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Domain: Bacteria and Archaea
__Prokaryotic______________ cells lack a nucleus and most organelles.
General characteristics:
__Unicellular________________ - one cell
Live everywhere
Most numerous life forms, appearing on earth 3.8 _billion years_ ago (earth
= 4.6 billions yrs old)
Basic life functions include:
__Aerobic___________ - use oxygen for respiration
___Anaerobic_____________ - use a gas other than oxygen for
___Autotrophs_________________ - make their own food
__Chemosynthesis___________________ - using chemical
energy to make sugar (food)
___photosynthesis__________________ - using light energy to
make sugar (food)
___Heterotrophs_________________ - eat others
___Decomposers_________________ - break down dead/decaying
organic matter
___Asexual_________________ - reproduction with only one parent
__Binary Fission__________________ - divide in half, new cells
each have DNA
__Endospore__________________ - “resting cell” protects the
bacterium from freezing, chemicals, heat, radiation,
etc…for 100s of years.
__Colonies__________________ - many bacteria living together
Bacteria – grouped according to _Shapes____________________
___Coccus/Cocci__________________ round (sphere)
____bacillus(i)_________________ rod
____spirillus(i)_________________ spiral
Archaea – grouped according to __shape, and where they live/get their
_____Extremophiles___________________ - live in extreme
environments (hot,
cold, dry, no oxygen, salt, chemicals like sulfur, acid, etc.)
Bacteria are helpful to humans!
in humans help to produce __vitamins_________________
in cows help to digest __grass (Cellulose)_______________ in the
__Oxygen____________ production -bacteria changed the earth’s
from 0% oxygen to over 20% oxygen during the two billion
years they dominated the planet, this paved the way for more
complex life
___Food____________ – high fructose corn syrup, cheese, butter,
sour cream, pickles, soy sauce, vinegar, grow crops (nitrogen
fixing bacteria), and cyanobacteria is eaten
__Fuel_____________ - a. methane from garbage, decaying plants,
b. petroleum – “oil,” comes from the remains of
bacteria that lived billions of years ago
___Decompose_____________ - break down oil spills, toxic
chemicals, even
nuclear waste (environmental cleanup)
___Antibiotics_____________ - chemicals that bacteria produce that
kill other
bacteria, many destroy cell walls
- bacteria can be used to make food coloring, cosmetics, enzymes
(for chemical reactions)
Bacteria can harm human by spoiling food and causing food poisoning
Bacterial infections include – strep throat, some pneumonias,
diptheria, cholera, tetanus, tuberculosis, bubonic plague, Lyme
disease, tooth decay and gum disease.
Bacteria can share or obtain genetic information several ways:
Transformation – collect DNA from the environment
Transduction – virus injects genetic information
Conjugation – bacteria share genetic material using a tube
Starting with the rectangle under ‘conjugation,’ and going clockwise around
the bacterial cell…
Ribosome – these structures that look like tiny dots make proteins
Flagellum – long, whip-like tail use for movement
Cell Membrane – controls what enters/exits the cell
Cell Wall – supports and protects the cell
Capsule – jelly-like substance that protects the cell
DNA – genetic material floats in cytoplasm unprotected
Cytoplasm – everything inside the cell membrane