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Horoscope Judgment
Astronomy is a science which studies the movements of the planets and their
effects on the universe as a whole. Astrology is a part of Astronomy which
correlates the celestial movements with the terrestrial events. Astrology
considers how the movements of planets affect the life of an individual, taking
into account the planetary position at the time of his birth. Horoscope is a
record of the planetary movement noted for the time and date of birth with
reference to the particular place of birth. Planets which affect the most are
the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn and the shadows of
the earth & its intersection on its orbit-the Rahu (the body), the Ketu (the
Nirayan or the sidereal System is used in Vedic astrology which has four
major constituents signs, houses, planets and planetary periods. Horoscope of
an individual, its twelve houses and the placement of signs and planets in
these houses are main considerations for the interpretation of the an
individual’s life in this systems. Each house of the horoscope has its own
characteristics and signification The significations of houses fructify under the
planetary periods connected with them.
There are twelve zodiac signs ( 30 degree each) . These twelve signs are
ruled by planes Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
There are nine planets in the zodiac. These planets signify different things and
they rule the house in the horoscope where their sign fall. For example, if the
sign Leo falls in the 4th house, the Sun would rule the significations of the 4th
house along with its natural significations. The Sun and the Moon govern one
sign each of the Zodiac whereas the remaining planets govern two signs each.
Out of two signs ruled by a planet one sign is its mooltrikona sign which
helps in identifying the functional nature of the planets as per its placement.
PLANETARY PERIODS: There are various types of planetary periods
mentioned in classical texts but Vimshotari dasa/ planetary period which is
universally applicable, is mainly considered for all sets of combinations in a
nativity. Operational major period of a particular planet and the balance
period yet to be operational, is calculated on the basis of the longitude of the
Moon in the natal charts. Planets give results as per their own significations
and the significations of the houses ruled by them in their own main/ sub
periods. Whether the planet will give benefic or malefic results it depends on
their strength in a horoscope.
Whether a planet is in strength or not, it is decided by its exaltation,
debilitation, its position in friendly planet's house, enemy planet's house or in
neutral house . Planet which are exalted, posited in Kendra or Trikona houses
or in friendly planet's house becomes strong and normally gives good results.
For Example, Mars, Aries and Scorpio are the houses of Mars, it becomes
exalted in Capricorn, debilitated in Cancer, neutral in Taurus and Libra. The
friendly houses of Mars are Leo and Sagittarius , Gemini and Virgo are the
enemy houses. When Mars is placed either in 5th, 9th house in the
horoscope of the individual, it is said to be in triangular position .
There are subsidiary charts which are prepared on the basis of the birth
chart. Each of them signify different aspects of life. Say for example,
Dashmansha chart is seen to see the professional life, Navmansha chart and
Bhava chart are seen for the actual effects of planets.
Ascendant is the first house of the chart. The sign which rises on the eastern
horizon at the time of the birth is the ascendant sign in the horoscope. Each
planet also transits at a certain degree in any of the zodiac sign between 0
and 30. Depending on the degrees the constellation is decided for that planet.
Each Constellation has its own lord. The position of planet in a particular
constellation is very important while judging horoscope.
The first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses are considered as centers of the
birth chart and are called 'Kendras'. Similarly, , fifth and ninth houses are the
'Trikonas' or triangular houses and third, sixth and eleventh houses are
called 'upchaya houses'. The strength of Kendra and Trikona houses decide
name, fame and monetary position of individual. While the strength of
Upchaya houses( 3,6,11) shows potential and opportunities for personal
Weak and afflicted planets in the horoscope cause problems in life. This
weakness of the planets can be guarded against by the use of astral remedial
measures. These weak planets can be strengthened by using astral remedies.
These remedies can be provided in the form of stones, color therapy, Yantra
and Mantra. To reduce malefic planetary influences in the horoscope,
propitiatory charities concerning the malefic planet can be offered .