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Life Science Chapter 15-1 Food and
1. What does food provide? (3)
2. What are nutrients and list the six
groups of nutrients?
3. Energy is measured in calories.
What is a calorie?
4. How do biologists measure energy
and what is this unit the same as?
5. What does your daily energy
requirement depend on? (2)
6. What are carbohydrates made of?
7. List 2 things carbohydrates provide.
8. Carbohydrates are divided into
simple and complex. The simple
carbohydrates are known as what?
9. What is the major source of energy
for your cells and the form of sugar
that your body uses most easily?
10. What is a complex carbohydrate
made up of and give an example and
where it can be found.
11. To be able to use starch as an
energy source, what must be done?
12. Fiber is a complex carbohydrate
found in plants. How is it different
from starch?
13. Why is fiber important to have in
your diet?
14. Nutritionists recommend you have
how many carbohydrates and which
types are preferred?
15. What are fats composed of and
how are they different from
16. Besides providing energy, fats
also do what else? (3)
17. Fats are classified into what 2
types and what is the difference
between the 2 types? Give an example
for both.
18. What are trans fats?
19. Which fats are good for you and
which are not?
20. What is cholesterol, why is it
important, and why don't you need it in
your diet?
21. What do nutritionists recommend
for the amount of fat in your diet and
what happens if you get too much?
22. What are proteins and why are
they needed?
23. How much protein should your
diet include?
24. What are protein molecules made
25. How many different amino acids
are there and where do they come
26. Explain the difference between
complete and incomplete proteins and
give an example for each.
27. To get all of your essential amino
acids if you are a vegetarian, what
must you do?
28. What 2 nutrients are used in very
small amounts and what do they do for
the body?
29. What do vitamins act as?
30. Explain the difference between
fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins
and give examples of each.
31. Why are vitamins important?
32. Study the table on fat-soluble and
water-soluble vitamins. Know the
sources and function of each vitamin.
33. What are minerals, where are they
found, and how do you obtain them?
34. Study the table on essential
minerals. Know the sources and
functions of each mineral.
35. What can you survive longer
without--food or water?
36. Why is water the most important
nutrient? (5)
37. What does perspiration contain
and what does it do for the body?
38. How much water do you need
each day and where do you obtain it?
39. What do the USDA guidelines
40. List the groups on the food
pyramid and the amount of each you
should have every day.
41. What do food labels allow you to
42. What do each of the following
items on a food label tell you?
a. serving size
b. Calories
c. Percent Daily Value
d. Ingredients
43. What are the Dietary Reference
Life Science Chapter 15-2 The
Digestive Process Begins
1. List the 3 main functions of the
digestive system.
2. How long is the digestive system
and list the major parts of it? (Figure
3. What is digestion and what are the
2 kinds of it?
4. Explain the difference between
mechanical digestion and chemical
digestion. Give an example of each.
5. What is absorption? What happens
to materials not absorbed?
6. What digestion occurs in your
7. What is saliva?
8. Describe the mechanical digestion
that occurs in your mouth.
9. Describe how chemical digestion
occurs in your mouth. (Include figure
14 in your answer)
10. What is an enzyme and what is
unique about each?
11. How is food prevented from
entering your windpipe?
12. What is the esophagus and why is
it lined with mucus?
13. How does food move through the
esophagus? (include peristalsis)
14. Food leaves the esophagus and
enters the stomach which is what and
what occurs there?
15. Explain how mechanical digestion
occurs in the stomach.
16. When does chemical digestion
17. What do pepsin and hydrochloric
acid do in the stomach?
18. Why doesn't stomach acid burn a
hole in your stomach? (2)
19. Food remains in the stomach until
what happens?
20. What completes the mechanical
digestion of food?
21. What has happened to most of the
proteins in the stomach by the time it
is a thick liquid?
Life Science Ch. 15 Final Digestion
and Absorption
1. Where does the thick liquid enter
when it leaves the stomach?
2. What is the small intestine?
3. Describe the length and diameter of
the small intestine.
4. What nutrients have been broken
down and what haven't?
5. What takes place in the small
6. Where is the liver found and what
does it do?
7. What is the liver's role in the
digestive system?
8. What is bile, where does it go to be
stored, and where does it go when it
leaves storage?
9. What happens to the fat droplets
once the bile breaks them up into
smaller pieces?
10. What is the pancreas and what
does it do?
11. Fiber is not broken down but it is
helpful in the digestive system to do
12. What happens after chemical
digestion takes place?
13. Describe the inner surface of the
small intestine and explain how that
structure absorbs nutrients.
14. What is the last section of the
digestive system and how large is it?
15. What role do bacteria play in the
large intestine?
16. Which key nutrient is absorbed in
the large intestine?
17. What happens as food moves
through the large intestine?
18. What is the rectum and what does
it do?
19. What is the anus?