Download HCT II blood review 2015

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What are the formed elements in blood and what are their functions
What do leukocytes do?
How long do RBC’s live
Identify the following and describe what they do:
HCT II review
HCT II review
What blood cells form in both bone marrow and lymphatic tissue? What specific blood cells are formed in lymphatic
Type A blood has what antigens and what antibodies
Type B blood has what antigens and what antibodies
Type AB blood has what antigens and what antibodies
Type O blood has what antigens and what antibodies
Who is the universal donor and who is the universal recipient.
What causes the following types of anemia?
Sickle cell
Iron deficiency
What plasma protein transports lipids and antibodies in the blood stream?
What plasma protein helps maintain water balance and blood pressure?
What white blood cell becomes a macrophage?
What is the correct order for hemostasis?
Blood vessel spasm followed by_______________________________ and ______________________________.
What is the first clotting factor released to start a chain of clotting events
A. prothrombin
B. thrombin
C. fibrin
D. Fibrinogen
Which of the above creates a sticky web to attract other clotting factors.
What does oxygen bond with in the RBC?
What is the liquid portion of blood called?
What is hematocrit?
What are the granular leukocytes?
HCT II review
What are the agranular leukocytes?
Be able to identify slides of sickle cell anemia, a normal blood smear, aplastic anemia and leukemia.
What is hematocrit?
What bones are three common sites (bones) for hematopoiesis?
What is the difference between an embolus and a thrombus?
Be able to complete some pungent squares.
Fill in the chart below
Blood Type
Can donate blood to:
Can receive blood from
Be able to complete Punnett squares. Know the difference between heterozygous and homozygous.