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Biology Study Guide
Chemistry of Life – Chapter 2
Name: _________________________
Date: ________________ Pd: ____
1. Use the following word list to fill in the blanks below:
ionic bond
covalent bond
_________________ a.
_________________ b.
_________________ c.
_________________ d.
_________________ e.
_________________ f.
_________________ g.
_________________ h.
_________________ i.
_________________________ j.
molecule element
atom compound
A substance made of atoms of different elements bonded together chemically.
The smallest basic unit of matter. Made of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Bond formed when electron pairs are shared in the valence shells of atoms.
An atom that has gained or lost electrons.
Bond formed when electrons are transferred between atoms.
Two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds.
Neon (Ne)
2. Water is a ___________________ molecule. This means that it has regions with positive and
negative charges. Water is held together by _________________ bonds. These bonds form between
the positive hydrogen of one water molecule and the negative oxygen of another water molecule.
Because of the hydrogen bonds, water has high specific heat, cohesion, and adhesion. Use these
terms to fill in the following blanks.
_________________ a.
_________________ b.
_________________ c.
_________________ d.
_________________ e.
_________________ f.
A water bubble forms on top of a penny.
A water bug sits on top of pond water. Surface tension holds the bug up!
Water is absorbed into a sponge.
Your body temperature stays at 98.6°F.
Water rises from the roots of a tree to the highest leaves.
Ocean water stays the same temperature year round.
3. A ___________________ is a mixture of substances that is the same throughout. It is homogeneous.
solvent is the substance that is present in the greater amount and that dissolves the solute.
4. Choose acid, base, or neutral for the following statements.
many H+ ions: ____________
e. pH of 3: __________________
pH of 12: _______________
f. water: ____________________
pH of 7: _________________
g. low H+ ions: _______________
same number of H+ and OH- ions: _____________
5. Explain how enzymes function as catalysts.
a. _____________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________
6. Answer the true/ false questions based on the graphs shown below.
Graph A
Graph C
Graph B
For an enzyme to function properly, it would prefer temperatures above 50°C.
As the concentration of enzymes increase, the rate of chemical reactions decreases.
The optimal temperature for an enzyme is 20°C.
Enzymes have the greatest activity level when conditions are very acidic.
The optimal pH for an enzyme is 8.
Enzymes increase the activation energy needed to start chemical reactions.
7. Use the diagram below to answer the questions.
a. An enzyme is a biological _______________.
b. The substrate(s) are also known as
_________________ in a chemical reaction.
c. Like a key fits into a lock, substrates exactly
fit the ____________ ________ of enzymes.
d. The enzymes _____________ (weaken or
strengthen) the bonds of the substrate.
e. What will be true of an enzyme if the shape
is changed?
8. Identify the monomer for each macromolecule and list the function on the line below:
a. ______________
b. ______________
c. ______________
a. Carbohydrates
b. Lipids
c. Proteins
d. Nucleic Acids
d. ______________