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This means that their magnetism is there all
the time and cannot be turned on or
They have two poles:
1. north pole (or north-seeking pole)
2. south pole (or south-seeking pole).
The north pole is normally shown as N and
the south pole as S.
Most materials are not magnetic, but iron,
cobalt and nickel are magnetic. Steel is
mostly iron, so steel is magnetic too.
If you bring two bar magnets together, there
are two things that can happen:
• if you bring a north pole and a south
pole together, they attract and the
magnets may stick together
• if you bring two north poles together,
or two south poles together, they repel
and the magnets push each other away.
We say that unlike poles attract
You can only show that an object is a
magnet if it repels a known magnet.
Magnetic Field
The magnetic field is strongest at the
We now believe that the Earth's magnetic
field is produced by electric currents flowing
over 2800 km below us in the outer
part of the Earth's core.
The opposite way in the opposite hemisphere
(lines of force out of the ground in the S
hemisphere), horizontal at the
You can see from your diagram that the
Earth's magnetic north pole is not at the
same place as the Earth's geographic north
pole. At the moment it is to the west of
geographic north and moving east but a
compass needle will not point to geographic
north in London again until around the
beginning of the twenty second
The earliest use of magnets was as a
compass, which used the magnetic field of
the Earth to find a direction, which is
what you are doing now!