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AP Gilded Age Exam part II study guide
“Under our system of railroad ownership, an excessive competition exists for the business of all competing
points, while the local business of the various competing lines in an absolute monopoly. This has naturally
resulted in compelling the corporations to do through business at rates often ruinously unremunerative,
which again has compelled those companies to recoup themselves for their losses and secure their profits by
excessive charges on the local traffic.”
This passage explains which problem that farmers faced in the late nineteenth century?
a) prices charged by grain-elevator operators
b) agricultural overproduction
c) high protective tariffs
d) long versus short hauls
e) heavy debt
Open-range ranching came to an end due to
a) overproduction of beef and declining prices
b) federal support for irrigated agriculture
c) the range wars between cattlemen and sheepherders
d) fencing of the plains with barbed wire
e) increase in cattle production in the Midwest and East
Which of the following best illustrates government support for the construction of the first transcontinental
a) open immigration from China
b) the exchange of Union Pacific stock for federal bonds
c) creation of the Credit Mobilier construction company
d) the grant of thousands of acres of public lands to the railroads
e) preference in hiring to Union Army veterans
A major factor in the drastic decline of the Plains Indians in the nineteenth century was
a) their placement on reservations
b) the escalation of intertribal wars aided by modern weapons
c) the hunting of the buffalo to near extinction
d) the loss of military leadership when important chiefs were killed or imprisoned
e) their failure to live up to treaty obligations
The Chautauqua movement was
a) an early form of adult education
b) an effort to prevent the teaching of evolution
c) a late nineteenth-century religious revival
d) a literary movement of expatriate American authors
e) a school of fiction based in the Midwest
Which of the following was a principal target of Thomas Nast’s political cartoons?
a) slavery
b) President Andrew Jackson
c) new immigrants
d) Boss Tweed
e) the trusts
The Interstate Commerce Act included all of the following EXCEPT
a) publication of railroad rate schedules
b) creation of a commission to hear problems of shippers
c) prohibition of railroad rates
d) declaration of short-haul differences as unlawful
e) establishment of fixed rate schedules for railroads to charge shippers
Which of the planks from the 1892 Populist party platform showed a concern with issues raised by
organized labor?
a) graduated income tax
b) restrictions on immigration
c) government ownership of railroads
d) unlimited coinage of silver
e) direct election of Senators
The 1892 Populist platform did NOT include
a) government operation of the railroads
b) the initiative
c) the referendum
d) the subtreasury plan
e) high tariffs
Jacob Coxey’s 1894 march on Washington, D.C., called for
a) tougher immigration restrictions
b) a government takeover of the railroads
c) an increase in the supply of paper money
d) recognition of the legitimacy of labor unions
e) generosity in granting pensions to Civil War veterans
“If the gold delegates dare to defend the gold standard as a good thing, we will fight them to the
uppermost.” Bryan’s famous “cross of gold” speech called for
a) the unlimited coinage of silver
b) lower tariffs
c) a revival of greenback paper currency
d) renewed religious commitment for all Americans
e) federal and social welfare programs to deal with the Panic of 1893
The injunction as a court order was often used in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century to
a) break up trusts
b) help farmers in danger of losing their farms
c) stop strikebreaking
d) prevent labor unions from striking
e) protect blacks from civil rights abuses
The image above most directly reflects which of the following?
a) Big business’s inability to control public policy
b) The amount of influence that corporate leaders had on public policy
c) The need for more civil service and immigration reform
d) Fair representation of both labor and management within Congress
The political cartoon reflects concern over a similar topic during which of the following time periods?
a) 1790-1800
b) 1950-1960
c) 1980-1990
d) 1940-1950
Which of the following would the author of this cartoon most likely have agreed with?
a) Weaker central government
b) Corporate tax cuts
c) Direct election of senators
d) Repeal of anti-trust legislation
The Pendleton Act was enacted in response to
a) efforts to raise tariffs on imported cloth
b) the assassination of President James Garfield
c) protests against civil service examinations
d) complaints about currency deflation
e) the loss of public support for both political parties
The Gilded Age received its nickname from the
a) improvement in the average American’s standard of living
b) corruption, greed, and superficial appearance of wealth
c) success of mineral strikes in California and the western territories
d) growth of cities and their attractions
e) monetary gold standard
During the Gilded Age, the nation’s two major political parties
a) offered basically the same programs
b) differed in the quality of their party leaders
c) had similar bases of party membership
d) suffered from excessive argument and internal differences
e) tried with success to avoid political scandals
Which of the following was the main issue in Munn v. Illinois?
a) suppression of a major strike by the federal government
b) monopolistic practices of the Standard Oil Company
c) state regulation of labor unions
d) state regulation of grain elevator operators and railroad rates
e) state prosecution of a federal official
The first federal agency established to regulate business was the
a) Pure Food and Drug Administration
b) Federal Power Commission
c) Federal Reserve System
d) Interstate Commerce Commission
e) Securities and Exchange Commission
Which of the following was the most broadly based labor organization in the late nineteenth century?
a) American Federation of Labor
b) Knights of Labor
c) the Grange
d) Congress of Industrial Organizations
e) Industrial Workers of the World
During the 1894 Pullman strike, President Grover Cleveland
a) took the side of management in the dispute
b) did nothing to stop the dispute
c) took the side of labor in the dispute
d) called on Congress to give the Interstate Commerce Commission enforcement powers
e) invited management and labor representatives to the White House to settle the strike
(W)e seek to restore the government of the Republic to the hands of “the plain people,” with which class it
originated. . . .
Our country finds itself confronted by conditions for which there is no precedent in the history of the world;
. . . We pledge ourselves that if given power we will labor to correct these evils by wise and reasonable
legislation, in accordance with the terms of our platform. We believe that the power of government – in
other words, of the people – should be expanded (as in the case of the postal service) as rapidly and as far as
the good sense of an intelligent people and the teaching of experience shall justify, to the end that
oppression, injustice, and poverty shall eventually cease in the land.
Omaha Platform
The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following goals for the People’s Party?
a) Increase the federal government’s influence in the U.S. economy
b) Encourage the organization of labor in major cities
c) Increased restrictions on immigration to protect small farmers
d) Promote agricultural trade with European nations
The goals presented in the People’s Party platform have the most in common with which of the following?
a) The sentiments of the leaders of the Seneca Falls Convention
b) Republican policies of the 1800s
c) Free trade policies of the 1990s
d) New Deal era reforms
The first federal law to restrict immigration, passed in 1882, was aimed at
a) stopping Mexicans from crossing the border without first obtaining a visa
b) excluding Chinese immigrants
c) stopping immigration from eastern Europe
d) restricting the number of people coming into the United States
e) preventing smuggling of illegal aliens over the Canadian border
The first nationality excluded from immigrating to the United States was the
a. Japanese
b. Mexicans
c. Chinese
d. Haitians
e. Ottoman Turks
The chart above best serves as evidence of which of the following?
a. Increased unionization of workers during the late 1800s and early 1900s
b. Increased industrialization and immigration to major cities
c. The effect of the activities of militant civil rights activists
d. Rural areas becoming more politically relevant between 1860 and 1930