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What do Geographers Do?
look at the
patterns and
people and
land to help
them describe
the earth.
Five Themes of Geography
Where is it?
Two Types of Location
Absolute Location
• Absolute: Latitude and Longitude or an
– KCHS: Latitude 30º03’52.337” N Longitude:
95°29’30.833”W or 20811 Ella Blvd.
North/South Hemispheres
East/West Hemispheres
Relative Location
• Relative: Describing
where a place is by
describing places
near it.
– KCHS – south of
Schindelwolf & west
of Kreinhop.
What is it like?
Two Features
• Human features: The
culture of a place.
– Race, religions, languages,
governments, occupations,
architecture, foods, clothing,
• Physical features: Things determined
by nature.
– Climate, indigenous plants, animals, land
forms, types of soils, etc.
How do people
relate to the
physical world?
Human- Environment
• How people effect the environment and
how the environment effects people.
• People either adapt to their environment
or the alter their environment
• Dams
• Roads
• Farms
• Cities
How do people,
ideas, and
products move
from one
location to
• Movement of people, goods, and ideas
from one place to another.
Everything Came From Somewhere
Linear Distance
• How far do people, products and ideas
travel from one location to another.
Time Distance
• The amount of time it takes for a
person/idea/good to travel from one
location to another.
Psychological Time
• The way people perceive distance.
How are areas
similar or
• An area that is unique. Geographers use
regions to compare different areas.
Distinctive Characteristics
Formal Regions
• Defined by a limited number of related
• Houston
• Texas
• Africa
Functional Regions
• Organized around a set of interactions and
connections between places.
• Think of a hub:
– Downtown to Spring
– Medical Center to Sugarland
Perceptual Regions
• People see characteristics the same way.
Hill Country
The South
The Westbank
The Midwest
The Middle East
SW Houston