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I Blood Job
A. Carry oxygen (O) from lungs to all body cells—
carries carbon dioxide (CO) out of the cells.
B. Blood carries waste products from cells to
kidneys to be removed.
C. Blood transports nutrients to body cells.
D. Cells and molecules fight infections in blood, heal
II Blood Parts
A. plasma—liquid part of the blood made of water.
1. makes up more than half of blood made of
2. nutrients, minerals and oxygen are dissolved
here—wastes also carried here.
B. Red blood cells- have no nuclei
1. carry hemoglobin – molecule that carries O
and CO.
2. hemoglobin carries O to cells and CO from
cells as waste.
3. live only 120 days-2million-3million made
every second.
C. White blood cells
1. less in number than RBC-1mm has 5-10
2. fight bacteria, viruses, and other infections.
3. go into tissues from blood and kills bacteria
and than absorb it.
4. live only 1-3 days.
D. Platelets
1. irregularly shaped cells fragments help clot
2. 400,000 for every 1mm
3. live only 5-9 days.
III Blood clotting
1. platelets stick to outside edge
2. platelets release fibrin-threadlike fibers
where RBC are caught like a net.
3. catches blood cells and plasma—scab is
4. skin repairs itself underneath.
5. hemophilia-lacks clotting platelets-get blood
transfusions of platelets
IV Blood types
A. 4 types
a. A
b. B
c. AB
d. O
B. A, B, AB have antigens for those types on their
blood cells
C. O has no antigens
D. AB is the universal recipient
E. O is the universal donor
Table –Who can donate and receive blood
F. Receive wrong type—blood clots in blood vessels
G. RH factor (+ or -)
a. RH in blood-(+)
b. RH not in blood-(-)
(+) and (-) cannot get transfusions-pregnancy- RHneeds a Rhogam shot to prevent problems.
V Blood disease
A. anemia- not enough hemoglobin can’t get
enough O to body parts.
Causes--1. loss of blood
2. poor diet
3. hereditary
B. sickle-cell anemia—sickle shaped Red Blood
C. Lukemia—too many white blood cells in the
body—immature cells and kill mature cells.
I Cardiovascular System
A. heart, vessels, blood
B. heart- 4 chambers
Two upper chambers—atria or atrium
Two lower chambers—ventricles
C valves separate chambers
II 3 types of circulation
A. coronary—circulation through the
vessels of the heart.
i. Blocked—heart attack results
B. pulmonary—circulation of the heart to
the lungs – low O
i. blood to heart—high O
Diffusion—allows O into blood
hemoglobin—wastes move out into lungs.
Begins—right atrium -> right ventricle->
pulmonary artery-> pulmonary capillaries-> pulmonary
veins-> left atrium-> left ventricle-> aorta-> the body->
inferior vena cava and superior vena cava-> right atrium.
C. Systemic Circulation-moves blood to all
organs and body tissues.
i. O rich blood moves out of the heart
to body
ii. Body diffuses O into tissues and
pick up waste
iii. Blood returns to heart to be
pumped to lungs for more O.
IV Blood vessels
A. capillaries- smallest vessels (diffusion takes place
here) between veins and arteries.
B. Arteries- carry blood away from heart.
i. Muscular and pump blood pulse.
C. veins—carry blood back to the heart- valves keep
blood from flowing backwards.
V Blood pressure
A. pressure of blood against the walls of arteries.
B. highest in the arteries, lowest in veins
C. pressure rises when heart beats-lowers when it
D. nerves in arteries send messages to the brain—
the brain slows or speeds up the heart.
VI Cardiovascular disease
A. atherosclerosis- fatty deposits build up on
arterial walls
a. coronary arteries is very serious
B. hypertension- blood pressure higher than normal
all the time
a. wears heart out—must work harder to pump
C. prevention
a. exercise
b. eating well
c. no smoking
VII Lymphatic system
A. vessels and nodes that help filter blood and fight
B. Lymph- tissue fluid diffuses into the lymphatic
C. Produces lymphocytes- helps body defend against
disease-causing organisms
D. Lymph nodes swell when collecting disease
I Immunity
A. first defense-skin, respitory, digestive, and
circulatory systems.
1. skin- keeps pathogens from entering body, oil
and sweat helps.
2. respitory system- traps pathogens with
hairlike structures called cilia and mucus.
Mucus weakens cell walls of pathogens.
3. digestive system-uses siliva, enzymes, HCL
and mucus.
4. white blood cells- surround and eat
5. inflammation- attracts white blood cells to
swollen, warm area.
B. specific defense
1. fights antigens-complex molecules
2. Killer T-cells – release enzymes that destroy
invading matter.
3. helper T-cells – they turn on immune system
to make antibodies.
4. memory T-cells – help make antibodies to
specific pathogens.
II Types of Immunity
A. active immunity—your body makes its own
antibodies- vaccinations.
B. Passive immunity—antibodies produced in another
animal and given to your body—newborns get
antibodies from mother.
i. These do not stay long.
I Disease
A. micro-organisms cause disease—Louis Pasteur
B. Pasteurization—process of heating a liquid to a
certain temperature that will kill bacteria in it. EX: milk
Page 381 table 3
Page 383 fig. 13—Koch’s rules
C. infectious disease—caused by a virus, bacteria,
protist, or fungus and spread by a infected
a. Spreads by
1. food
2. water
3. air
4. objects
5. biological vectors—carriers
b. human vectors-people that carry disease
i. Lister-proposed the first steril ER using
carbolic acid soap
ii. STD-spread through humans by sexual
a. Examples-gonorrhea, syphilis,
Chlamydia, herpies
A. Human Immunodeficiency Virus
B. Exists in the blood and body fluids
C. Can hide for years
D. Blood to blood contact—infection occurs
E. Pregnant women can give it to their babies
F. Can not live outside the body
A. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
B. Attacks the immune system
C. Can not fight it with antibiotics
D. Anti-virals are used—terrible side effects
E. How it kills—
a. Attacks helper T-cells
b. Enters T-cell and multiplies
c. Bursts open-releases more HIV
d. More T-cells destroyed than not
e. Immune system is destroyed
f. 2 million cases world wide-- 816,000 in U.S.
IV Fight Disease
A. soap and water
B. bandages
C. hygiene
D. exercise
V Non-infectious Disease
A. not spread person to person
B. chronic-lasts a long time
Ex: lyme disease
D. allergies
a. Allergens are substances cause an allergic
b. Body reacts by making histamines—causing
redness, swelling of tissues and glands
c. Anti-histamines are given to stop reaction to
d. Treatment—drugs, injections
E. diabetes
a. level of insulin produced by pancreas are not
b. Type 1-too little or no insulin
c. Type 2- too much insulin
d. Tired, thirst, frequent urination, tingling are
e. Long term high glucose—blurred vision,
kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, loss of
feeling, diabetic coma.
F. Cancer
a. Caused by uncontrolled cell growth
b. Table 4 page 387
c. Exposure to chemicals, smoking, carcinogens
are causes
d. Table 5 page 388—warning signs
e. Prevention—know the signs, healthy lifestyle