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Plant Systems
Vocab List: Gravitropism, Hydrotropism, Nastic
response, Phloem, Phototropism, Pistil, Stamen,
Stigma, Stoma (stomates), Thigmotropism, Xylem.
 Review of Plant Cells
– Plants are multicellular eukaryotes w/
cell walls made of ________________.
– Plants are ____________ that carryout
__________________ to obtain energy.
 To carry out cellular functions, plants need: Sunlight, Water, CO2, and Minerals
 Photosynthesis - the process by which plants convert light energy and carbon dioxide into sugars as a
food source for the plant.
(Carbon dioxide) (water)
1. Photosynthesis is a ___________ reaction because it combines simple molecules into more complex
molecules2. Is photosynthesis an endergonic or exergonic reaction? Explain why.
3. What serves as the carbon source for photosynthesis?
4. Sunlight is absorbed as packets of energy called _____________ (particles of light)
5. Besides C02, _________is also used in photosynthesis to produce ______________ molecules such
as the sugar ______________
6. ____________ energy is converted into _________________ energy.
7. Plants can make their own food so they are called ________________ (aka producers). Heterotrophs
are consumers. Examples of producers, ________________, and___________
8. Photosynthesis occurs mainly in the ______________ of plants.
9. Pores in the underside of leaves are called _____________, while the cells in leaves that contain
chlorophyll are called _________________ cells.
10. The organelle in mesophyll cells that contains chlorophyll is called the ________________
11. Name two gases exchanged through the stomata of a leaf?
12. Besides gases, ___________ vapor can be lost from a leaf.
13. The second part of photosynthesis is called the ___________ cycle.
14. Does the Calvin cycle require light energy?
15. The Calvin cycle is also called the __________ fixation or the ______ pathway.
16. Where do the light reactions of photosynthesis take place in a chloroplast?
 Plants have __________
_______ (different cell types perform specific functions). EX Root
cells, stem cells, and flower petal cells all have specific functions (jobs) that they carry out for the plant.
 __________ – PROTECTION FOR THE PLANT (__________ COATING)
 _______________ – TRANSPORT FOOD & WATER
 _______________ – Cells that lie between dermal and vascular tissue CONTAINS CELLS THAT ARE THE
 Veins in a plant are called ________________
 There are 2 types of Vascular Tissue:
1. __________ – transports __________ from __________ to the rest of the plant
2. __________ – transports _______ and other __________ throughout a plant (FOOD)
 _________________ – has not yet become specialized. These cells are produced in the ___________l
________________ (tips of roots & stems). Meristematic tissue is the only plant tissue that produces
 Specialized Tissues - __________________
 ____________ is the organ where most ______________________, and ____________________
[evaporation from plants] occurs. Remember, photosynthesis is used by plants to ________________.
 Through the leaf run __________ transport water, sugars, and minerals to the plant cells.
 ______________ are __________ or holes in the epidermis of the ________ that allow ____ exchange
(stoma – singular)
 ______________ comes in through the opening
and __________ leaves through the
 ________________ on each side of the
______________ control its opening and
 _______ is also lost through the stomata in a
process called _____________, so plants only
leave stomata open long enough to do
 When water pressure within the guard cells is
_______ (lots of water inside of plant) the thick outer walls of the cells are forced into a _________
shape, which _________ the stoma.
 When water pressure within the guard cells is _______ the inner walls pull together and _______ the
 Specialized Tissues - Stems
 _____________ are specialized cells that _________ leaves to hold them up to sun and ____________
water, sugars, and nutrients through the plant. Some stems are also_______________________
[glucose] storage areas.
 Produce branches &_____________
 Hold ___________ up to the ________________
 _____________ substances between __________ and
_____________ (through _________)
 In most plants, stems contain distinct _______, where
__________ are attached, and _____________ regions
____________________ the nodes.
 __________________– scattered vascular bundles
 _____________ – vascular bundles arranged in a ring
 Secondary Growth of Stems - Takes place in lateral
meristematic tissues called
 _______________________ – produces vascular tissues and increases stems thickness (wood)
 ______________________ – makes the outer covering (________________)
 Specialized Tissues - _______________
 ___________ are_________________ organs that absorb water and minerals necessary for transport
in the plant and anchor [hold] the plant in the soil.
 They help to prevent _____________________.
 ___________ – (ex: ___________) single large central root
 ______________ – (ex: __________) clump of short threadlike divisions
 Transport Tissues
 Just like in animals, vascular [_______] tissue
is the transport system for the plant.
 _____________ – transports _____________
in stacked cells to form tube like drinking
straws; movement is _______ from ________
to _____________
 ______________ – transports ____________;
movement can be _________________
 The reproductive life cycle of plants is called
__________________ of _________________
 _______________ Tissues - Flowers
 _________________ are a reproductive organ
(but not all plants have flowers).
 They have ___________ and _________ parts.
 ________________ – transporting pollen (_____________) from the male to female parts (_________)
 _________________ – union of sperm with egg (creates a development of a plant embryo [seed] which
grows into a mature plant).
 Flower Parts Male
 ___________ – consist of the
_________ (produces pollen)
and ___________(supports
 _________ – contains sperm
 Female
 ____________ – consist of the
___________ (where pollen
lands), __________ (connects
stigma to ovary) and the
___________ (develops into the
 __________ – develops into an
egg, eventually becomes the seeds when fertilized
 Non-sexual - ____________ – colored parts, attract pollinators (ex bees)
 _____________ – green parts, protect flower parts
 Reproductive Tissues - Seeds
 Seed Plants form _____________ (a ___________________________________) in order to reproduce.
 Seeds are encased in a protective covering called a _____________________. ex _________________
such as strawberries, apple, tomato, peach, cucumber; ex ______________ such as walnuts and acorns
 Seedless Reproduction
 Seedless plants do not form hard seeds (EX mosses and ferns) and therefore these plants
________________________________ in order for the sperm to swim to the egg.
 Another type of response, specifically to changes in
pressure, is called a ________________________.
The most common example is the infamous Venus
flytrap which closes its leaf when the plant senses an
insect through changes in cell pressure.