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3rd Quarter: accepted between Jan. 8th to March 4th – choose to complete one of the following (25 pts)
A. You write a song or rap over big ideas in either light or sound – you may not use the photosynthesis songs I play
in class. You must perform the song or rap in front of the class and may have your music or computer to help.
Write a Science Song or Rap. The rubric below has the guidelines for earning your extra credit
Good Science 
3 points
Fair to Poor Science
0 points
Copy of lyrics is turned in
with 0-1 spelling or
grammatical errors only
and the song or rap lasted
at minimum 1 minute
Copy of lyrics is turned in
with 2-4 spelling or
grammatical errors only and
the song or rap lasted at
least 20 seconds, but no
more than 59 sec.
Creative /
Science words correctly are
used to explain or help
understand the science
concept/vocabulary in a
thorough and unique way
Six Light words are from
our vocabulary lists in our
notebooks, spelled
correctly, and underlined
(or a list given of what will
be present) within the
Stood in front of the class
and either used hand/foot
beat or provided music in
presentation. Flawless
with no pause
mistakes/redo section
Words correctly are used to
describe the process with a
couple of mistakes or not in
their own way (instead just
singing what is typed or
written for them from class
with no personalization)
Most of the light words are
from the vocabulary lists in
our notebook and mostly
No copy turned in or
more than 4
errors on lyrics. Song
lasted more than 1 min
and 20 sec or lasted less
than 20 sec.
Some words are
incomprehensible and do
not make sense or no
creative thinking shown.
Excellent Science!!
Wow 6 points
Neatness and
Remembered to
write name and
hour on lyrics
page before
Stood in front of the class
with minimum
mistakes/redo sections
during presentation
Earned one point
Many mistakes in spelling
the words or only a few
are underlined or within
a list.
Did not present to class.
B. Write a poem over Light or Sound using at least 6 of the correct vocabulary words within the poem
correctly. You must read your poem within your science class.
Excellent Science!!
Wow 8 points
Good Science 
5 points
Beginning poet
3 Points
Fair to Poor
0 points
and Overall
Impact /
Elements of
The poem enables the
reader to see, hear, feel, or
think about the subject in a
new way or in a more
potent way than ever
before by the author using
Sensory details and
figurative language to
create vivid images that
contribute significantly to
the meaning; sound
devices, such as rhyme,
alliteration, or
onomatopoeia, are used
effectively and contribute
to the meaning of the
poem. Word choice is
vivid and exact throughout
Six or more science words
correctly are used to
explain or help understand
the science
concept/vocabulary in a
thorough and unique way
The form of the poem
is appropriate to the
subject. The poem enables
the reader to see, hear,
feel, or think about the
subject, but only some
sensory details are used to
create mind pictures for
the listener. Word
choices may be vague,
repetitive, or imprecise.
The form of the poem
should be more
appropriate to the subject.
The poem enables the
reader to see, hear, feel,
or think about the subject,
but this is accomplished
through clichés, worn out
images, or other
predictable choices with
no sound devices used in
an effective manner.
The poem does not
enable the reader to
see, hear, feel, or
think about the
subject. Word
choice is poor for
the type of poem
Only 5 of the vocabulary
words are used to
describe the process with
a couple of mistakes or
not in their own way
(instead just what is
typed or written for them
from class with no
Used 2 to 4 of the
vocabulary words are
used to describe the
process with a couple of
mistakes or not in their
own way (instead just
what is typed or written
for them from class with
no personalization)
Some words are
and do not make
sense or no
creative thinking
Six Light words are from
our vocabulary lists in
our notebooks, spelled
correctly, and
underlined (or a list
given of what will be
present) within the
poem with no
errors in mechanics,
usage, grammar, or
Most of the light words
are from the
vocabulary lists in our
notebook and mostly
underlined. There are
some errors (1-3) in
mechanics, usage,
grammar, or spelling.
The poem is difficult to
understand at times
of errors in mechanics,
usage, grammar,
or spelling. Did not
underline even 3 of the
6 words from our
vocabulary list present
in the poem.
Many mistakes in
spelling the words
or only a few are
underlined. The
poem is
difficult to
because of
errors in
usage, grammar, or
Creative /
Stood in front of the class and read poem for their presentation.
Earned one point