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Marlon Hargis #11
April 17, 2011
Talent 21
Grade: 6
For my project I am trying to help save endangered species. An endangered species is
a population of organisms that are at risk of becoming extinct. To become extinct
means to no longer exist.
Social Studies
 What animals are endangered in South Jersey? – Some animals that are
endangered in South Jersey are the Pineland Frog, Timber Rattle Snake, Bald
Eagle, Falcon, and Short eared Owl. Some more animals are the Bog Turtle,
Corn Snake, Wood Turtle, Pine Barrens tree Frog, and the Bobcat.
 Why do animals become endangered? - Some animals can become
extinct by habitat loss, pollution, competition from other species,
disease, and predation.
 Who is helping save endangered species in South Jersey? – The first
endangered species were the American Wildlife Foundation,
Environmental Conservation, Endangered Species Program, and the
National Wildlife Federation.
 Where do most animals become threatened? – Most animals become
endangered swamps, rainforest, woodlands, limestone bogs, and deserts.
 How can we as humans save these endangered species from extinction?
One of the most important ways to help threatened plants and animals
survive is to protect their habitats in national parks, nature reserves or
wilderness areas. There endangered species can live without too much
interactions from humans.
 When would a species be considered endangered? – A species would be
considered endangered when it is in danger of dying out, or suffering
population reductions.
Background Information
Endangered species can be threatened by change of environment,
overhunting, and global warming.
Scientist estimate that 137 species become extinct every day
According to scientists, more than one and one-half million species exist
on the earth today. However, recent estimates state that at least 20 times
that many species inhabit the planet.
 In the United States, 735 species of plants and 496 species of animals
are listed as endangered.
 There are more than 1,000 animal species endangered worldwide.
 Species are endangered by habitat loss, pollution, and competition from
other species, disease, and predation.
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