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( Chapter 8 Study Questions)
Multiple Choice/Matching
(Some questions have more than one correct answer. Select the best answer or answers
from the choices given.)
1. Match the key terms to the appropriate descriptions.
Key: (a) fibrous joints (b) cartilaginous joints (c) synovial joints
___(1) exhibit a joint cavity
___(2) types are sutures and syndesmoses
___(3) bones connected by collagen fibers
___(4) types include synchondroses and symphysis
___(5) all are diarthrotic
___(6) many are amphiarthrotic
___(7) bones connected by a disc of hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage
___(8) nearly all are synarthrotic
___(9) shoulder, hip, jaw, and elbow joints
2. Anatomical characteristics of a synovial joint include (a) articular cartilage, (b) a
joint cavity, (c) an articular capsule, (d) all of these.
3. Factors that influence the stability of a synovial joint include (a) shape of articular
surfaces, (b) presence of strong reinforcing ligaments, (c) tone of surrounding
musles, (d) all of these.
4. Ankylosis means (a) twisting of the ankle, (b) tearing of ligaments, (c)
displacement of a bone, (d) immobility of a joint due to fusion of its articular
5. An autoimmune disorder in which joints are affected bilaterally and which
involves pannus formation and gradual joint immobilization is (a) bursitis, (b)
gout, (c) osteoarthritis, (d) rheumatoid arthritis.
Short Answer Essay Questions
6. Compare and contrast the paired movements of flexion and extension with
adduction and abduction,
7. What is the specific role of the menisci of the knee? Of the anterior and posterior
cruciate liagaments?
8. Why are sprains and cartilage injuries a particular problem?
9. List the functions of the following elements of a synovial joint: fibrous part of the
capsule, synovial fluid, articular disc.
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions
1. As Harry was jogging down the road, he tripped and his left ankle twisted
violently to the side. When he picked himself up, he was unable to put any weight
on that ankle. The diagnosis was severe dislocation and sprains of the left ankle.
The orthopedic surgeon stated that she would perform a closed reduction of the
dislocation and attempt ligament repair by using arthroscopy. (a) Is the ankle joint
normally a stable joint? (b) What does its stability depend on? (c) What is a
closed reduction? (d) Why is ligament repair necessary? (e) What does
arthroscopy entail? (f) How will the use of this procedure minimize Harry’s
recuperation time (and suffering)?
( Chapter 9 Study Questions)
Multiple Choice/Matching
(Some questions have more than one correct answer. Select the best answer or answers
from the choices given.)
1. The connective tissue covering that encloses the sarcolemma of an individual
muscle fiber is called the (a) epimysium, (b) perimysium, (c) endomysuim, (d)
2. A fascicle is a (a) muscle, (b) bundle of muscle fibers enclosed by a connective
tissue sheath, (c) bundle of myofibrils, (d) group of myofilaments.
3. Thick and thin myofilaments have different compositions. For each descriptive
phrase, indicate whether the filament is (A) think or (B) thin.
___(1) contains actin
___(2) contains ATPases
___(3) attaches to the Z disc
___(4) contains myosin
___(5) contains troponin
___(6) does not lie in the I band
4. The function of the T tubules in muscle contraction is to (a) make and store
glycogen, (b) release Ca into the cell interior and then pick it up again, (c)
transmit the action potential deep into the muscle cells, (d) form proteins.
5. The sites where the motor nerve impulses is transmitted from the nerve endings to
the skeletal muscle cell membranes are the (a) neuromuscular junctions, (b)
sarcomeres, (c) myofilaments, (d) Z discs.
6. Contraction elicited by a single brief stimulus is called (a) a twitch, (b) wave
summation, (c) multiple motor unit summation, (d) fused tetanus.
7. The neurotransmitter released by somatic motor neurons is (a) acetylcholine, (b)
acetylcholinestrerase, (c) norepinephrine.
8. The ions that enter the muscle cell during action potential generation are (a)
calcium ions, (b) chloride ions, (c) sodium ions, (d) potassium ions.
9. Myoglobin has a special function in muscle tissue. It (a) breaks down glycogen,
(b) is a contractile protein, (c) holds a reserve supply of oxygen in the muscle.
Short Answer Essay Questions
10. Name and describe the four special functional characteristics of muscle that are
the basis for muscle response.
11. Distinguish between (a) direct and indirect muscle attachments and (b) a tendon
and an aponerurosis.
12. (a) Describe the structure of a sarcomere and indicate the relationship of the
sarcomere to the myofilament. (b) Explain the sliding filament theory of
contraction using appropriately labeled diagrams of a relaxed and a contracted
13. What is the importance of acetylcholinesterase in muscle cell contraction.
14. Explain what is meant by the term excitation-contraction coupling.
15. Define motor unit.
16. Describe the three distinct type of skeletal muscle fibers.
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions
1. Diego was seriously out of shape the day he joined his friends for a game of touch
football. While he was running pell-mell for the ball, his left calf began to hurt.
He went down to the clinic the next day and was told he had a strain. Diego
insisted that this must be wrong, because his joints did not hurt. Clearly, Diego
was confusing a strain with a sprain. Explain the difference.
2. When a suicide victim was found, the coroner was unable to remove the drug vial
clutched in his hand. Explain the reasons for this. If the victim had been
discovered three days later, would the coroner have had the same difficulty?
3. Muscle-relaxing drugs are administered to a patient during major surgery. Which
of the two chemicals described next would be a good skeletal muscle relaxant and
a. Chemical A binds to and blocks Ach receptors of muscle cells
b. Chemical B floods the muscle cells’ cytoplasm with Ca
( Chapter 10 Study Questions)
Multiple Choice/Matching
(Some questions have more than one correct answer. Select the best answer or answers
from the choices given.)
1. A muscle that assists an agonist by causing a like movement or by stabilizing a
joint over which an agonist acts is (a) an antagonist, (b) a prime mover, (c) a
synergist, (d) an agonist.
2. A muscle in which the fibers are arranged at an angle to a central longitudinal
tendon has a _______ arrangement. (a) circular, (b) longitudinal, (c) pinnate, (d)
3. Match the muscles in the key bank to the facial muscles described below.
Key bank:
(a) corrugator supercilii, (b) depressor anguli oris, (c) frontal belly of
epicranuis, (d) occipital belly if epicranuis, (e) orbicularis oculi,
(f) orbicularis oris, (g) zygomaticus
___(1) squints the eye
___(2) raises the eyebrows
___(3) smiling muscle
___(4) puckers the lips
___(5) pulls the scalp posteriorly
4. The prime mover of inspiration of the (a) diaphragm, (b) internal intercostals, (c)
external intercostals, (d) abdominal wall muscles.
5. The arm muscle that both flexes the elbow and supinates the forearm is the (a)
brachialis, (b) brachioradoalis, (c) biceps brachii, (d) brachii.
6. The chewing muscle that protrude the mandible and produce side to side frinding
movements are the (a) buccinators, (b) masseters, (c) temporalis, (d) pterygoids.
7. Muscles that depress the hyoid bone and larynx include all but the (a)
sternohypid, (b) omohyoid, (c) geniohyoid, (d) sternothroid.
8. Intrinsic muscles of the back that promote extension of the spine (or head) include
all but (a) splenius muscles, (b) semispinalis muscles, (c) scalene muscles, (d)
erector spinae.
9. Several muscles act to move and /or stabilize the scapula. Which of the following
are small rectangular muscles that square the shoulders as they act together to
retract the scapula? (a) levator scapulae, (b) rhomboids, (c) serratus anterior, (d)
10. The quadriceps include all but (a) rectus femoris, (b) iliopsoas, (c) vasus medialis,
(d) biceps femoris, (e) rectus femoris.
11. A prime mover of hip flexion is the (a) rectus femoris, (b) iliopsoas, (c) vasti
muscles, (d) gluteus maximus.
12. The prime mover of hip extension against resistance is the (a) gluteus mazimus,
(b) gluteus medius, (c) biceps femoris, (d) semimembranousus.
13. Muscle that cause plantar flexion include all but the (a) gastrocnemuis, (b) soleus,
(c) tibialis anterior, (d) tibialis posterior, (e) fibularis muscles.
14. In walking, which two lower limb muscles keep the forward swinging foot from
dragging on the ground? (a) pronator teres and popliteus, (b) flexor digitorum
longus and popliteus, (c) adductor longus and abductor digiti minimi in foot, (d)
gluteus medius and tibialis anterior.
15. What criterion (or criteria) are used in naming the gluteus medius? (a) relative
size, (b) muscle location, (c) muscle shape, (d) action, (e) number or origins.
16. Which of the following is a large, deep muscle that protracts the scapula during
punching? (a) serratus anterior, (b) rhomboids, (c) levator scapulae, (d)
Short Answer Essay Questions
17. Name four criteria used in naming muscles, and provide an example (other than
those used in the text) that illustrates each criterion.
18. What muscles act to propel a food bolus down the length of the pharynx to the
19. Name and describe the action of muscles used to shake your head no. To nod yes.
20. (a) Name the four muscle pairs that act in unison to compress the abdominal
contents. (b) How does their arrangement (fiber direction) contribute to the
strength of the abdominal wall? (c) Which of these muscles can effect lateral
rotation of the spine? (d) Which can act alone to flex the spine?
21. (a) Name two forearm muscles that are powerful extensors and abductors of the
wrist. (b) Name the sole forearm muscle that can flex the distal interphalangeal
22. Name the muscles usually grouped together as the lateral rotators of the hip.
23. Name three thigh muscles that help you keep your seat astride a horse.
24. (a) Name three muscles or muscle groups used as sites for intramuscular
injections. (b) Which of these is used most often in infants, why?
25. Name two muscels in each of the following compartments or regions: (a) thenar
eminence (ball of thumb), (b) posterior compartment of forearm, (c) anterior
compartment of forearm-deep muscle group, (d) anterior muscle group in the arm,
(e) muscles of mastication, (f) third muscle layer of the foot, (g) posterior
compartment of leg, (h) medial compartment of thigh, (i) posterior compartment
of thigh.
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions
1. When Mrs. O’Brien returned to her doctor for a follow-up visit after childbirth,
she complained that she was having problems controlling her urine flow (was
incontinent) when she sneezed. The physician asked his nurse to give Mrs.
O’Brien instructions on how to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the
pelvic floor. To what muscles was he referring?
2. Mr. Ahmadi, an out of shape 45 year old man, was advised by his physician to
lose weight and to exercise on a regular basis. He followed his diet faithfully and
began to jog daily. One day, while on his morning jog, he heard a snapping sound
that was immediately followed by a severe pain in his right lower calf. When his
leg was examined, a gap was seen between his swollen upper calf region and his
heel, and he was unable to plantar flex that ankle. What do you do think
happened? Why was the upper part of his calf swollen?
3. As Peter watched Sue walk down the runway at the fashion show, he contracted
his right orbicularis oculi muscle, raised his arm, and contracted his opponens
pollicis. Was he pleased or displeased with her performance? How do you know?
4. While riding an unusually large horse, Chao Jung had to spread her thighs widely
to span its back and she pulled the muscles in her medial thighs. Which muscles
were these and what might this condition be called?