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The Five Themes of Geography
A Pre-Assessment Quiz
1. What is the difference between absolute and relative location?
a. No difference. They are different terms, but they mean basically the same thing.
b. Absolute location is an exact location determined by latitude and longitude.
c. Absolute location describes how a place is related to other locations.
d. Absolute location isn’t as important as relative location.
2. Geographers describe a place by
a. its colorful borders.
b. its many maps.
c. its physical and human characteristics.
d. its distance from the equator.
3. When studying place, geographers want to determine:
a. the characteristics that distinguish one place from another.
b. the traits shared by every place on earth.
c. how to find a place on a map.
d. how to give directions for finding a place.
4. In studying human/environment interaction, geographers look at
a. the natural and cultural features of a place.
b. where human beings choose to settle.
c. the ways people have destroyed the environment.
d. the positive and negative effects that occur when people interact with their environment.
5. Studying the consequences of human/environment interaction
a. helps people describe their community.
b. helps people plan and manage the environment responsibly.
c. helps people determine the ways that their community is unique.
d. helps people compare their community to other communities.
6. The theme of movement shows how
a. people are destroying the environment.
b. people are very self-sufficient.
c. people don’t really move very often.
d. people are connected to and dependent upon others.
7. A region is
a. an area on the earth’s surface that is defined by certain unifying characteristics.
b. a term used to describe how people have changed the environment to suit their needs.
c. a way to show patterns or trends.
d. none of the above
8. Geographers use the theme of ___________to divide the world into manageable units for study.
a. location
b. movement
c. human/environment interaction
d. regions
9. A single place might be part of many different ____________.
a. locations
b. environments
c. regions
d. cultural features
10. If you studied the consequences of the construction of the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River, you
would be analyzing information based on the theme of
a. regions.
b. movement.
c. human/environment interaction.
d. location.
On the map on the next page:
Write the following names in the correct locations.
Bodies of water:
1) Atlantic Ocean
2) Indian Ocean
3) Nile River
4) Mediterranean Sea
5) Gulf of Mexico
1) USA
2) Argentina
3) Brazil
4) The United Kingdom
5) Germany
6) Afghanistan
7) Egypt
8) Iraq
9) North Korea
10) Japan
Physical Features:
1) Himalayas
2) Sahara desert
3) Rocky Mountains
4) Amazon Rainforest