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Study Guide
Joints and Skeletal Muscle
1. Define joint.
2. Joints can be distinguished based on structure. There are three structural
classifications of joints. List and distinguish between each; make sure to give an
example with each description.
3. Be able to identify a synovial joint as one of the following:
a. Ball and socket
b. Condyloid
c. Gliding
d. Hinge
e. Pivot
f. Saddle
4. Lable the following structures on a diagram: filaments, myofibril, perimysium,
epimysium, endomysium, fascia, tendon, bone, fascicle, muscle fiber
5. Be able to distinguish between cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle fibers.
6. Define the all-or-none-principle.
7. Explain the role of crossbridges, actin, and myosin in the sliding filament theory.
8. Briefly summarize the 7 steps of a muscular contraction.
9. Where does energy for the contraction come from? What is the role of creatine
phosphate in a muscular contraction?
10. What causes muscle cramps?
11. What is the function of lactic acid and how does it relate to oxygen debt?
12. Define prime mover, synergist, and antagonist.
13. Why do you think athletes generally perform better if they warm-up by exercising
before a competitive event?
14. Study the following worksheet pages
a. Lab report 20 p. 147 (part A)
b. Lab report 21 p. 153
c. Lab report 23 p. 171 (Part A only)
He only muscles that you will be responsible for identifying are:
 Zygomaticus
 Buccinator
 Orbicularis oris
 Orbicularis oculi
 Platysma
 Masseter
 Temporalis
 Sternocleidomastoid
 Trapezius
 Deltoid
 Latissimus dorsi
 Supraspinatus
 Infraspinatus
Teres minor
Teres major
Rhomboideus major
Pectoralis major
Serratus anterior
Biceps brachii
Triceps brachii
External obliques
Rectus abdominus
Internal oblique
Transverse abdominis
Rectus femoris
V. lateralis
V. medialis
Adductor longus
Gluteus medius
Gluteus maximus
Biceps femoris
Fibularis longus
Tibialis anterior
List the muscles of the rotator cuff.
List the muscles of the quadriceps group.
List the muscles of the hamstring group.
Distinguish between a static and a dynamic stabilizer.