Download Systems of the Body Writing

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Imaginary Journey Through a System of the Body
For this writing assignment, you must do the following:
 Choose one of the following systems of the body:
Circulatory System (Red Blood Cell)
Respiratory System (Carbon Dioxide or Oxygen)
Digestive System (Food)
Nervous System (Signal)
 Imagine that you are the item indicated in parentheses for your
chosen system.
 Describe what a typical journey through this system must be
like. Use all of your senses!
Identify all of the parts of the body with which
you come in contact with. Describe the
action(s) that take place on your journey in a
creative and descriptive manner. You should
imagine how it would feel and use descriptive
words to describe what is taking place.
 Fill out the Graphic Organizer to organize your thoughts.
 Use your Graphic Organizer to write your paper.