negative regulatory factor (NEF). At both ends are
long terminal repeats (LTR), which are transcription initiation sites. Within the 5' LTR is the
binding site for the TAT protein, called the transactivation response element (TAR). TAT
enhances the initiation and elongation of viral mRNA transcription. (* p24 and other
smaller proteins such as p17 and p7 are encoded by the gag gene.)
Table 45–1. Genes and Proteins of Human Immunodeficiency
Encoded by
Function of Proteins
I. Structural Genes Found in All Retroviruses
p24, p7
Transcribes RNA genome into DNA
Cleaves precursor polypeptides
Integrates viral DNA into host cell DNA
Attachment to CD4 protein
Fusion with host cell
II. Regulatory Genes Found in Human Immunodeficiency Virus That Are
Required for Replication
Activation of transcription of viral genes
Transport of late mRNAs from nucleus to cytoplasm
III. Regulatory Genes Found in Human Immunodeficiency Virus That
AreNotRequired for Replication (Accessory Genes)
Decreases CD4 proteins and class I MHC proteins on
surface of infected cells; induces death of uninfected
cytotoxic T cells; important for pathogenesis by SIV2
Enhances infectivity by inhibiting the action of
APOBEC3G, an enzyme that causes hypermutation in
retroviral DNA
Transports viral core from cytoplasm into nucleus in
nondividing cells
Enhances virion release from cell
Reverse transcriptase also contains ribonuclease H activity, which degrades the
genome RNA to allow the second strand of DNA to be made.
Mutants of the nef gene of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) do not cause
AIDS in monkeys.
The gag gene encodes the internal "core" proteins, the most important of which is
p24, an antigen used in serologic tests. The pol gene encodes several proteins,
including the virion "reverse transcriptase," which synthesizes DNA by using the
genome RNA as a template, an integrase that integrates the viral DNA into the
cellular DNA, and a protease that cleaves the various viral precursor proteins.
The env gene encodes gp160, a precursor glycoprotein that is cleaved to form
the two envelope (surface) glycoproteins, gp120 and gp41.
On the basis of differences in the base sequence of the gene that encodes gp120,
HIV has been subdivided into subtypes (clades) A through I. The B clade is the
most common subtype in North America. Subtype B preferentially infects
mononuclear cells and appears to be passed readily during anal sex, whereas
subtype E preferentially infects female genital tract cells and appears to be
passed readily during vaginal sex.
Three enzymes are located within the nucleocapsid of the virion: reverse
transcriptase, integrase, and protease. Reverse transcriptase is the RNAdependent DNA polymerase that is the source of the family name retroviruses.
This enzyme transcribes the RNA genome into the proviral DNA. Reverse
transcriptase is a bifunctional enzyme; it also has ribonuclease H activity.
Ribonuclease H degrades RNA when it is in the form of an RNA-DNA hybrid
molecule. The degradation of the viral RNA genome is an essential step in the
synthesis of the double-stranded proviral DNA. Integrase, another important
enzyme within the virion, mediates the integration of the proviral DNA into the
host cell DNA. The viral protease cleaves the precursor polyproteins into
functional viral polypeptides.
One essential regulatory gene is the tat (transactivation of transcription)2 gene,
which encodes a protein that enhances viral (and perhaps cellular) gene
The Tat protein and another HIV-encoded regulatory protein called Nef repress
the synthesis of class I MHC proteins, thereby reducing the ability of cytotoxic T
cells to kill HIV-infected cells. The other essential regulatory gene, rev, controls
the passage of late mRNA from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. The function of
the four accessory genes is described in Table 45–1.
The accessory protein Vif (viral infectivity) enhances HIV infectivity by inhibiting
the action of APOBEC3G, an enzyme that causes hypermutation in retroviral DNA.
APOBEC3G is "apolipoprotein B RNA-editing enzyme" that deaminates cytosines
in both mRNA and retroviral DNA, thereby inactivating these molecules and
reducing infectivity. APOBEC3G is considered to be an important member of the
innate host defenses against retroviral infection. HIV defends itself against this
innate host defense by producing Vif, which counteracts APOBEC3G, thereby
preventing hypermutation from occurring.
There are several important antigens of HIV.
1. gp120 and gp41 are the type-specific envelope glycoproteins. gp120
protrudes from the surface and interacts with the CD4 receptor (and a
second protein, a chemokine receptor) on the cell surface. gp41 is
embedded in the envelope and mediates the fusion of the viral envelope
with the cell membrane at the time of infection. The gene that encodes
gp120 mutates rapidly, resulting in many antigenic variants. The most
immunogenic region of gp120 is called the V3 loop; it is one of the sites
that varies antigenically to a significant degree. Antibody against gp120
neutralizes the infectivity of HIV, but the rapid appearance of gp120
variants will make production of an effective vaccine difficult. The high
mutation rate may be due to lack of an editing function in the reverse
2. The group-specific antigen, p24, is located in the core and is not known to
vary. Antibodies against p24 do not neutralize HIV infectivity but serve as
important serologic markers of infection.
The natural host range of HIV is limited to humans, although certain
primates can be infected in the laboratory. HIV is not an endogenous
virus of humans; i.e., no HIV sequences are found in normal human cell
DNA. The origin of HIV and how it entered the human population remains
uncertain. There is evidence that chimpanzees living in West Africa were
the source of HIV-1.
Viruses similar to HIV have been isolated. Examples are listed below.
1. Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) was isolated from AIDS
patients in West Africa in 1986. The proteins of HIV-2 are only about 40%
identical to those of the original HIV isolates. HIV-2 remains localized
primarily to West Africa and is much less transmissible than HIV-1.
2. Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) was isolated from monkeys with an
AIDS-like illness. Antibodies in some African women cross-react with SIV.
The proteins of SIV resemble those of HIV-2 more closely than they
resemble those of the original HIV isolates.
3. Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV)-4 infects T cells but does not kill
them and is not associated with any disease.
Transactivation refers to activation of transcription of genes distant from the
gene, i.e., other genes on the same proviral DNA or on cellular DNA. One site of
action of the Tat protein is the long terminal repeat at the 5' end of the viral
Summary of Replicative Cycle
In general, the replication of HIV follows the typical retroviral cycle (Figure 45–
3). The initial step in the entry of HIV into the cell is the binding of the virion
gp120 envelope protein to the CD4 protein on the cell surface. The virion gp120
protein then interacts with a second protein on the cell surface, one of the
chemokine receptors. Next, the virion gp41 protein mediates fusion of the viral
envelope with the cell membrane, and the virion enters the cell.
Figure 45–3.
Replicative cycle of HIV. The sites of action of the important antiviral drugs are indicated.
The mode of action of the reverse transcriptase inhibitors and the protease inhibitors is
described in Chapter 35. (Modified and reproduced, with permission, from Ryan K et
al: Sherris Medical Microbiology, 3rd ed. Originally published by Appleton & Lange.
Copyright © 1994 by The McGraw-Hill Companies.)
Chemokine receptors, such as CXCR4 and CCR5 proteins, are required for the
entry of HIV into CD4-positive cells. The T-cell-tropic strains of HIV bind to
CXCR4, whereas the macrophage-tropic strains bind to CCR5. Mutations in the
gene encoding CCR5 endow the individual with protection from infection with HIV.
People who are homozygotes are completely resistant to infection, and
heterozygotes progress to disease more slowly. Approximately 1% of people of
Western European ancestry have homozygous mutations in this gene and about
10–15% are heterozygotes. One of the best characterized mutations is the delta32 mutation in which 32 base pairs are deleted from the CCR5 gene.
After uncoating, the virion RNA-dependent DNA polymerase transcribes the
genome RNA into double-stranded DNA, which integrates into the host cell DNA.
The viral DNA can integrate at different sites in the host cell DNA, and multiple
copies of viral DNA can integrate. Integration is mediated by a virus-encoded
endonuclease (integrase). Viral mRNA is transcribed from the proviral DNA by
host cell RNA polymerase and translated into several large polyproteins. The Gag
and Pol polyproteins are cleaved by the viral-encoded protease, whereas the Env
polyprotein is cleaved by a cellular protease. The Gag polyprotein is cleaved to
form the main core protein (p24), the matrix protein (p17), and several smaller
proteins. The Pol polyprotein is cleaved to form the reverse transcriptase,
integrase, and protease. The immature virion containing the precursor
polyproteins forms in the cytoplasm, and cleavage by the viral protease occurs as
the immature virion buds from the cell membrane. It is this cleavage process that
results in the mature, infectious virion.
Transmission & Epidemiology
Transmission of HIV occurs primarily by sexual contact and by transfer of infected
blood. Perinatal transmission from infected mother to neonate also occurs, either
across the placenta, at birth, or via breast milk. It is estimated that more than
50% of neonatal infections occur at the time of delivery and that the remainder is
split roughly equally between transplacental transmission and transmission via
breast feeding.
Infection occurs by the transfer of either HIV-infected cells or free HIV (i.e., HIV
that is not cell-associated). Although small amounts of virus have been found in
other fluids, e.g., saliva and tears, there is no evidence that they play a role in
infection. In general, transmission of HIV follows the pattern of hepatitis B virus,
except that HIV infection is much less efficiently transferred; i.e., the dose of HIV
required to cause infection is much higher than that of HBV. People with sexually
transmitted diseases, especially those with ulcerative lesions such as syphilis,
chancroid, and herpes genitalis, have a significantly higher risk of both
transmitting and acquiring HIV. Uncircumcised males have a higher risk of
acquiring HIV than do circumcised males.
Transmission of HIV via blood transfusion has been greatly reduced by screening
donated blood for the presence of antibody to HIV. However, there is a "window"
period early in infection when the blood of an infected person can contain HIV but
antibodies are not detectable. Blood banks now test for the presence of p24
antigen in an effort to detect blood that contains HIV.
Between 1981, when AIDS was first reported, and 2001, approximately 1.3
million people in the United States have been infected with HIV. During this time,
there were approximately 816,000 cases of AIDS and 467,000 deaths. In 2004,
there were 23,000 deaths caused by AIDS. It is estimated there are
approximately 900,000 people living with HIV infection in the United States and it
is further estimated that about one quarter of those infected are unaware of their
infection. The number of adults and children newly infected with HIV in 2004 is
estimated to be approximately 44,000. The number of children with AIDS who
acquired HIV by perinatal transmission declined from a high of 954 in 1992 to
101 in 2001 and has continued to remain low. The prevalence of AIDS in the
United States in 2003 was about 490,000 individuals.
Worldwide, it is estimated that approximately 40 million people are infected, twothirds of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa. Three regions, Africa, Asia, and Latin
America, have the highest rates of new infections. AIDS is the fourth leading
cause of death worldwide. (Ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and
acute lower respiratory disease are ranked first, second, and third, respectively.)
In the United States and Europe during the 1980s, HIV infection and AIDS
occurred primarily in men who have sex with men (especially those with multiple
partners), intravenous drug users, and hemophiliacs. Heterosexual transmission
was rare in these regions in the 1980s but is now rising significantly.
Heterosexual transmission is the predominant mode of infection in African
Very few health care personnel have been infected despite prolonged exposure
and needle-stick injuries, supporting the view that the infectious dose of HIV is
high. The risk of being infected after percutaneous exposure to HIV-infected
blood is estimated to be about 0.3%. In 1990, it was reported that a dentist may
have infected five of his patients. It is thought that transmission of HIV from
health care personnel to patients is exceedingly rare.
Pathogenesis & Immunity
HIV infects helper T cells and kills them, resulting in suppression of cellmediated immunity. This predisposes the host to various opportunistic
infections and certain cancers such as Kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoma.
However, HIV does not directly cause these tumors because HIV genes are not
found in these cancer cells. The initial infection of the genital tract occurs in
dendritic cells that line the mucosa (Langerhans' cells), after which the local CD4positive helper T cells become infected. HIV is first found in the blood 4–11 days
after infection.
HIV also infects brain monocytes and macrophages, producing multinucleated
giant cells and significant central nervous system symptoms. The fusion of HIVinfected cells in the brain and elsewhere mediated by gp41 is one of the main
pathologic findings. The cells recruited into the syncytia ultimately die. The death
of HIV-infected cells is also the result of immunologic attack by cytotoxic CD8
lymphocytes. Effectiveness of the cytotoxic T cells may be limited by the ability of
the viral Tat and Nef proteins to reduce class I MHC protein synthesis (see
Another mechanism hypothesized to explain the death of helper T cells is that
HIV acts as a "superantigen," which indiscriminately activates many helper T cells
and leads to their demise. The finding that one member of the retrovirus family,
mouse mammary tumor virus, can act as a superantigen lends support to this
theory. Superantigens are described in Chapter 58.
Persistent noncytopathic infection of T lymphocytes also occurs. Persistently
infected cells continue to produce HIV, which may help sustain the infection in
vivo. A person infected with HIV is considered to be infected for life. This seems
likely to be the result of integration of viral DNA into the DNA of infected cells.
Although the use of powerful antiviral drugs (see Treatment section below) can
significantly reduce the amount of HIV being produced, latent infection in CD4positive cells and in immature thymocytes serve as a continuing source of virus.
In 1995, it was reported that a group of HIV-infected individuals has lived for
many years without opportunistic infections and without a reduction in the
number of their helper T (CD4) cells. The strain of HIV isolated from these
individuals has mutations in the nef gene, indicating the importance of this gene
in pathogenesis. The Nef protein decreases class I MHC protein synthesis, and the
inability of the mutant virus to produce functional Nef protein allows the cytotoxic
T cells to retain their activity.
Another explanation why some HIV-infected individuals are long-term
"nonprogressors" may lie in their ability to produce large amounts of defensins. -Defensins are a family of positively charged peptides with
antibacterial activity. In 2002, they were shown to also have antiviral activity.
They interfere with HIV binding to the CXCR4 receptor and block entry of the
virus into the cell.
In addition to the detrimental effects on T cells, abnormalities of B cells occur.
Polyclonal activation of B cells is seen, with resultant high immunoglobulin levels.
Autoimmune diseases, such as thrombocytopenia, occur.
The main immune response to HIV infection consists of cytotoxic CD8positive lymphocytes. These cells respond to the initial infection and control it
for many years. Mutants of HIV, especially in the env gene encoding gp120,
arise, but new clones of cytotoxic T cells proliferate and control the mutant strain.
It is the ultimate failure of these cytotoxic T cells that results in the clinical
picture of AIDS. Cytotoxic T cells lose their effectiveness because so many CD4
helper T cells have died; thus, the supply of lymphokines, such as IL-2, required
to activate the cytotoxic T cells is no longer sufficient.
There is evidence that "escape" mutants of HIV are able to proliferate unchecked
because the patient has no clone of cytotoxic T cells capable of responding to the
mutant strain. Furthermore, mutations in any of the genes encoding class I MHC
proteins result in a more rapid progression to clinical AIDS. The mutant class I
MHC proteins cannot present HIV epitopes, which results in cytotoxic T cells being
incapable of recognizing and destroying HIV-infected cells.
Antibodies against various HIV proteins, such as p24, gp120, and gp41, are
produced, but they neutralize the virus poorly in vivo and appear to have little
effect on the course of the disease.
HIV has three main mechanisms by which it evades the immune system: (1)
integration of viral DNA into host cell DNA, resulting in a persistent infection; (2)
a high rate of mutation of the env gene; and (3) the production of the Tat and
Nef proteins that downregulate class I MHC proteins required for cytotoxic T cells
to recognize and kill HIV-infected cells. The ability of HIV to infect and kill CD4positive helper T cells further enhances its capacity to avoid destruction by the
immune system.
Clinical Findings
The clinical picture of HIV infection can be divided into three stages: an early,
acute stage; a middle, latent stage; and a late, immunodeficiency stage (Figure
45–4). In the acute stage, which usually begins 2–4 weeks after infection, a
mononucleosis-like picture of fever, lethargy, sore throat, and generalized
lymphadenopathy occurs. A maculopapular rash on the trunk, arms, and legs
(but sparing the palms and soles) is also seen. Leukopenia occurs, but the
number of CD4 cells is usually normal. A high-level viremia typically occurs, and
the infection is readily transmissible during this acute stage. This acute stage
typically resolves spontaneously in about 2 weeks. Resolution of the acute stage
is usually accompanied by a lower level of viremia and a rise in the number of
CD8-positive (cytotoxic) T cells directed against HIV.
Figure 45–4.
Time course of HIV infection. The three main stages of HIV infection—acute, latent, and
immunodeficiency—are shown in conjunction with several important laboratory findings.
Note that the levels of virus and viral RNA (viral load) are high early in the infection,
become low for several years, and then rise during the immunodeficiency stage. The level
of CD4 lymphocytes remains more or less normal for many years but then falls. This
results in the immunodeficiency stage, which is characterized by opportunistic infections
and malignancies. (From Weiss RA: How Does HIV Cause AIDS? Science 1993; 260:1273.
Reprinted with permission from AAAS.)
Antibodies to HIV typically appear 10–14 days after infection, and most will have
seroconverted by 3–4 weeks after infection. Note that the inability to detect
antibodies prior to that time can result in "false-negative" serologic tests; i.e., the
person is infected, but antibodies are not detectable at the time of the test. This
has important implications because HIV can be transmitted to others during this
period. Of those who become seropositive during the acute infection,
approximately 87% are symptomatic; i.e., about 13% experience an
asymptomatic initial infection.
After the initial viremia, a viral set point occurs, which can differ from one
person to another. The set point represents the amount of virus produced, i.e.,
the viral load, and tends to remain "set," or constant, for years. The higher the
set point at the end of the initial infection, the more likely the individual is to
progress to symptomatic AIDS. It is estimated that an infected person can
produce up to 10 billion new virions each day. This viral load can be estimated by
using an assay for viral RNA in the patient's plasma. (The assay detects the RNA
in free virions in the plasma, not cell-associated virions.)
The amount of viral RNA serves to guide treatment decisions and the prognosis.
For example, if a drug regimen fails to reduce the viral load, the drugs should be
changed. As far as the prognosis is concerned, a patient with more than 10,000
copies of viral RNA/mL of plasma is significantly more likely to progress to AIDS
than a patient with fewer than 10,000 copies.
The number of CD4-positive T cells is another important measure that guides the
management of infected patients. It is used to determine whether a patient
needs chemoprophylaxis against opportunistic organisms, to determine whether a
patient needs anti-HIV therapy, and to determine the response to this therapy.
In the middle stage, a long latent period, measured in years, usually ensues. In
untreated patients, the latent period usually lasts for 7–11 years. The patient is
asymptomatic during this period. Although the patient is asymptomatic and
viremia is low or absent, a large amount of HIV is being produced by lymph node
cells but remains sequestered within the lymph nodes. This indicates that during
this period of clinical latency, the virus itself does not enter a latent state.
A syndrome called AIDS-related complex (ARC) can occur during the latent
period. The most frequent manifestations are persistent fevers, fatigue, weight
loss, and lymphadenopathy. ARC often progresses to AIDS.
The late stage of HIV infection is AIDS, manifested by a decline in the number of
CD4 cells to below 400/ L and an increase in the frequency and severity of
opportunistic infections. Table 45–2 describes some of the common opportunistic
infections and their causative organism seen in HIV-infected patients during the
late, immunocompromised stage of the infection.
Table 45–2. Common Opportunistic Infections in AIDS
Site of Infection
Disease or
Causative Organism
1. Pneumonia
carinii, cytomegalovirus
2. Tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
1. Thrush
Candida albicans
2. Hairy leukoplakia
Epstein-Barr virus
3. Ulcerations
Herpes simplex virus-1, Histoplasma
1. Thrush
Candida albicans
2. Esophagitis
Cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex
Intestinal tract
Salmonella sp., Shigella sp,
cytomegalovirus, Cryptosporidium
parvum, Giardia lamblia
Central nervous
1. Meningitis
Cryptococcus neoformans
2. Brain abscess
Toxoplasma gondii
3. Progressive
JC virus
1. Kaposi's sarcoma
Human herpesvirus 8
2. Zoster
Varicella-zoster virus
3. Subcutaneous
Cryptococcus neoformans
Reticuloendothelial Lymphadenopathy or
Mycobacterium avium complex,
Epstein-Barr virus
The two most characteristic manifestations of AIDS are Pneumocystis pneumonia
and Kaposi's sarcoma. However, many other opportunistic infections occur with
some frequency. These include viral infections such as disseminated herpes
simplex, herpes zoster, and cytomegalovirus infections and progressive multifocal
leukoencephalopathy; fungal infections such as thrush (caused by Candida
albicans), cryptococcal meningitis, and disseminated histoplasmosis; protozoal
infections such as toxoplasmosis and cryptosporidiosis; and disseminated
bacterial infections such as those caused by Mycobacterium aviumintracellulare and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Many AIDS patients have severe
neurologic problems, e.g., dementia and neuropathy, which can be caused by
either HIV infection of the brain or by many of these opportunistic organisms.
In 1992, patients with AIDS who had no evidence of infection by HIV-1 or HIV-2
were reported. At present, it is unknown whether another virus can cause AIDS.
Laboratory Diagnosis
The presumptive diagnosis of HIV infection is made by the detection of antibodies
by ELISA. Because there are some false-positive results with this test, the
definitive diagnosis is made by Western blot analysis, in which the viral proteins
are displayed by acrylamide gel electrophoresis, transferred to nitrocellulose
paper (the blot), and reacted with the patient's serum. If antibodies are present,
they will bind to the viral proteins (predominantly to the gp41 or p24 protein).
Enzymatically labeled antibody to human IgG is then added. A color reaction
reveals the presence of the HIV antibody in the infected patient's serum.
OraQuick is a rapid screening immunoassay for HIV antibody that uses a blood
sample obtained by fingerprick. Results are available in 20 minutes. Positive
results require confirmation by a Western blot test.
HIV can be grown in culture from clinical specimens, but this procedure is
available only at a few medical centers. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a
very sensitive and specific technique that can be used to detect HIV DNA within
infected cells. Some individuals who do not have detectable antibodies have been
shown by this test to be infected. As already mentioned, the amount of viral RNA
in the plasma (i.e., the viral load) can also be determined using PCR-based
During the first month after infection, antibody tests may be negative. In view of
this, the diagnosis of acute HIV infection may not be able to be made using
serologic tests. The presence of HIV can be detected during that period by either
viral culture, p24 antigen test, or PCR assay. Approximately 10–20 days after
infection, an increase in HIV RNA can be detected by PCR assay and by 30 days
after infection, an increase in p24 antigen can be seen in patients whose antibody
test results are negative.
The current treatment of choice for advanced disease is a regimen consisting of
two nucleoside inhibitors (zidovudine and lamivudine) and a protease inhibitor
(indinavir). This combination is known as HAART, which is an acronym for
"highly active antiretroviral therapy." It is very effective in prolonging life,
improving quality of life, and reducing viral load but does not cure the chronic
HIV infection, i.e., replication of HIV within CD4-positive cells continues
indefinitely. Discontinuation of HAART almost always results in viremia, a return
of the viral load to its pretreatment set point, and a fall in the CD4 count.
Another highly effective regimen, especially in children, is the combination of
zidovudine, lamivudine, and the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor,
efavirenz. Adding the protease inhibitor, nelfinavir, to this three-drug
combination enhanced the potency and duration of the antiviral effect in children.
Zidovudine (ZDV, azidothymidine, AZT, Retrovir) inhibits HIV replication by
interfering with proviral DNA synthesis. However, it cannot cure an infected cell
of an already integrated copy of proviral DNA. Strains of HIV resistant to ZDV
have been isolated from patients receiving long-term ZDV therapy. Severe
hematologic side effects can limit its use. ZDV can be combined with didanosine
or zalcitabine to lower the dose of each and thereby reduce the incidence and
severity of side effects.
Didanosine (dideoxyinosine, ddI, Videx) is recommended for patients who are
intolerant of ZDV or whose disease has progressed while they were taking ZDV.
Its mechanism of action is similar to that of ZDV. Three other drugs, zalcitabine
(dideoxycytidine, ddC, Hivid), stavudine (d4T, Zerit), and lamivudine (3TC,
Epivir), are also used in similar situations.
In addition to the nucleoside inhibitors mentioned above, there are nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) that are effective against HIV.
Nevirapine (Viramune), delavirdine (Rescriptor), and efavirenz (Sustiva) are the
currently approved drugs in this class. The combination of nevirapine, ZDV, and
didanosine lowers viral RNA levels and raises CD4 counts significantly more than
the two-drug regimen of ZDV and didanosine. NNRTIs should not be used as
monotherapy because resistant mutants emerge rapidly.
Protease inhibitors, such as saquinavir (Invirase), ritonavir (Norvir), nelfinavir
(Viracept), and indinavir (Crixivan), when combined with nucleoside analogues,
such as ZDV, are very effective in inhibiting viral replication and increasing CD4
cell counts. Mutants of HIV resistant to protease inhibitors can be a significant
clinical problem. Resistance to one protease inhibitor often conveys resistance to
all; however, the combination of two protease inhibitors, namely, ritonavir and
lopinavir (Kaletra), is effective against both mutant and nonmutant strains of
HIV. Also, darunavir is effective against many strains of HIV that are resistant to
other protease inhibitors. Mutants of HIV resistant to protease inhibitors and to
reverse transcriptase inhibitors have also been recovered from patients.
A major side effect of protease inhibitors is abnormal fat deposition in specific
areas of the body, such as the back of the neck. The fat deposits in the back of
the neck are said to give the person a "buffalo hump" appearance. These
abnormal fat deposits are a type of lipodystrophy; the metabolic process by
which this occurs is unknown.
Treatment for acute HIV infection with two reverse transcriptase inhibitors and a
protease inhibitor is recommended. With this regimen, the viral load drops below
the level of detection, CD4 cell counts rise, and CD8 activity increases. The longterm effect of this approach on rate of progression to AIDS has yet to be
Pregnant women should be treated with two nucleosides and a protease inhibitor.
ZDV or nevirapine alone reduced transmission from mother to fetus. ZDV appears
not to cause malformations in the fetus, although rare instances of mitochondrial
dysfunction and death have been reported. The reader is urged to consult the
current information regarding the use of these drugs in pregnancy. A full
discussion is beyond the scope of this book.
In 2003, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the use of enfuvirtide
(Fuzeon), the first of a new class of anti-HIV drugs known as fusion
inhibitors, i.e., they prevent the fusion of the viral envelope with the cell
membrane. Enfuvirtide is a synthetic peptide that binds to gp41 on the viral
envelope, thereby blocking the entry of HIV into the cell. It must be administered
by injection and is quite expensive.
In 2007, the FDA approved the use of maraviroc (Selzentry), a drug that blocks
the binding of the gp120 envelope protein of HIV to CCR-5, an important
coreceptor on the cell surface. It should be used in combination with other
antiretroviral drugs in patients infected with CCR-5 tropic strains of HIV. Also, in
2007, the FDA approved the use of raltegravir (Isentress), the first drug to inhibit
the HIV-encoded integrase. It is recommended for use in patients who have been
treated with other antiretroviral drugs but continue to produce significant levels
of HIV.
Drug-resistant mutants of HIV have emerged that significantly affect the ability of
both reverse transcriptase inhibitors and protease inhibitors to sustain their
clinical efficacy. Approximately 10% of newly infected patients are infected with a
strain of HIV resistant to at least one antiretroviral drug. Laboratory tests to
detect mutant strains include both genotypic and phenotypic analysis. Genotyping
reveals the presence of specific mutations in either the reverse transcriptase (RT)
or protease (PR) genes. Phenotyping determines the ability of the virus to grow in
cell culture in the presence of the drug. One method of phenotyping recovers the
RT and PR genes from the patient's virus and splices them into a test strain of
HIV, which is then used to infect cells in culture.
"Immune reconstitution syndrome" may occur in HIV-infected patients who
are treated with a HAART regimen and who are coinfected with other microbes
such as hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, Mycobacterium
avium complex, Cryptococcus neoformans, and Toxoplasma gondii. In this
syndrome, an exacerbation of clinical symptoms occurs because the antiretroviral
drugs enhance the ability to mount an inflammatory response. HIV-infected
patients with a low CD4 count have a reduced capacity to produce inflammation,
but HAART restores the inflammatory response and, as a result, symptoms
become more pronounced. To avoid immune reconstitution syndrome, the
coinfection should be treated prior to instituting HAART whenever possible.
No vaccine for human use is available. A vaccine containing recombinant gp120
protects nonhuman primates against challenge by HIV and by HIV-infected cells.
The success of a vaccine containing a live, attenuated mutant of SIV in protecting
monkeys against challenge by a large dose of SIV may encourage a similar effort
with a mutant of HIV in humans.
Prevention consists of taking measures to avoid exposure to the virus, e.g., using
condoms, not sharing needles, and discarding donated blood that is contaminated
with HIV. Postexposure prophylaxis, such as that given after a needle-stick
injury, consists of zidovudine, lamivudine, and a protease inhibitor, such as
indinavir. Two steps can be taken to reduce the number of cases of HIV infection
in children: ZDV or nevirapine should be given perinatally to HIV-infected
mothers and neonates, and HIV-infected mothers should not breast-feed. In
addition, the risk of neonatal HIV infection is lower if delivery is accomplished by
cesarean section rather than by vaginal delivery. Circumcision reduces HIV
Several drugs are commonly taken by patients in the advanced stages of AIDS to
prevent certain opportunistic infections. Some examples are trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole to prevent Pneumocystis pneumonia, fluconazole to prevent
recurrences of cryptococcal meningitis, ganciclovir to prevent recurrences of
retinitis caused by cytomegalovirus, and oral preparations of antifungal drugs,
such as clotrimazole, to prevent thrush caused by Candida albicans.