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Bacterial Disease MiniQuest
Date _____________ Period ____________
In this activity, you will be exploring the internet to learn more about bacteria
and the diseases they cause. Go to Follow the
instructions and answer the questions from the different websites.
1. What does it mean to be non-pathogenic?
Bacterial Basics
Prokaryotic Structure
2. Label the diagram below with the following terms: ribosome, DNA, pilus, plasma membrane,
capsule, and flagella
Cell Wall
Using information from the Cells Alive site, record the functions of the bacterial structures. Some have
been completed for you.
Nucleoid Region
Contains the bacteria’s DNA
Plasma Membrane
Responsible for the movement of materials in and out of the cell
Cell Wall
Motility – helps the bacteria to move
Bacterial Shapes
3. Label the diagram below using the scientific terms for the bacterial shapes.
Everyday Bacteria
4. Remember, not all bacteria cause disease. In fact, many bacteria can be quite helpful. Choose 3
everyday roles of bacteria, and record the name of the organism, and what helpful thing it does.
(NOTE: be sure to record examples of bacteria, not other non-bacterial microbes!)
Name of Bacteria
Everyday role of bacteria
Pathogenic Bacteria and Diseases They Cause
Bacterial Disease Chart
5. Name 2 diseases that are transmitted sexually. What do they have in
6. What are the major symptoms of cholera?
7. Based on the information in the chart, why do you think college students are at greater risk for
bacterial meningitis?
8. Name the bacteria which causes tetanus and describe HOW it causes symptoms of the disease.
9. What are the major symptoms of tetanus?
Food Poisoning
Spinach Video Clip – watch the clip and answer the questions below
10. What bacterium is believed to be responsible for the contamination of spinach? ______________
11. HOW is it believed that these bacteria contaminated the spinach crop? _____________________
What can you do?
12. Read about the Four Core Practices of food safety. What are they? Write one detail about each.
1) ______________________
DETAIL __________________________________________________________
2) ______________________
DETAIL __________________________________________________________
3) ______________________
DETAIL __________________________________________________________
4) ______________________
DETAIL __________________________________________________________
Bubonic Plague
13. What bacterium is responsible for bubonic plague? _____________________________________
14. DESCRIBE how bubonic plague is spread. _____________________________________________
15. According to the article, what are some reasons why Vic Simpson believes that bubonic plague
could return to the UK?____________________________________________________________
16. What do you think is the best way to prevent the return of bubonic plague to the UK?
Stomach Ulcers
17. Name the bacteria which causes ulcers _______________________________________________
18. Why is this bacterium successful in the stomach? _______________________________________
Food Poisoning
19. Why is the mouth an ideal place for Porphyromonas gingivalis to colonize? _________________
Congratulations! You have completed your Bacteria MiniQuest! You are ready to complete the Bacteria
MiniQuest Review Quiz. Record your score here ___________________________ .
Use any remaining time to check out the activities, quizzes, and links. Use the space below to write
down new and interesting things that you learn.
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________________________
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9. _______________________________________________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________________________________________