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1. The control centre of the human body is _______
a) heart b) brain c) liver d) kidney
2) The most important system in our body is _______
a) Circulatory System b) Nervous System c) Skeletal System d) Excretory
3) Nervous System is made of special cells called ________
a) skeletal b) cardiac c) neurons d) smooth
4) The weight of brain is about _______
a) ½ kilogram b) 1 ½ kilograms c) 1 kilogram d) 2 kilograms
5) The big brain is called ______
a) Cerebellum b) Cerebrum c) Medulla d) Spinal Cord
6) Heartbeat is controlled by _______
a) The Spinal Cord b) The Medulla c) The Cerebellum d) The Cerebrum
7) Reflex action is an _____________________ reaction.
a) autonomous b) automatic c) mechanized d) involuntary
8) Sensory nerves carry impulses from _________
a) brain to sense organs b) sense organs to brain c) stomach to brain d)
periphery to centre
9) We have ______ sense organs.
a) 3 b) 7 c) 4 d) 5
10) You should read in a proper light of __________
a) 200 watt bulb b) 100 watt bulb c) 40 watt bulb d) 150 watt bulb
11) The framework within our body is known as _________
a) skeleton b) brain c) bones d) muscles
12) Total number of bones in our body are ________
a) 216 b) 260 c) 206 d) 602
13) Bones in your backbone are of ________________
a) flat type b) irregular type c) long type d) short type
14) Ribcage has ___________ pairs of ribs.
a) 6 b) 12 c) 10 d) 8
15) There are ______ girdles in our body.
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 1
16) Backbone is made up of _________
a) 33 bones b) 66 bones c) 22 bones d) 11 bones
17) Bones have minerals like __________
a) sodium, calcium b) calcium, phosphorus c) magnesium, phosphorus d) iron,
Which organ is protected by hip bones?
a) lungs b) heart c) kidney d) brain
19) Long bones are filled with a soft material called _______
a) blood b) bone nerves c) bone cells d) bone marrow
20) Muscles are attached to bones with the help of _________
a) bone marrow b) tendons c) nerves d) cartilage
21) Muscles work by ______
a) shortening b) expanding c) lengthening d) growing
22) Heart cells are called ________
a) ganglia b) smooth c) cardiac d) neurons
23) _____________ is communicable disease.
a) Diabetes b) Epilepsy c) Dysentery d) Arthritis
24) The smallest microorganisms is _________
a) bacteria b) virus c) fungi d) protozoa
25) Disease caused due to deficiency of vitamin C is _________
a) malaria b) night blindness c) beriberi d) scurvy
26) Water is a good __________ a) solute b) solution c) solvent d) emulsion
27) The clear water obtained after the process of filtration is called ________
a) sediment b) solute c) filtrate d) hydrogen
28) _______ does not dissolve in water. a) Salt b) Sugar c) Chalk powder d)
None of these
29) ______ is not a disease causing germs. a) Bacteria b) Protozoa
c) Virus d) None of these
30) Which one of the following is nit biodegradable?
a) Vegetables b) Fruits c) Earthworm d) Aluminium foil
32) Air pollution is caused by _____ a) Insecticides b) Sewage c) Smoke d)
Loud Speakers
33) If waste materials contaminate the source drinking water which of the
following diseases will spread? a) Scurvy b) Typhoid c) Malaria d) Anaemia
34). Which of the following wastes cannot be decomposed by bacteria to form
a) Kitchen wastes b) Plastic and polythene bags
c) dead plants d) dead bodies of insects living in the soil
35) A natural phenomenon that becomes harmful due to pollution is ________
a) Global Warming b) Ecological balance c) Greenhouse effect d)
36) The pollutant responsible for hole in the ozone layer is __________
a) CO2 b) SO2 c) CO d) CFC
37) One of the best solutions to get rid of non-biodegradable wastes is
a) burning b) dumping c) burying d) recycling
38) Which of the following is biodegradable?
a) iron nails b) plastic mugs c) leather belts d) silver foil
39) The process in which a harmful chemical enters the food chain and gets
concentrated at each level in the food chain is called ___________
a) concentration b) biomagnification c) expansion d) pollution
40) In a lake polluted with pesticides, which one of the following will contain
the maximum amount of pesticides?
a) Small Fish b) Microscopic Animals c) Big Fish d) Water Birds
41) Which one of the following is a non renewable resource?
a) Fossil fuels b) Water c) Forests d) soils
42) The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased in recent
years. Environmentalists suggest this change is a direct result of the
a) improper storage of solid and nuclear waste
b) over cutting of forest and the increased use of fossil fuels.
c) dumping of inorganic material into lakes and rivers
d) use of herbicides and toxic substances such as asbestos and DDT