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My Future Career as an
Infectious Disease Specialist
Job Description
• Infectious Disease Specialists are doctors of internal medicine
(occasionally pediatrics), who specialize in the diagnosis and
treatment of infectious diseases. Infectious Disease Specialists have
expertise in the infections of the sinuses, heart, lungs, urinary tract,
bowel, bones and pelvic organs. Infectious Disease Specialists
specialize in all ranges of infections from bacteria, to viruses, fungi
and parasites. Many Infectious Disease physicians specialize in the
treatment of people with infections due to HIV (Human
Immunodeficiency Virus), which is the cause of AIDS.
Required Schooling
• Most infectious disease specialists complete an undergraduate
degree in biology and then do a premedical degree in infectious
disease or epidemiology before taking part in medical school, which
usually lasts approximately 4 years. After graduating from medical
school, infectious disease specialists earn their Doctor of Medicine
Degree and then must pass the United States Medical Licensing Exam.
They then continue their education and spend 3 years studying
internal medicine, which is then followed by 2 years of infectious
disease training.
Infectious Disease Specialist Salary and
• The salary of an infectious disease specialist in the United States
ranges from $174,269 to $219,729. As an Infectious Disease Specialist
you receive medical insurance that will cover basic eye and dental
care as well as any other medical fees. As an Infectious Disease
Specialist you will also be compensated if you suffer any injury/illness
while working. Infectious Disease Specialists get between two and six
weeks of vacation and receive between 2%-5% annual pay increase.
A Day in the Life of an Infectious Disease
• A day for an Infectious Disease Specialist begins one of two ways,
either you visit the quarantine unit at the hospital to diagnose and/or
treat a patient, or you go to the lab to identify a disease/parasite and
select/develop a treatment. If you are doing research you may also
spend time writing a research paper/grant to receive money to fund
your research.
Why would I like to become an Infectious
Disease Specialist?
• I would like to become an Infectious Disease Specialist because I am extremely
interested in entities that are dangerous to humans and how they destroy our
bodies defense mechanisms. I am also very interested in the way proteins
combine, function and how they bind and engage in destroying potentially
harmful substances.
• I think I will be very successful in this field as I am quite good at troubleshooting
problems, and thinking logically as well as analyzing a difficult situation in a short
period of time. I am also hard-working and motivated to help other people and
make a strong difference in our society.
• I already posses good social skills, as well as a calm logical thinking, which will
help when dealing with patients, especially when they are diagnosed with a
potentially dangerous disease, so I can keep them calm and efficiently, think
about how we can go about treating the disease.
Why would I choose Infectious Disease
Specialist over other medical professions?
• I chose Infectious Disease Specialist over other medical professions,
because as an Infectious Disease Specialist I can both interact with
people and make a direct impact on society, as well as complete
research and help develop treatments and vaccinations which is
more of an indirect benefit to our society. As an Infectious Disease
Specialist I can both develop treatments as well as interact/diagnose
patients, where as say a Family Care Physician, only diagnoses and
treats people, but does little in the way of research and a
microbiologist only does research and doesn’t interact with patients.
As an Infectious Disease Specialist I get the best of both worlds.
Thank you for listening!