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Unit 7: World War II
The Rise of Dictators
The Treaty of Versailles
 Germany blamed for________________
 Germany had to pay _______________
 Germany and Russia lost territory
 Weak League of Nations
 In Europe: depression, debts, hunger
 Led to rise of totalitarian _____________
What is a dictator?
A dictator is a ruler who assumes sole and
_______________ political power with military
control, but without hereditary ascension such as an
absolute monarch. A dictator is an authoritarian, and
his rule is not subject to _____ or legislative override
Joseph Stalin
 Wanted to
o end free enterprise
o set up collective farms
o industrialize U.S.S.R.
 Used secret police and purges to
 Government would own land, industry, etc.
No private _____________________
Mussolini: 1933-35
League sets of a economic boycott
Gained widespread support because people
feared _________
Strong, centralized government
Extreme nationalism, militarism,
Private property with government control
Hitler: Nazi Germany
 ______________, 6 million out of work
 democratic government out, Third Reich
Extreme nationalism combined with racism
Goal: __________________________
Japan: Militarists
 nationalism, living space
 invasion of
 League condemned action, Japan withdrew
from League
 During the 1930s a militaristic Japan
invaded and brutalized
_________________ and China as it
sought military and economic domination
over __________.
 The United States refused to recognize
Japanese conquests in Asia and imposed an
_________________ on exports of oil
and steel to Japan.
Francisco Franco
 Hitler and Mussolini aid Franco
 Hitler used Spain as test ground for ____________________
Spanish Civil War: Francisco Franco: Fascist
 Thousands of Americans went to fight
against Franco
 U.S. sent clothing, food to anti-Fascists
U.S. Response
 Recognized ________________ in 1933
 Reciprocal Trade Agreement aimed at lower
Neutrality Acts
 outlawed arm sales and loans to nations at
war (1935)
 Banned sales to nations engaged in civil
wars (Spain 1936)
World War II 1939-1941 and the Holocaust
Definition of the Holocaust (from the Smithsonian museum of the Holocaust): Between 1933 and
1945, Germany’s government, led by Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist (Nazi) party, carried out a
deliberate, calculated attack on European Jewry. Basing their actions on _______________ ideology and
using World War II as a primary means to achieve their goals, they targeted Jews as their main enemy, killing
_______________ Jewish men, women, and children by the time the war ended in 1945. This act of
genocide is now known as the Holocaust. As part of their wide-reaching efforts to remove from German
territory all those whom they considered racially, biologically, or socially unfit, the Nazis terrorized many other
groups as well, including political opponents, Roma (also known as Gypsies), Germans with mental and
physical disabilities, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Poles, and Soviet prisoners of war. In the course of
state-sponsored tyranny, the Nazis left countless lives shattered and millions dead.
 Ended with Germany’s defeat
 November 11, 1918
 _______________ – June 28,1919
The Nazi Socialist “Nazi” Party of the 1920s:
 German Workers’ Party
 Hitler’s aim was to violently overthrow the
liberal democracy of the ____________.
 _______________ – Hitler’s militia
1925: Publication of _______________
Hitler’s book “My Struggle” or “My Battle”
 In the book, Hitler divided humans into
categories based on physical appearance.
 Hitler asserts that the _______________
race is the master race, and the Jew is the
major oppressor of the Aryan.
1933: Hitler became Chancellor of Germany
 The Reichstag burned.
 The _______________ made Hitler a
legal dictator.
The Expedient Nazi Takeover of Germany
 Hitler’s “final solution”: _____________
 Immediately after Hitler’s chancellorship,
o Boycott on Jewish shops
o Jews in civil service positions were
o Jews prohibited from serving as
doctors and lawyers
o Jews prohibited from attending
public schools
o ALL non-Aryans prohibited from
government employment
o Jews banned from attending public
entertainment activities
o All newspapers placed under Nazi
o Nazis began burning books with
“anti-German” ideas
Concentration Camps
 Oranienburg (first concentration camp)
opened in 1933
 “_______________” concentration
camps served as prisons to collect ransom
for Nazi opponents and Jews.
The Night of Long Knives
 1934
 Hitler overthrew the original SA and
replaced with his new militia, the SS.
 Ordered the execution without
_______________ of SA leaders.
 At least 74 murders, some mistakes
 "If anyone reproaches me and asks why I
did not resort to the regular courts of
justice, then all I can say is this: In this hour
I was responsible for the fate of the German
people, and thereby I became the supreme
judge of the German people." (Adolf Hitler)
Hitler: The Fuhrer
 Following the death of German President
Hindenburg in August 1934, Hitler became
“The Fuhrer”, yielding the most dictatorial
power in history.
 The next day, mandatory _____________
___________________ were instituted.
Loyalty Oaths
"Article 1. The public officials and the soldiers of the armed
forces must take an oath of loyalty on entering service.
Article 2
1. The oath of loyalty of public officials will be:
'I swear: I shall be loyal and obedient to Adolf Hitler, the
Führer of the German Reich and people, respect the laws, and
fulfill my official duties conscientiously, so help me God.'
2. The oath of loyalty of the soldiers of the armed forces will be:
'I swear by God this sacred oath: I will render unconditional
obedience to Adolf Hitler, the Führer of the German Reich and
people, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and will be
ready as a brave soldier to risk my life at any time for this oath.‘
Article 3. Officials already in service must swear this oath
without delay according to Article 2 number 1."
1935: Nuremburg Race Laws
 Laws that prohibited
“_______________” from exercising
human rights
 Jews were labeled as “subjects” of the Nazis’
third Reich.
 A “full Jew” = person having three Jewish
 A “_______________” = person having
one or two Jewish grandparents
 German Gestapo becomes the head of
German state
 _______________ (Italian dictator)
invades Ethiopia.
 _______________ (Spanish dictator)
becomes the head of the Spanish state.
 Hitler has a secret conference to plan for
more Lebensraum (“_______________”)
for Germany
March 1938
 Anchluss (union) with ______________
 German Gestapo began the the humiliation
of Austrian Jews
 October 1938 - Hitler invaded Sudetenland,
part of Czechoslovakia.
November 9-10, 1938: _______________
 The Night of Broken Glass
 Began when one 17-year-old Jewish boy
shot and killed a German soldier at the
embassy in Paris after that soldier
mistreated the boy’s father.
 Massive, coordinated attack on the Jews of
the Third Reich
 _______________ Jewish men seized
and sent to concentration camps
 267 synagogues burned
 91 Jews killed
 All Jewish property was seized by the Nazis.
August 1939: The Russians and the Germans
sign a ___________________________.
September 1939
 Employing blitzkrieg (literally, "lightning
war") tactics, Germany invades Poland.
Soviets invade Poland.
 Britain and France declare war on Germany.
World War II begins.
 U.S. is _______________.
October 1939
 Hitler instituted _______________ for
children under 3 who were mentally ill or
 Eventually, adults were euthanized also.
 Creation of “_______________” with gas
 Eventually, killing centers were placed at
concentration camps
 Gas chambers—injections—starvation—
other means of murder
 Nazis invaded Denmark, Norway, France,
Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.
 Germans began _______________ of
 Italy declared war on France and Britain,
and then invaded Egypt and Greece.
 Romania and Hungary joined the Axis
 Axis Strategy
o Invade Soviet Union
o Take possession of Northern African
o Bomb _______________ out of
the war
May 1940 : Winston Churchill becomes
prime minister of Britain.
Invasion of Paris: France surrenders to the
July 10, 1940
 The Battle of Britain begins
 A 3-month battle fought in the
_______________ over Britain will
include destructive bombing raids on
London and other cities
 Hitler’s first defeat
March 1941
 Roosevelt passes the
 Loans war materials to other countries
December 7, 1941
 A day that will live in infamy
 Japan’s surprise attack on
 U.S. declares war on Japan the next day
 Germany and Italy declare war on the U.S.
on December 11, 1941.
World War II in Europe and the Pacific
Declaration of War
 The U.S. and Britain declared war on _______ on December 8, 1941.
 ___________________ declared war on the United States on December 11, 1941.
In Europe…
World War II In Europe and North Africa
“_______________”:Allied Strategy in Europe and North Africa
January 1942 – Wannsee Conference - The “_________________” to the Jewish question: Eliminate all
the Jews
Worl War
August 1942: ________________The long, bloody battle proves to be a _________ in the war, as
Germany begins a retreat from the Eastern Front
January 1943 - Roosevelt and Churchill hold a conference at _________________.
El Alamein: Hitler defeated in North Africa, Kept him from accessing ________________
July 1943 - Italian dictator Benito _____________________ is overthrown and imprisoned.
June 6, 1944: D-Day, Allied invasion of Normandy
December 1944, The Battle of the _____________: By the end of the month, the Battle of the Bulge ends.
Over 76,000 Americans have been killed, wounded, or captured The Allies regain the territory they held in
early December
March 1945: U.S. forces cross the Rhine River. The Germans retreat into Germany.
April 30, 1945: Hitler ________________________.
May 8, 1945
 General Dwight ____________ accepted Germany's unconditional surrender at Reims, France on
May 7, 1945.
 Germany likewise _______________ on May 8, 1945
In the Pacific…
“Island Hopping” : Allied strategy in the ______________
Bataan Death March:
About 76,000 prisoners
including 12,000
Americans were forced
on the 60-mile march
under a blazing sun
without food or water
toward a new
camp in the Philippines.
April 1942.
World War II in the Pacific
The Battle of Midway:
“The Miracle at Midway”,
American victory, Moved
Pacific war away
 Just 8 minutes after U.S. Marines and Army assault troops landed on Guam
 Two U.S. officers plant the American ___________, using a boat hook as a mast. July 20, 1944.
Iwo Jima: By March 16, when Iwo Jima was declared secured, 6,821 Americans and 21,000 Japanese (the
___________________) had died
Marines sustained more than 125 casualties in eight
hours crossing this valley.
May 1945.
Hiroshima & Nagasaki:
The 9,000 lb.
________________ was
dropped from 31,600 feet
and detonated at 8:15 a.m.,
August 6, 1945, about 1,900
feet above the center of
Japanese Surrender:
Japan's unconditional
________________________. August 15, 1945
World War II and the Treatment of Different Groups
Minority participation in the United States army
African Americans generally served in __________________ units and were assigned to service roles, but demanded
the right to serve in combat rather than non-combat roles.
All-Minority units
 Tuskegee Airmen: __________________________
fighter pilots
 ______________ regiments: Asian-American units
Additional Contributions of Minorities
 Navaho code-talkers
i. The ____________________ language is unwritten.
ii. Difficult for Axis powers to decipher code
 Mexican Americans also fought, but in
 Minority units suffered high casualties and won numerous unit
citations and individual medals for courage in battle.
Treatment of Prisoners of War
 The _________________________________ attempted to ensure the humane treatment of prisoners of
war by establishing rules to be followed internationally.
 The treatment of prisoners in the Pacific Theater often reflected the savagery of the fighting there.
 In the ________________________, American POWs suffered brutal treatment by Japanese after surrender
of The Philippines.
 Japanese soldiers often commit _________________ rather than be taken prisoner.
 The treatment of prisoners in Europe more closely followed the ideas of the Geneva Convention.
The Holocaust
 Genocide: The systematic killing of a group of people based on _____________ religion, or social status
 Final solution: 1942 Wannsee Conference: “Kill all the Jews”
 Who was affected by the Holocaust?
o Jews
o Slavs
o “The
o Poles
o Gypsies
The Nuremburg Trials
 After the war, The SS, The German Gestapo, Nazi leaders and others were convicted of war crimes.
 The Nuremburg trials emphasized _______________________, regardless of orders received.
 The trials led to new legislation in military law.
World War II: America on the Homefront
Main Idea: World War II had a major impact on the lives of all Americans, even those who did not fight in the war.
Mobilizing for War
 Economic Resources—United States became the “Arsenal of
 U.S. government and industry forged a close working
relationship to allocate resources effectively.
 Factory production changed from consumer goods to
 Rationing was used to maintain supply of essential
products to the war effort.
o Each person was limited to a certain amount of
scarce goods
o Coupons required to purchase gas, meat,
o Certain goods were NOT available:
 War bonds and _____________________ were used for financing the war.
 Human Resources
 More women and minorities entered the labor force as men entered the armed forces.
 Citizens volunteered in support of the war effort.
 Military Resources - The Draft/selective service was used to provide personnel for the military.
Women during WWII: Women increasingly participated in the workforce to replace men serving in the military.
 “______________________________” was the new role
model for women.
o 6 million women went to work in the new defense
o By 1943, women = 1/3 of the workforce and 65% of the
aviation industry
 Women joined the military in non-combat positions.
o Women Flyers of America—transportation
o Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC)
 Problems for women at work
o Earned lower paychecks than men
o Needed ______________________
o Male co-workers/bosses were not supportive.
o After the war, women were encouraged/expected to
leave the workplace.
African Americans during WWII
 Served in segregated units
 __________________________________: Victory over
Hitler, Victory over Discrimination
Internment of Japanese Americans
Reasons for internment
Strong anti-Japanese
_________________________on the West Coast
False belief that Japanese Americans were aiding the
Japanese Americans were re-located to internment camps:
Executive Order #__________________: Japanese
Americans must be relocated to internment camps.
Had one week to prepare & could take only what they could
Moved to ten over-crowded camps with sub-standard housing
Korematsu v. the United States - Japanese-American
Internment Camp Survivors sought a ruling on the
unconstitutionality of Executive Order #9066
1988—each surviving internee received $20,000
from the government and a
Media/Communications Assistance
U.S. government maintained strict censorship of reporting of
the war.
Public morale and ad campaigns kept Americans focused on
the war effort.
morale and patriotic support for the
war effort as well as portrayed the enemy in
The Impact of WWII
At the end of WWII,
What happened to Germany?
Nuremburg Trials:
What happened to Japan?
What happened to Europe?