Download air mass large body of air that has the same characteristics of

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air mass
large body of air that has the
same characteristics of
temperature and moisture
content as the part of Earth's
surface over which it formed
the weight of the air pressing at
a given location
air pressure
the "oobleck" the soft layer
within the mantle that flows like
a thick liquid - plastic like layer
of Earth on which the
lithosphere plates float and
move around
The mixture of gases that
surrounds the Earth or some
other celestial body.
A region drained by a river and
the streams that flow into it.
average weather pattern in an
area over a long period of time;
can be classified by
temperature, humidity,
precipitation and vegetation
chemical weathering
a process that break down rock into
smaller pieces as a result of
chemical reactions - occurs when
chemical reactions dissolve the
minerals in rocks or change them
into different minerals
cold front
continental drift
convection current
The forward edge of an
advancing mass of cold air that
pushes under a mass of warm
Wegener's hypothesis that all
continents were once connected in
a single, large landmass that broke
apart about 200 million years ago
and drifted slowly to their current
current in Earth's mantle that
transfers heat in Earth's interior
and is the driving force for plate
continental crust
convergent boundary
Coriolis Effect
contour line
the lighter, older and thicker
part of the crust which makes up
the continents
transfer of heat that occurs when
particles move between objects or areas
of different temperatures (convection in
mantle= how mantle moves/plate
tectonics, oceans=deep ocean currents,
A tectonic boundary where two
plates are moving toward each
causes moving air and ocean
currents to turn right in the
northern hemisphere and left in
the southern hemisphere due to
Earth's rotation
a line on a topographic map that
connects areas with the same
the difference in elevation
between any two contour lines
contour interval
crustal feature
Features found on the Earth’s
surface that are caused by
movement of plates.
A flowing movement in a liquid
or gas, especially one that
follows a recognizable course.
deep current
a convection current in the
ocean that results from
differences in temperature and
A usually triangular mass of
sediment; especially silt and
sand, deposited at the mouth of
a river.
density current
forms when more dense
seawater sinks beneath less
dense seawater
dropping of sediment that
occurs when an agent of
erosion, such as gravity, glacier,
wind or water, loses its energy
and can no longer carry its load
An area that is sunk below its
surroundings; a hollow.
divergent boundary
drainage basin
A tectonic boundary where two
plates are moving away from
each other and new crust is
forming from magma that rises
to the Earth’s surface between
the two plates.
land area from which a river or
stream collects runoff
a series of vibrations induced in
the earth's crust by the abrupt
rupture and rebound of rocks in
which elastic strain has been
slowly accumulating.
the flowing back of the tide as
the water returns to the sea
El Nino
climatic event that begins in the
tropical Pacific Ocean, can occur
when trade winds weaken or
reverse and can disrupt normal
temperature and precipitation
patterns around the world
the altitude of a place above sea
level or ground level
a break, crack in earth's surface
along which rock has moved
flow (flood tide)
global pattern
a ripple in earth's crust formed
when rock layers are squeezed
together and pushed upward
Process in which surface
materials are moved from one
place to another by agents such
as gravity, water, wind and
period between low tide and
high tide, during which water
flows toward the shore
boundary between two air
masses with different
temperatures, density or
moisture can be cold, warm,
occluded and stationary
something that happens all over
the Earth in a similar fashion
a wind that blows steadily in a
path for thousands of kilometers
global winds
one half of a sphere, formed by
a plane that passes through the
center of the sphere
an area where the air is slowly
high pressure area
a tide when the water is at its
highest level
high tide
the amount of water vapor in
the air
large, severe storm that forms
over warm tropical oceans, has
winds of at least 120 km/hr and
loses power when it reaches
land or travels over cold water
an area of volcanic activity near
the middle of a tectonic plate
hot spot
ice wedging
Jet Stream
La Nina
a type of mechanical weathering
process that occurs when water
freezes in the cracks of rocks
and expands, causing the rock to
break apart
narrow belt of strong winds that
blows near the top of the
a cooling of the surface water of
the eastern and central Pacific
Ocean, occurring every 4 to 12
years and causing unusual
weather patters
melted rock that reaches the
earth's surface
earth's crust and the rigid upper
part of the mantle, rigid layer of
Earth about 100 km thick, made
of the crust and a part of the
upper mantle
a tide when the water is at its
lowest level
low tide
an area where the air is slowly
low pressure
hot, melted rock material
beneath Earth's surface
mechanical weathering
mid ocean ridge
neap tide
physical process that breaks
rocks apart without changing
their chemical makeup can be
caused by ice wedging, animals
and plant roots
a large chain of volcanic
mountains on the ocean floor,
formed where lava erupted
between oceanic plates
a tide with the least difference
between high tide and low tide
(know the position of earth,
moon and sun - they are at right
angles - either 1st or 3rd
pollution that has more than
one source/location
non-point source pollution
the rock that makes up the
ocean floor
oceanic crust
a part of earth's surface covered
by ocean water
ocean basin
the vast body of salt water that
covers almost three fourths of
the earth's surface
two different temperature
fronts that create a front
occluded front
chemical weathering process
that occurs when metallic
material is exposed to oxygen
and water over time
large, ancient landmass that was
composed of all the continents
joined together
plate boundary
plate tectonics
large section of Earth's oceanic
or continental crust and rigid
upper mantle that moves
around on the asthenosphere
Earth's lithosphere (the crust
and upper mantle) is divided
into a number of large, plate like
sections that move as distinct
theory that Earth's crust and
upper mantle are broken into
plates that float and move
around on a plastic like layer on
the mangle
one source of pollution that you
point source pollution
continuous force applied to a
gas, liquid, or solid by another
gas, liquid, or solid
rift valley
a valley that forms as two
continental plates pull apart and
new crust forms in the space
between them
Rainfall not absorbed by soil.
a photograph taken from a
satellite image
seafloor spreading
Hess's theory that new seafloor
is formed when magma is forced
upward toward the surface at a
mid-ocean ridge, the process in
which new ocean floor forms
form magma released at
boundaries between two
oceanic plates
small pieces of broken-down
rock that win or water deposits
in a new place
sedimentary rock
stationary front
surface current
spring tide
rock formed when layers of
sediment are compacted and
cemented together
a front between warm and cold
air masses that is moving very
slowly or not at all
ocean current caused by the
wind - that usually moves only
the upper few hundred meters
of seawater
regular, rhythmic rise and fall in
sea level created by the
gravitational attraction of Earth
and the Moon as well as Earth
and the Sun.
when the earth moon and sun
are in a straight line and it
makes a tide with the greatest
difference between high tide
and low tide
transform boundary
theory of plate tectonics
occur when tectonic plates slide
and grind against each other
along a transform fault. The
relative motion of such plates is
a theory stating that earth's
crust is made up of several rigid
plates that move on the
topographic map
a map that shows the elevation
of natural and artificial features
of a region
subduction zone
the region where one tectonic
plate slides under another
tectonic plate
violent, whirling windstorm that
crosses land in a narrow path
and can result from wind shears
inside a thunderhead
warm front
weather system
a transition zone between a
mass of warm air and the colder
air it is replacing
an area of land that drains into a
stream, river, lake or other body
of water
state of the atmosphere at a
specific time and place;
determined by factors including
air pressure, amount of
moisture in the air, temperature
and wind
mechanical or chemical surface
process that break rock into
smaller and smaller pieces
Different air pressure,
temperature and moisture that
create weather or natural