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Bandhu Media Fellowship 2015
Sexual minorities in Bangladesh, namely men who have sex with men (MSM) and
transgender/hijra communities face violence, discrimination and rejection from
families, workplaces, educational institutions and broader society. They often
cannot access the same services and rights as other citizens, and are vulnerable
to poorer health. For example, HIV prevalence among populations of MSM and
transgender people in South Asia has seen alarming increases in recent years and
according to the Commission on AIDS in Asia (2008), greater than 50 percent of
all new HIV infections could be among MSM by the year 2020.
Unfortunately, media reporting on these vulnerable, sexual minority groups in
Bangladesh has often been prejudiced, inaccurate and sensationalist, resulting in
a distortion to the public’s views on sexual orientation and gender identity
issues.1 To remedy this, Bandhu Social Welfare Society is launching a Media
Fellowship initiative that leverages the influence of the media to work as a
positive force for improving the human rights and health of these vulnerable
populations. By engaging with communities and raising awareness among media
practitioners, the media can influence public opinion and policies and
programmes, and contribute to a more effective HIV response in the region.
The not-for-profit Bandhu Social Welfare Society (BSWS) has been working
since1996 to provide appropriate sexual health services for these communities
through economic livelihood, health care, and legal support, as well as to
establish a place in Bangladeshi culture and public policy for a third-gender
identity. BSWS has been running similar Media Fellowships on a variety of issues
since 2011.This Media Fellowship initiative is an activity under the Multi-Country
South Asia Global Fund HIV Programme, for which the United Nations
Development Programme Asia-Pacific Regional Centre (UNDP APRC) is the
Principal Recipient and BSWS is a Sub-Recipient.
For more information on the Multi-Country South Asia Global Fund HIV
UNDP, CFAR (2014). A Framework for Media Engagement on Human Rights, Sexual
Orientation and Gender Identity in South Asia.
Head Office : 99 Kakrail, 2nd & 3rd floor, Dhaka 1000,Bangladesh, Phone : 88 02 9339898, 9356868, 8356041, Fax : 88 02 9331048
E-mail : [email protected], Web :
Rationale for the Media Fellowship:
Producing reports/features on specific issues through media fellowships have
been used by development organizations in many countries as an effective policy
influencing tool to make issues more obvious to general audience as well as
policymakers. Different types of media as well as traditional and new media
platforms including newspapers, online newspapers, blogs, radio and television
channels around the world have been helping to raise public awareness on this
important issues by consistently highlighting HIV gender violence and so many
other issues around the world. By doing so, media fellowships have been
successfully used to impact governance institutions and policies.
In the context of Bangladesh, many international and national organizations have
offered media fellowship in order to involve journalists more on a specific issue
where media usually gives little or no attention for various reasons. The sexual
minority groups are grossly ignored by the media in general, partly because of
stigma and lack of clear understanding among journalists about the groups. Even
reported, these groups need protection of their confidentiality and seek equal
status like other human beings in society.
BSWS intends to make a bridge between the sexually minority groups and the
media in order to cater better understanding between the two and create a
positive attitude towards these minority people. It is expected that journalist
fellows from 10 different newspapers, online media, radio, television and blog
would contribute to make mass media more responsive and sympathetic to the
sexual minority communities, reduce misreporting, ignite new horizon for
journalistic reportage, highlight the rights of the sexual minority population and
pave ways for creation of a higher degree of social tolerance.
Areas to be covered:
 Human rights of sexual minority populations
 Epidemiological perspective of HIV and key populations at higher risk
 Stigma and discrimination faced by towards sexual minority populations
based on their sexual orientation and gender identity
 Religious beliefs and social views towards sexual minorities
 Livelihood opportunities, challenges and barriers
Number of Fellowships:
A total of 10 fellowships will be offered to journalists from the national level
media outlets including dailies, online newspapers, radio, television and blogs.
Out of the 10 fellows, three will be from daily newspapers (Bengali and English
daily), two will be from online newspapers/news agencies, three will be from
television channels, one will be from radio and one will be from blog.
Head Office : 99 Kakrail, 2nd & 3rd floor, Dhaka 1000,Bangladesh, Phone : 88 02 9339898, 9356868, 8356041, Fax : 88 02 9331048
E-mail : [email protected], Web :
Selection Process:
Through newspaper and online advertisements, BSWS will invite applications
from interested journalists to offer the fellowship to 10 journalists for three
months (October-December, 2015) to produce reports and feature stories on
sexual health and rights, including HIV/AIDS, sexual diversity, human rights of
Sexual Minorities as well as some other issues related to LGBT (Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender). BSWS will also give additional effort by sending
press release to media and letter to all media gatekeepers requesting to
nominate reporter for the fellowship from their media.
Tasks of Media Fellows:
Each media fellow will be responsible to perform the following activities:
 Produce
reports/features/documentary on given issues within the first two
months during three months fellowship program.
 Mandatory Attendance in one -day residential orientation workshop
in September 2015, organized by BSWS.
 Study background materials supplied by BSWS.
 Field work/case study/research/interview
report/feature stories.
Terms & Conditions:
 Articles or contents of fellows must be focused on above mentioned
 One day residential orientation session is mandatory for all selected
 Fellows will be responsible to publish/webcast/broadcast their
reports/features/documentary in their respective media outlets.
 A lump sum payment will be paid through one installment upon the
timely publication and submission of the news/feature stories to BSWS.
A total of minimum Thirty reports/features/documentary
(minimum 3 items by each fellow) on sexual minority issues of
A print or e-book would be published.
A publication with the details of selected fellows both print and
online version.
Head Office : 99 Kakrail, 2nd & 3rd floor, Dhaka 1000,Bangladesh, Phone : 88 02 9339898, 9356868, 8356041, Fax : 88 02 9331048
E-mail : [email protected], Web :
Selection Criteria:
 Minimum five years of working experience as a full time journalist with
national newspapers, online newspapers, radio, television and regular
writer in blogs.
 Preference will be given to journalists having experience on sexual
orientation and gender identity, and human rights issues.
 Experience in reporting on sexual minority populations will be an
 The fellowship will be awarded to national level print, online, radio,
television reporters and a blogger.
 Applicants have to submit a recommendation letter by his/her
Editor/CEO/supervisor (addressing BSWS Executive Director) with
the assurance of publishing four reports on Sexual Minority
Population issues.
 Applicants have to submit a Curriculum Vitae (CV) with recent
photograph and present and permanent contact address.
 Applicants have to submit a motivational letter mentioning why he/she is
interested to obtain the fellowship program.
 Must have enough influence to publish reports and feature stories in
their respective media outlets.
 Sound knowledge on sexual minority populations and their challenges
will be considered as an asset.
 Positive attitude towards the sexual minority populations will be given
 Former BSWS fellows are not eligible to apply for the fellowship 2015.
 Media fellowship application will only be accepted in a given format
uploaded in BSWS official website.
Orientation of selected media fellows:
BSWS will conduct a comprehensive residential orientation workshop as well as
research and planning session for selected media fellows. BSWS will also
organize one learning workshop with ongoing Media Advocacy after the
successful completion of the media fellowship program. Special award may also
be offered to best one fellow at the end of the fellowship program.
Head Office : 99 Kakrail, 2nd & 3rd floor, Dhaka 1000,Bangladesh, Phone : 88 02 9339898, 9356868, 8356041, Fax : 88 02 9331048
E-mail : [email protected], Web :
Remuneration, field expenses reimbursement and other support:
 Fellows will receive a fixed amount of BDT 50,000 (Travel and
Communication Cost) will be provided after the successful completion
and submission of the agreed reports to BSWS.
 At the completion of the project a dissemination workshop will be held
and award will be given to the best report or feature story.
 Selected fellows will be provided publications, IEC materials, e-book, DVD,
interesting links, connection, network related to sexual minority
population issues.
Review and Monitoring:
BSWS media and communications team and mentor/s will monitor the quality of
the submitted news reports on a regular basis and provide time to time \
feedback in order to improve the quality of reporting. The communication team
will also help journalists to find interesting story angles, get access to Sexual
Minority populations and produce quality reports. For any assistance and
clarification, fellows can contact Farhana Zarif Kanta, Program Manager or Mr.
Zahid Al Amin, Communication & Public Relation Specialist of BSWS.
Publication of Best Reports and Feature Stories:
BSWS will publish a collection of the best reports and feature stories with high
quality photographs. This book, printed in Bangla and English, will be published
in BSWS website and UNDP knowledge management website and it will be an
excellent policy influencing tool and be distributed to all concerned, including the
fellows themselves.
Application Deadline and Submission Materials:
The last date of the application for Bandhu Media Fellowship 2015 is 31
August 2015. Application will be accepted through online only. Any kind of
persuasion for obtaining fellowship will be considered as non-qualification of the
The application must include CV with photograph, a motivational letter, a letter
of recommendation from supervisor and filled up online application and send on
before closing date.
Head Office : 99 Kakrail, 2nd & 3rd floor, Dhaka 1000,Bangladesh, Phone : 88 02 9339898, 9356868, 8356041, Fax : 88 02 9331048
E-mail : [email protected], Web :